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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Taking a day off to nurse my poor leg.

  2. Talking to someone about your nightmares is so passé. I prefer to drink away my nightmares at the Carnival. #ebz

  3. Tarot readings and drunken Munchkin

  4. Tattoo appointment booked for my birthday!

  5. Tell @CNN to give the American Dream Movement time on-air to respond to the Presidents' #jobs speech. http://t.co/D3JMNOs #CNN via @MoveOn

  6. Tell Dems: fight #hcr repeal vote and force Repubs to admit opposition to popular reforms. http://bit.ly/fMrjQm @CREDOMobile

  7. Thank you to everyone at @bpal for all the hard work!

  8. Thanks to that latte art throwdown, I was up till 4:30 in the morning, and only just woke up 'cause I had the foresight to set an alarm.

  9. That painful moment when you become aware of every action involving the body part you just got tattooed.

  10. The best Christmas breakfast is Christmas cookies.

  11. The best feeling in the world is going into work and finding out you don't actually have to work.

  12. The best part about living near a medical college is that I have lots of opportunities to sell my body to science.

  13. The cat has been bathed, and I have also been bathed.

  14. The cats snoring and cuddling with me is hardly motivation for me to get out of bed.

  15. The conversations at the tea house are always interesting.

  16. The downside to birthday parties when you're an adult is that you're the one who has to clean up afterward.

  17. The group to y left is discussing people who run the world. The guy to the right just got off the phone with the Masons about a loan.

  18. The guy working at the bus stop is watching Judge Judy clips on YouTube

  19. The horror story of the night: we're out of weed.

  20. The hot bar is by the pound. Don't get the heaviest stuff on it and then complain about the price.

  21. The kitchen guys are listening to looney toons music. For serious.

  22. The Lion is a beast on stage.

  23. The Lion's porn/supervillion name is Dark Intrigue.

  24. The more I unpack, the more I realize that my room is actually pretty huge.

  25. The next person who asks me if we take the weight of the plate off when we weigh the food gets punched in the face.
