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Posts posted by yamiko

  1. One of my first imps was Lady Macbeth, and I fell in love with it. It was dark and glorious, and smelled like delicious wine. When I got a bottle of it, it smelled like grape soda. I tried letting it settle, rolling it, aging it, and it still smells the same. Anyone know what's up with that? I want the original imp's scent! :(


    I'm going to try buying another bottle to see if I can get the smell I like, I think.

  2. In Bottle: A delicious, deep, gorgeous cabernet.


    Wet on skin: There's something metallic in the background, beyond the tannic smell of the cabernet. Must be the blood.


    Drydown (3 minutes): It's more incense-y now, with the individual notes of the wine coming out as well.


    Drydown (5 minutes): It's sweetened up a bit, but without loosing that tannic/metallic edge to it. I can distinctly smell the rose and fruits, with a background of the oak and incense, and a teeny bit of spice in there. A well-rounded wine, indeed!


    Overall Impression: I knew I was going to love this from the moment I read the description. Cabernet is my favorite wine, and there's nothing in this that I'm even "meh" over. I absolutely LOVE booze/wine scents, and this does not disappoint.

  3. MCLXXXVIII (1187):

    Sweet citrus, like a freshly peeled orange. As it dries, it doesn't really morph at all.


    XXI (21):

    This starts out smelling like sage and leather, and dries down to a sort of metallicy, oily, leathery scent. It's a little like Rivet.Goth, only a little more tolerable to my nose.


    DCCCLXXII (872):

    Woods and leather and a bit of musk and spice in the bottle. On me it's mostly clove with a bit of woods. Slightly masculine, but not overly so.

  4. In Bottle: Cinnamon! And I think vetiver, though my knowledge of what vetiver smells like is limited to the soaps we sell at work.


    Wet on skin: I can smell the citrus now in the background, but it's still pretty spicy and herby.


    Drydown (3 minutes): The cinnamon has definitely quieted down a bit, and it's gotten really citrusy.


    Drydown (5 minutes): No spice, all citrus. Vetiver maaaaybe hiding a bit in the background.


    Overall Impression: I have this thing with citrus. I like to smell citrus, but I don't like to smell like citrus. And yet, I always forget this when I buy perfume that has citrus in it. I'd like this if there was some vetiver, amber, and cinnamon to be found after it dries on me, but right now I'm not a big fan. I'll have to try a bit more than just testing it, but I think this one is not for me.

  5. In Bottle: Leather and oil. It kinda smells like a new car to me.


    Wet on skin: It kinda smells like new leather and old, dirty machinery. It's got a bit of an "artificial" smell to it that I'm not really fond of.


    Drydown (3 minutes): Still artificial smelling. I think that's the oil talking to me. Or rather, yelling obscenities outside the goth club at me.


    Drydown (5 minutes): Yeah... this doesn't really change on me.


    Overall Impression: This is so not my scent at all. I'm not a big fan of the in-your-face leather notes, and that and the oil is all I get out of this.

  6. In Bottle: Smells like... pink! I can mostly smell the strawberries and peach.


    Wet on skin: It smells a lot like Strawberry Moon, I think. Sugary strawberry. Kinda reminds me of strawberry Bubbleyum.


    Drydown (3 minutes): I don't really smell anything other than the peach and the strawberry. It's super sweet and fruity.


    Drydown (5 minutes): It's a little less fruity now, I think I can smell the woodsy and flower notes a little bit now.


    Overall Impression: This is a very cute scent! Sweet and fruity, with a hint of floral in the background. Very Loligoth, in my opinion.

  7. In Bottle: Light florals. Kinda smells like rose, lilac, and lavender.


    Wet on skin: Lilac, rose, and amber


    Drydown (3 minutes): I dunno, it's going vaguely soapy on me, but I can't tell if it's just because of the bunch of different flowers all together.


    Drydown (5 minutes): Yeah, it's soapy on me. :(


    Overall Impression: This one had promise! I was hoping for more rose, since I love that note. I thought if I tried hard enough, I would like it, but I'm no good with most floral scents. Alas. :(

  8. In Bottle: Smells like Sprite, or Mountain Dew.


    Wet on skin: Sugary lemon-lime, with less of the fizzy note.


    Drydown (3 minutes): The fizzy is coming out more now.


    Drydown (5 minutes): Major fizz! It kinda tickles my nose like I'm smelling a soda, lol.


    Overall Impression: I was kinda meh on this from the description, but then I smelled it. I love the Lab's fizzy note, and I wish it was used more often. This is a very light, summery scent. Very refreshing! Makes me want to drink soda and roleplay.

  9. In Bottle: Muuuusk. And cherry.


    Wet on skin: Vanilla-y cherries. Don't really smell any musk now, huh.


    Drydown (3 minutes): Sweet boozy cherries, with a musky background.


    Drydown (5 minutes): Pretty much the same. Sweet cherries, with a little must to add depth to the scent.


    Overall Impression: This is nice, but I do have lots of fruity and boozy scents already. I'll grab one if it's a good deal, but it's not on my OMGMUSTHAVE list.

  10. In Bottle: Musky incense and amber, with a hint of dark fruits.


    Wet on skin: Mostly amber now, with a hint of sweet incense.


    Drydown (3 minutes): Sweet, ambery fruits.


    Drydown (5 minutes): The incense and musk has come back, but it's still pretty sweet. There's a sharp note in there as well, which I assume is the opium.


    Overall Impression: When I smelled this in the decant, I wasn't really sure that I'd like it, 'cause it was so very musky. But once I put it on, it morphed a lot. Now everything is blended together into a nice, sweet, but not too sweet, incensey, fuity scent. Now, to acquire a bottle of this...

