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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Hmm... I may still be drunk.

  2. I may also be a little drunk.

  3. Hey redneck douchebags, how about you NOT use all the maxi-load washers when you're doing your once-a-year laundry run?

  4. Went out to do errands. Get back, and roommate isn't pulled in all the way. Bitch, this is not rocket science.

  5. Dragon's Milk doesn't hate me. I guess there's actually something in the Ars Draconis section that I can wear! #bpal

  6. Why is it that every time I go near my crotch I get #MapofTasmania stuck in my head...?

  7. It's soooo fucking dry in my house. I'm hoping putting the humidifier in my room means I won't wake up with a sore throat every day.

  8. Astrology is a pseudo-science. One that I find incredibly uncanny and accurate most of the time, but still. Go panic over real news.

  9. I wish I could piss maple syrup. #Vermont

  10. Today at work, I used a butter knife to chisel hardened grease off a panini grill that hasn't been cleaned since the last age of man.

  11. Oh man, this hippie cough syrup is so much better than the other stuff. Honey-based remedies FTW.


    http://tinyurl.com/25luxjo My father had a pair of pants just like in the first picture. He called them his "lucky pants".

  13. I am now well enough to actually play Wii Fit!

  14. My cat loves naan. She's a weird one.

  15. Gave my cat a good scritching and now she's sleeping peacefully next to me. I wish my life was that simple.


  17. Woke up, thought I was doing better. So I started organizing my room, and then I took a nap and I'm still exhausted. :(

  18. I have a not-so-secret love for Pizza Hut. #ilovetrashyfood

  19. I know a secret. <3

  20. Tell Dems: fight #hcr repeal vote and force Repubs to admit opposition to popular reforms. http://bit.ly/fMrjQm @CREDOMobile

  21. It's Miyazaki's birthday! 御誕生日おめでとうございまず!

  22. I got my #bpal today, but I'm too sick to smell anything. :(

  23. Is comcast fucking up again, or is it just me?

  24. My ears feel like they're going to explode. I hate being sick. Have I mentioned that?
