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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Photo: thisisnotgoth: But it IS hilarious. http://t.co/eJaTOGSJ

  2. I am so incredibly sore all over. It's been a bad week for my ankle, and it's enlisted the rest of my body into rebelling.

  3. Photo: I was way overdue for a mask. This one is a ridiculous shade of blue. http://t.co/wO0zM3Lc

  4. Photo: judgmentofparis: I’m not that big, but I am bigger than today’s ideal. This is how I feel when I look... http://t.co/6xTKYCJr

  5. I just became the mayor of Dim Sum Umbrella on @foursquare! http://t.co/Q169ubbL

  6. Lights flickered, better light my one million candles. #omgoth

  7. I didn't have half of the ingredients, but I made it anyway. #stonercooking

  8. My old roommates are moving out, and my new roommates are moving in. I will be staying the fuck out of the way.

  9. Time to resign myself to the fact that I am far too high to sew the wings on this amigurumi bat.

  10. Photo: fullspeedtothesun: Love not only the giraffe, but the World/Inferno thing in the BG http://t.co/mRtt6yIK

  11. The people next door are watching Cowboy Bebop.

  12. ivegotakillertruckonmyass: He can’t die, he’s signed on for 5 more movies. http://t.co/eBWAnWo8

  13. Photo: These shelves were a bronze color when I first got them from a yard sale a few weeks ago. I painted... http://t.co/IBdAGolB

  14. I just reached Level 2 of the "Bento" badge on @foursquare. I’ve checked in at 5 different Japanese Restaurants! http://t.co/JUO5Xvg1
