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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. "Oh God, I remember that one!" ~my roommate remarking on a clip he overheard . #muppetlobby

  2. Watching Metropolis. I feel it's strangely relevant to recent happenings.

  3. Kaylee, get your nose out of the Pyramid Collection magazine. No good comes of that.

  4. Paid my speeding ticket, have no money. Being an adult is hard.

  5. Oh god, it's mardi gras weekend. FML. #btv

  6. At the post office. A mom and little daughter are rubbing then shocking each other.

  7. Apparently $75 IS the cheapest bundle? Are you fucking kidding me?

  8. 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。

  9. On the plus side, I've discovered the emoji button on the japanese keyboard. o(^▽^)o

  10. I'm with my mom for her surgery pre-op stuff. The nurse sounds like Tom Waits.

  11. Why am I awake?

  12. My new boss is kind of a jerk. Not surprised.

  13. Little Miss "I Want to Leave by 10, So You Can't Park Me In" isn't even up yet.


  15. I am so over this tourtiere business. At least until tomorrow, when I will actually bake the pies.

  16. This sounds like a bad euphemism for the clitoris. http://yfrog.com/gyqqhkygj

  17. Scent of the day: Dream of the Fisherman's Wife. I always forget I smell awesome in aquatics. #bpal

  18. Also, Haru has taken to hanging out in the bathroom. IDEK.

  19. Roommate refused to let me have some of "her popcorn". Bitch, I bought that popcorn. Back off before I slap you.

  20. God, I'm dying of boredom.

  21. Should've worn tights; I'm freezing.

  22. Why are all these bots from Essex, England following me? Guys, I'm not from the Essex you're thinking of.
