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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Dear Customer; - Let’s teach you about appropriate behavior toward your friendly local barista. Leaving a $5... http://tumblr.com/xg634pm5ce

  2. This "having a primary care physician and insurance" thing is pretty neat.

  3. Some of us actually need to get up in the morning and can't stay up all night giggling.

  4. I wanted to hang out on my porch, but the Mosquitos drove me back inside. #aaaagh #btv

  5. Dear customers; - What kind of dumb-ass question is “do you take the weight of the plate off?” If you would... http://tumblr.com/xg633jag64

  6. And now I'm an anxious, weepy mess right before work. I hate this.

  7. There's a hipster show going on right across the hall from our goth night. Lots of ironic mustaches.

  8. Photo: I got knitting needles, yo. (Taken with instagram) http://tumblr.com/xg6329mcnt

  9. Is it a bit hypocritical of me to hate when Christmas stuff is out in October but squee when I see Halloween stuff in june? #omgoth

  10. Cause basically tricking me into letting your new girlfriend live with is and then breaking up with me is totally on the level.

  11. Must not buy yarn. Must save money for Will Call. #bpal #crochet #whydoIhavetwoaddictionsnow

  12. Power's out all along Dorset St. @HealthyLivingVT is closed for the moment. #btv

  13. Hungover on a Thursday morning. Brilliant.

  14. Going to the Full Moon Masquerade. http://t.co/MKuriAn

  15. The conversations at the tea house are always interesting.

  16. Oh god, it's snowing outside my window. Only it's not snow, it's tree jizz. It's like a tree porno out there. #btv

  17. Dear customers; - When I say, “It’ll be five minutes,” that means fuck off and come back in five minutes.... http://tumblr.com/xg62zo9c7r

  18. I'm looking for one or two (preferably two) roommates for an apartment in Burlington. Must be cat tolerant and messy person tolerant. #btv

  19. Fear me, for I have found crochet books from the 70s.

  20. Photo: Sleepytime (Taken with instagram) http://tumblr.com/xg62yjmllj

  21. Memories. - I just told my roommate I’d make him some tea “after I finish this row”. Then I remembered that... http://tumblr.com/xg62yfk0k9

  22. Spending a dreary day in my car listening to Edith Piaf and going to yarn shops.

  23. Just had to frog nearly an entire project. #crochet #fml

  24. Goth sushi night at Sakurabana! Do not worry, jazz fest, we only bite if you ask. #btv
