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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. I'm at Den Of Debauchery (Burlington, VT) http://t.co/Gt94VZzl

  2. A chunk of bread went up my sinuses an I had to blow it out my nose. #gross #tmi

  3. Shiny things and free samples. Being blazed at the craft fair is the best.

  4. I'm at Den Of Debauchery (Burlington, VT) http://t.co/RTni0vZT

  5. I'm at Zachary's Family Fun Zone http://t.co/0sePBhpB

  6. Photo: Finally found a pattern to match this gorgeous yarn! (Taken with instagram) http://t.co/NLSVcP0V

  7. Vacation commences!

  8. I'm at Barnes & Noble (102 Dorset St, South Burlington) http://t.co/YDGteqey

  9. I'm at Healthy Living Market (222 Dorset St, South Burlington) http://t.co/Z724ddJP

  10. Last day of work before my birthday vacation. If any one's a dick to me, I may kill them.

  11. My cats seem to be competing for snuggle space on my body. Which is fine with me, since I've got the coldest bedroom in the apartment.

  12. I'm at Wings Over Burlington (150 Dorset St, South Burlington) http://t.co/2Yz76W6z

  13. What is it about Williston Rd that attracts every single douche with a car?

  14. I'm at Healthy Living Market (222 Dorset St, South Burlington) http://t.co/D0OWY9gJ

  15. Photo: Autumn in VT (Taken with instagram) http://t.co/5XZxYz4b

  16. Ash is very forceful in getting loving. Many head-butts. http://t.co/nIIlkpnN

  17. I've discovered American Pickers. My life will never be the same.

  18. New Auction! BPAL Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab FLEDGLING RAPTOR MOON 5ML http://t.co/WmMoJ3JX #bpal

  19. I'm now taking any and all donations towards my birthday tattoo fund. I need $343 to make my goal. #itcanthurttoask

  20. I'm at Yankee Tattoo (198 Pearl Street, North Winooski, Burlington) http://t.co/lcLqViuy

  21. I'm at Healthy Living Market (222 Dorset St, South Burlington) http://t.co/zUhajnHC

  22. Nothing like an intense dance session to make you enjoy the crisp October night.

  23. Trying to decide if my foot wants me to dance tonight.

  24. I'm at Insurrection (Burlington) http://t.co/ssccmGSf