  11. Wow, first page! :D


    In Bottle: Greenery and honey, with a hint of berry.


    Wet on skin: Mostly honey, with the green and berry smell in the background.


    Drydown (3 minutes): I kinda smell a bit of spice along with everything. Mostly it's just a rich honey scent.


    Drydown (5 minutes): It's very sharp and sweet and soft all at once. I still mostly get honey from this, with a teeny hint of the nightshade plant and berries. I think I'm in love.


    Overall Impression: Why did this not come into my life sooner!? I LOVE this scent. I was slathering it on me all day long, and everyone was telling me how awesome I smelled.

  12. In Bottle: Kinda smells like a Jell-o mix. Very sweet, red, and fruity.


    Wet on skin: Definitely smells like amaretto and wine.


    Drydown (3 minutes): I think I smell the currant now along with everything else.


    Drydown (5 minutes): Smells like a sweet wine.


    Overall Impression: This is a pretty delicious scent. Wet, fruity, and red.

  13. In bottle: Flowery fruits.


    Wet on skin: Sweet and fruity. I definitely smell the pear and the coconut.


    Drydown (3 minutes): Kind of a flowery coconut-y smell now.


    Drydown (5 minutes): Every thing is really blended together nicely. I mostly smell pear and coconut with a light floral background.


    Overall Impression: This is very nice scent for spring, I think. It's kinda wet, and green, and fruity, and slightly floral.

  14. In Bottle: Kinda smells like shampoo. It's pretty citrus-y with a faint herbal background.


    Wet on Skin: Citrus. I think I smell the myrrh and amber in there, as well.


    Drydown (3 minutes): Still super citrus-y. It hasn't changed too much on me.


    Drydown (5 minutes): Still hasn't morphed at all on me.


    Overall Impression: This kinda smells like a sunset in the very end of summer. Very bright, golden, with a small faint inkling as to what lies ahead.

  15. In Bottle: Oh geez. I usually like spicy smells, but this is so overwhelming. It smells like a deep blood red or black.


    Wet on Skin: Dark, heavy spices. It's very peppery.


    Drydown (3 minutes): I think I can start to smell other things, like the clove and the ginger. It's starting to get a little metallic now, too.


    Drydown (5 minutes): It's pretty clove-y now, with the pepper and metal taking the background, but still having a presence.


    Overall Impression: This is a scent I would point someone to if they were looking for something masculine. It's a very Martial scent, with a fairly good throw. It also kinda smells like a spice rub for a steak. I do like how it smells once it's settled on my skin, but overall, it's really not for me.

  16. In Bottle: Thick, sugary, and fruity. Like smelling jam.


    Wet on Skin: Not quite as heavy, but still a sugary fruity smell.


    Drydown (3 minutes): It smells a little buttery now, like the scones are starting to come out.


    Drydown (5 minutes): Everything's kinda blended together to form the delicious scent of a breakfast with scones and jam.


    Overall Impression: This scent makes me hungry! Delicious scones and jam. I want to eat my arm.

  17. In the bottle: Spiced cider, yum!


    Wet on Skin: Very spicy. I can smell the apple and the orange peel.


    Drydown (3 minutes): The smoke is coming out more, and I think I smell the sassafras beer, too.


    Drydown (5 minutes): This is spicy and smokey now, with not so much of the fruit.


    Overall Impression: This is a perfect autumn scent. Spicy and smokey and fruity and a teeny bit herby, it's pretty much my favorite notes rolled into one scent. Makes me wish it was October and not February!

  18. In the bottle: Wet fruits. Berries, I think. Maybe some apple in there, too.


    Wet on skin: Spicy fruits, like a mulled wine, almost.


    Drydown (3 minutes): Still spicy fruits, though I can smell a little bit of a floral background.


    Drydown (5 minutes): A little more flowery now, but still pretty fruity.


    Overall impression: I absolutely love Eris. This was the first scent that got discontinued that upset me when I found out about it. It kinda turns metallic on my wrists over the course of the day, but I find that I like that. It's a very red scent, almost pulsing. I will be hoarding any imps of this that I can get ahold of.

  19. In the bottle: Herby, very green, a little soapy. Not really a scent I usually go for, but I recently found a locally-based decant circle, and I grabbed this with my Werepuppy for kicks.


    Wet on skin: Not at all soapy on the skin, and SUPER herby. It kinda smells like an herb shop. I have a hard time picking out notes in scents like this, because I really don't know what these things smell like on their own.


    Drydown (3 minutes): I think I smell the cardamom a bit now, and it's a little more flowery. Oh, and star anise. It smells a little like Kyoto, I think.


    Drydown (5 minutes): Yeah, definitely flowery and musky now.


    Overall impression: This is nice, but not really my thing. It's a beautiful blend, very flowery, herby, and a touch of sweetness. It's luckily not a headache-inducing blend, which is how a lot of white and green scents end up for me. I think this should go to someone who would appreciate it more than I do.

  20. In the bottle: Very honey, with a little spice, which is probably the musk.


    Wet on skin: Very sweet, like the honey candies I buy when I get sick.


    Drydown (3 minutes): I can smell some powder and milk now. Not like the bad baby powder smell that some scents turn to on me, but a good baby powder.


    Drydown (5 minutes): Sweet and powdery and milky. Like how a baby smells in a perfect world, and not reality.


    Overall impression: Yummy in the bottle, and even better on me. I was surprised by how much I liked this. I only got an imp from a decant circle 'cause I wasn't thrilled with the description. It also kinda smells like a craft store in a way for some reason. Maybe I will try to acquire a bottle of this.
