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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Oh man. Making sugar on snow is the best way to spend a snow day.

  2. Healthy Living is closing at 6 tonight! #btv

  3. Some dickwad just ordered from me while on a cell phone through gestures.

  4. RT @MoveOn: Stop the GOP attempt to redefine rape and set women's rights back by decades. Sign the petition: http://bit.ly/i1aZ04 #dearjohn

  5. Really, the UMall is closed, but I still have to go to work? #btv

  6. Wearing Candles Moon for Imbolc. #bpal

  7. Jailed for sending black kids to white school? Tell OH Gov. Kasich to #savekellywilliamsbolar http://bit.ly/fcAGut @colorofchange

  8. Is it too early to fire 2011 and bring 2012 up in here? I'm not impressed.

  9. In the meantime, I have a greased cat.

  10. Drinking pu'er steeped in a pot that has sex scenes in the style of old chinese art.

  11. Seeing my grandmother. She got her hip replaced, and now she's well on her way to becoming a robot.

  12. Dammit, I hate when bottles wander off on me. Where are you, Candy Corn Coated Candy Apple? #bpal

  13. I'm pumped full of caffeine, and I am on a mission to re-label my entire #BPAL bottle collection.

  14. Call on the Education Department to protect low-income students. Sign the @ColorOfChange petition here: http://bit.ly/fH5z1X

  15. Today, Shizuka would like to help me test and review #bpal. She will do this by sticking her butt on my notepad.

  16. I have Cadbury Creme Eggs. I am currently hiding them in my cleavage.

  17. Neti pots are weird.

  18. If she was ever considerate of another person other than herself, I would drop dead of shock.

  19. It smells like ass at my register.

  20. BPAL of the day: Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream.

  21. Dexter and amaretto sours to dull my homicidal urges.

  22. Roommate had her eye on my chocolate peanut butter tart. I shut that one down pretty fucking quick.

  23. Hey, look. My apps all work again.

  24. Being a Mac Whore is expensive. I need someone to buy me a new computer.

  25. Had my dose of nyquil IN MY MOUTH before I realized that I drank way too much tonight to take it. Spit it back out. Le sigh.
