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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Shizu has decided that I'm feeling better. She's gone from laying near my feet and sleeping to poking my hands looking for pettings.

  2. Shizu just ran away from me and dropped one of my earrings while doing so. This cat has licked off all her fur; where is she hiding pockets?

  3. Shizu really likes being out on the enclosed porch. I think it's almost like being outside to her.

  4. Shizuka in one of her favorite lounging positions. http://twitpic.com/3av6hp

  5. Shizuka is being a little terrorist this morning.

  6. Shizuka is cuddling on my new roommate's bed. She's totally showing off.

  7. Shizuka is snoring in the corner. Haruka is purring next to me. Haru's vet appointment scheduled for tomorrow. Hope it's just a kitty cold.

  8. Shizuka is staring at me like a creeper. She learns it from Mommy.

  9. Shizuka thinks that if she jumps up on my butt enough times, I'll get out of bed and feed her.

  10. Shizuka totally threw stuff off the box she wanted to lie on before settling down. Thanks, cat.

  11. Shizuka, you're the quiet one. Stop meowing all over the house at 5 am.

  12. Shizuka's obsession today: licking my skirt.

  13. Should've just dug out the Twin Peaks boxset... now I'll never sleep. #MulhollandDrive

  14. Should've worn tights; I'm freezing.

  15. Sick on my day off. But @krikriT_T is bringing me ramen, and I'm making baby steps on finishing tidying up for @TylerAbstract 's arrival!

  16. Sigh. Even in my dreams Noah's rejecting me.

  17. Silly me, I thought baby shoes would be less expensive than adult ones.

  18. Skunk + Bordello = Skunk Bordello. #bpal

  19. Skyburgers' bread pudding totally just gave me o face.

  20. smythe-hummel: “Yeah,” I say as I take a slow drag from my cigarette, “I’ve seen a few ship wars in my day.... http://t.co/erVpnahe

  21. Snake shopping! (@ Pet Advantage) http://4sq.com/n93zEi

  22. Snot all up in my nose. Trying to get it out before it goes back to bothering my lungs. No way do I want to cough until I barf tonight.

  23. So many hidden nerds in Vermont reveal themselves in their wi-fi names. I'm looking at you, "AlbusSeverus".
