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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Pretty exciting day at work. Coworker almost chopped his hand off while cutting cheese.

  2. Twilight Zone and crochet.

  3. However, she will sit still on mom's crochet pattern.

  4. I woke up early, started thinking about- money problems, and can't get back to sleep. :-/

  5. Crocheting lace is ridiculous, but it's gorgeous!

  6. I spilled half the bottle of Gnome. I'm the loser of will call. :( #bpal

  7. I need to buy replacement girlfriend a fucking muzzle for her birthday. How hard is it to stfu when I ask?

  8. Listening to @BreathOfMozym's band. Fucking epic.

  9. Silly me, I thought baby shoes would be less expensive than adult ones.

  10. I know I have a tattoo, but when I have my headphones in, that means I don't want to talk about it.

  11. The world can't end; I haven't gotten any of the BPAL I paid for recently.

  12. Dear replacement girlfriend: you re not the only one who needs the bathroom. Kindly gtfo.

  13. I'm gonna #FF @krikriT_T again, since she's got me hooked on her web serial, Angry Remembrance. Full of werewolves! Check it out.

  14. Despite my foot issues preventing me from being in the middle of the crowd, @worldinfernofs was fantastic!

  15. World/Inferno Friendship Society at @HigherGroundVT ! I hope I get to spend the concert in Jack Terricloth's crotch again.

  16. Why am I awake this early?

  17. Took an hour and a half to straighten my hair. Had to put it up for work. Hate food service.

  18. I am super twitchy. Damn you, espresso!

  19. All caught up on Bones.

  20. I swear, if you assholes fill up the return machines before I can return mine, I will punch your face.

  21. Dammit, Netflix, put some subbed amine on your instant watch.

  22. I will never lose any weight if the only time I ride my bike is to go get a creemee.

  23. Went outside to eat my croissant on the porch, and some guy drove by and asked if he could have some. Oh, Burlington.

  24. Don't tell me your plans, then get offended when I don't tell you mine? Oh, okay.
