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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Oh god, it's snowing outside my window. Only it's not snow, it's tree jizz. It's like a tree porno out there. #btv

  2. The conversations at the tea house are always interesting.

  3. Going to the Full Moon Masquerade. http://t.co/MKuriAn

  4. Hungover on a Thursday morning. Brilliant.

  5. Power's out all along Dorset St. @HealthyLivingVT is closed for the moment. #btv

  6. Must not buy yarn. Must save money for Will Call. #bpal #crochet #whydoIhavetwoaddictionsnow

  7. Cause basically tricking me into letting your new girlfriend live with is and then breaking up with me is totally on the level.

  8. Is it a bit hypocritical of me to hate when Christmas stuff is out in October but squee when I see Halloween stuff in june? #omgoth

  9. There's a hipster show going on right across the hall from our goth night. Lots of ironic mustaches.

  10. And now I'm an anxious, weepy mess right before work. I hate this.

  11. Dear customers; - What kind of dumb-ass question is “do you take the weight of the plate off?” If you would... http://tumblr.com/xg633jag64

  12. I wanted to hang out on my porch, but the Mosquitos drove me back inside. #aaaagh #btv

  13. Some of us actually need to get up in the morning and can't stay up all night giggling.

  14. This "having a primary care physician and insurance" thing is pretty neat.

  15. Dear Customer; - Let’s teach you about appropriate behavior toward your friendly local barista. Leaving a $5... http://tumblr.com/xg634pm5ce

  16. Found out an old coworker of mine just died. He was a pretty cool guy. Beat alcoholism just to die of an infection. Life sucks.

  17. My life is a whirlwind right now. For once, I'm kind of enjoying it. <3

  18. QUICK: AT&T and Comcast preparing to implement"Three Strikes" plan to censor users' web access: http://t.co/7fYleTs via @demandprogress

  19. Oh god why is that bright thing in my face? http://t.co/Zf2kC1g

  20. I guess it's kind of bad for me to hope that after time apart, I can rebuild a relationship with Noah. But I'm doing it anyway.


    #BPAL of the Day: Sea of Glass. I always overlook aquatic scents, but I smell so nice in them.

  22. Apparently she tripped, but I prefer to think she got in a fight over quilting styles.

  23. Dear customers; - When I have a plate of food in my hand and I’m taking my apron off, that means you need to... http://tumblr.com/xg636sxsvg

  24. Mmm... nap time.

  25. I'm at the point where I want to show my ex my tits while he's watching Starcraft videos. Yet I want to drink more.
