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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Post alcohol carb binge complete.

  2. Still drunk. Bachelorette party a success. Wanted to take bar tender home with me. Alas, not meant to be.

  3. Party drama. One of the husbands doesnt approve.

  4. Fuck yeah drag queens.

  5. I look like a drag queen tonight.

  6. I'm wearing feather earrings, my scent locket, a veil, and a mini top hat. I am surprised they're still intact.

  7. Snot all up in my nose. Trying to get it out before it goes back to bothering my lungs. No way do I want to cough until I barf tonight.

  8. My great-nephew with my sister. http://t.co/boyyDvV

  9. Raven is not sure what to think of me yet. http://t.co/MG0c3Me

  10. Indianapolis, I am in you!

  11. Also, my mom re-sent my flight info before me asking and sent me some money. Cancer moms are the best.

  12. I hate when I'm a snot machine.

  13. Okay, upstairs apartment, you're a little forgiven because now you're playing Lady Gaga. But after this is done, it's after 10.

  14. Out, snot demons! Out!

  15. At NEWC, where I cannot smell anything. Oh the humanity. 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。

  16. No matter how many times I drink beet juice, I am never not shocked when my poop ends up red. #tmi

  17. Maybe I'll go put socks on. #babysteps

  18. Watching old Twilight Zone episodes on Netflix.

  19. Just got caught up on #FreshHell.


    #BPAL of the day: Ginger Skulls!

  21. I hate everything. Why did I have to go and get sick?

  22. A guy left a cloud of axe body spray around my register. I cannot express how turned on I am right now. #sarcasm

  23. If I don't get my @zomgsmells order today, heads will roll at the Post Office. It was marked as delivered yesterday, but no package. >:(

  24. At a masquerade party eating French fries in my Cthulhu hat. #youwishyouwereme
