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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. C'mon, Livejournal... stop being a jerk.

  2. Why am I awake so early? Oh, yeah, because I went to bed early. Silly me.

  3. I'm going to crochet a penis for my niece for her bachelorette party. Should I go for realistic or unrealistic colors? Plz advise.

  4. I can tell what kind of day it is weather-wise by how tight my cats are curled up when I wake up.

  5. It's snowing again. I'm not mad, #VT, just disappointed. #btv

  6. No, NO. You CANNOT use my "sunsual blend" massage oil to have sexy fun times with your Replacement Girlfriend.

  7. No, Kaylee, you do not need that zebra print glue gun. #crafty

  8. Am I the only one who likes slightly stale Pirate Booty?

  9. Okay, it's at least sunny out right now. The forecast says snow/rain like yesterday. Blech.

  10. There are these girls at the bar I'm at, and I'm jealous of their head accessories.

  11. In a Depeche Mode t-shirt and a black velvet skirt. I'm half one type of goth and half the other.

  12. Harry Potter Clue? Are we trying to figure out who killed Dumbledore? 'Cause I'm pretty sure we all know...

  13. She woke me up with her snickering. This is an all-time low. Why do they watch stand up comedy at dumb hours of the night?

  14. You come here all the time. Why are you surprised at the price of things?

  15. Apparently, there is a wolf in my digestive system right now. At least, that's what it sounded like just now.

  16. RT @politicususa: Foreign Press Says What America's Won't: Sarah Palin is a Traitor http://bit.ly/fgRp5I

  17. Story time: my coworker accidentally got hand sanitizer on her boobs today. My reaction? "I guess your dirty pillows aren't dirty anymore."

  18. Seriously, they're up to my neck. #vanity http://t.co/MdUjXgC

  19. Redeemed my free panty coupon, with bonus cheap push up bra. Victory for Sylvanas!

  20. It's too early to be awake. I dont care if you laugh at me for considering 10:30 to be "too early".

  21. Not so modern Modern Needlecraft. http://t.co/U6zGdRF


    #bpal of the day: Octopus and Abalone Diver. For Matsuri.
