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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Oh yes, bottle of wine. Make sweet love to me.

  2. If you have dietary restrictions, I shouldn't have to walk you through what you can eat at the buffet. The ingredients are listed.

  3. I smell like a chaotic evil halfling cleric. #bpal

  4. Oh wow... a whole season of an anime for $30? I remember when one VHS containing three episodes was that much. #backinmyday

  5. I don't want to work on a Saturday! I want to roll around in bed all day.

  6. If these wrinkles under my eyes don't go away, I might have to write up a Craigslist ad looking for virgin blood donors.

  7. The weirdest things are trending today.

  8. My cats' philosophy on mischief is "If I do something bad, then run away really quickly, Mom won't know it happened."

  9. Why did replacement girlfriend decide it was time to play "go in the bathroom and for a half hour and clear my throat"?

  10. I really hate men.

  11. If I ride my bike down to #freeconeday, the calories don't even count, right?

  12. I'm crocheting a Cthulhu hat. You know you're jealous.

  13. Sometimes I wonder if I was dumped because my ambitions extended farther than sleeping all day.

  14. My cat breathes in her sleep as loudly as Noah does.

  15. Woe is me. I don't have the size crochet hook I need to start on my penis.

  16. Big bucks tonight. Fantastic since that helps pay my bills.

  17. Good morning, Twitter. I cannot find my mini top hat, so I am crocheting a new one. I'm like a goth Suzie Homemaker.

  18. Tarot readings and drunken Munchkin

  19. Roommate is being a yarn snob. STFU and buy acrylic yarn, or spend a billion dollars. Or raise some sheep and spin your own yarn.

  20. Case of organic mangos from @HealthyLivingVT ? Don't mind if I do!

  21. Awake. What shall I do? Laundry is first on the list...

  22. Haruka, do not sneak up on me and meow loudly in my ear.
