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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Some dickwad just ordered from me while on a cell phone through gestures.

  2. Some of us actually need to get up in the morning and can't stay up all night giggling.

  3. Someone has my cell phone number and is texting me, but not telling me who they are. How irritating.

  4. Someone in the stall next to me just sounded like they were having a baby. People are neurotic.

  5. Someone just asked me what to do with their recycleables. Um...put them in your recycling bin?

  6. Someone listed McDonald's on their list of favorite places to eat in Lebanon. Yikes.

  7. Sometimes I wonder if I was dumped because my ambitions extended farther than sleeping all day.

  8. Sorry to still be on this, but I don't understand how Noah can fuck her when she looks like a cross between a soccer mom and a little boy.

  9. Sorry, roommates. My random cleaning/organizing urges tend to strike in the middle of the night. #atleastimcleaning

  10. SotD: ZOMG Smells' Dessert Rose. A delicious foody floral scent!

  11. SotD: ZOMG Smells' Elder Spicecake & BPAL's Malignant Dreams of Cthulhu in Love. Foody Eldritch Horror.

  12. Spectacle of Sin practice!

  13. Spending a dreary day in my car listening to Edith Piaf and going to yarn shops.

  14. Spending the evening matching tropes to my friend's #sailormoon fanfic. Nerdy? Naaaah.

  15. Spent the entire day mostly to myself, fighting with a crochet project. I think I've gotten it to submit to me, though.

  16. Staff party time! Time to see my coworkers druuuunk

  17. Started a documentary narrated by Leonard Nimoy, then realized what I really wanted to watch was Star Trek.

  18. Still drunk. Bachelorette party a success. Wanted to take bar tender home with me. Alas, not meant to be.

  19. Still sick. Hate my life. Trying to decide if I should try and get someone to cover my shift now, or wait until tomorrow.

  20. Story time: my coworker accidentally got hand sanitizer on her boobs today. My reaction? "I guess your dirty pillows aren't dirty anymore."

  21. Successfully plopped my hair. On a related note, can we work on terms for hair care that don't make it sound like I have a poop fetish?

  22. Suddenly I've gone from Forever Alone to having two potential goth boys. Hmmm!

  23. Taco Tuesday Goth Night! (@ ONE Pepper Grill & Lounge) http://t.co/fmkty9LV
