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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Roommate refused to let me have some of "her popcorn". Bitch, I bought that popcorn. Back off before I slap you.


  3. RT @MoveOn Republicans are coming after NPR and PBS yet again. They want to zero out their funding. Help stop them. http://bit.ly/eRAk8K

  4. RT @MoveOn: Stop the GOP attempt to redefine rape and set women's rights back by decades. Sign the petition: http://bit.ly/i1aZ04 #dearjohn

  5. RT @MoveOn: The GOP budget cuts billions for education, veterans, poor kids, & more. Sound the alarm. #GOPcuts http://t.co/3j5MJA6

  6. RT @politicususa: Foreign Press Says What America's Won't: Sarah Palin is a Traitor http://bit.ly/fgRp5I

  7. Salem is so delightfully kitschy. I want to frolic in all 10 million of its magic shops.

  8. Say what you want about my old lady crafts, but crocheting is some serious therapy for my heart.

  9. Scent of the day: Dream of the Fisherman's Wife. I always forget I smell awesome in aquatics. #bpal

  10. Scent of the day: Inferno. Keep this away from all sensitive areas. #bpal

  11. Scored some free maple syrup.

  12. Seeing my grandmother. She got her hip replaced, and now she's well on her way to becoming a robot.

  13. Selling off my possessions time! I have an old iBook on ebay selling as-is for parts: http://tinyurl.com/6zhs6qf

  14. Seriously, I went to tell roommate to STFU and got back and started crying because it hurt so much. :(

  15. Seriously, stop cuddling with Noah and go do something responsible.

  16. Seriously, they're up to my neck. #vanity http://t.co/MdUjXgC

  17. Seriously. Am I checking the oil in my perfume, or the oil in my car? http://twitpic.com/2hsdnz

  18. Seriously. They call it "The Hungry Man".

  19. Seriously... Every time I step into the break room, it's like I've stepped into the Black Lodge.

  20. Shall I have ice cream for breakfast? Yes.

  21. She decided that they are good to sleep in. Which I can deal with because the alternative means that she thinks they're good to pee on.

  22. She woke me up with her snickering. This is an all-time low. Why do they watch stand up comedy at dumb hours of the night?

  23. Shiiiiiiiiit, I forgot how catchy jpop/kpop is.

  24. Shiny things and free samples. Being blazed at the craft fair is the best.
