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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Pumpkin pancakes, beer, and anti-depressants. Breakfast of champions.

  2. Pumpkin spice ALL OF THE THINGS! (@ Starbucks Coffee) http://t.co/O4SqxaTI

  3. Put a collar on Shizuka, and she becomes and almost completely different cat.

  4. Putting some BPAL up on ebay: http://bit.ly/dZqWLd

  5. Putting weight on my right foot makes me want to cry right now.

  6. QUICK: AT&T and Comcast preparing to implement"Three Strikes" plan to censor users' web access: http://t.co/7fYleTs via @demandprogress

  7. Quote of the day, from a friend's mom: "I may only sleep with men, but what I do with them is certainly not straight."

  8. Ran out of milk. Living in desperation. Thinking of eating cat. Send help. #btv

  9. Raven is not sure what to think of me yet. http://t.co/MG0c3Me

  10. Read scary stories, now to scared to go to bed. Why do I do this to myself?

  11. Really, the UMall is closed, but I still have to go to work? #btv

  12. Reblog this if you AREN'T homophobic. - › Just want to see how many of my followers actually reblog this. http://t.co/8cAU0AK9

  13. Redeemed my free panty coupon, with bonus cheap push up bra. Victory for Sylvanas!

  14. Replacement Girlfriend apparently has a new job. But that's okay, because she's still an ugly, annoying bitch.

  15. Replacement girlfriend is flailing about at goth night.

  16. Restarted Dirge of Cerberus. Turns out I haven't played since 2006. Yeah, time to start from the beginning.

  17. Riding through Harlem makes me hungry. All that delicious comfort food that reminds me of my grandma.

  18. Rodriguez sandwich!

  19. Roommate had her eye on my chocolate peanut butter tart. I shut that one down pretty fucking quick.

  20. Roommate is being a yarn snob. STFU and buy acrylic yarn, or spend a billion dollars. Or raise some sheep and spin your own yarn.
