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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. I've gotten a few scents in my eye, but so far, the one that hurts the most is Miss Luprescu. Ow.


  3. They thought I was insane for getting a decant Blooddroop's Noyer... but it does not actually smell like butt from the Valerian! Ha!

  4. Is the universe apologizing for last week?

  5. Is it really too much to ask that dinner starts being made before midnight?


    http://tweetphoto.com/37242816 @Duskinhereyes Pfft, and they accuse me of having more than you.

  7. Can't sleep. Keep thinking about today and how much it sucked.

  8. Dammit, mac widget horoscope, stop being so damn fitting.

  9. I may or may not have enabled my mother. What sort of monster have I created? A nice smelling one, at least. #bpal

  10. I mean... I need my sleep. I've got D&D at noon. #priorities

  11. I just hope I don't wimp out. D:

  12. I'm not only out of hours while I switch departments, I'm out of a discount. And on top of that, I'm not even guaranteed a position. #FML

  13. It's raining like the world is ending out there.

  14. I should listen to more kpop. @dickaches, corrupt me with your sweet music.

  15. You spent $500 on one date but didn't tip? Maybe there's a reason you're single.

  16. Ok, I really need to unpack stuff instead of moving boxes around and pretending that helps.

  17. Note to self: do not panic when you smell the perfume that you put in the oil burner. It did not spill. You put it there. #bpal

  18. Woke up to my cat halfway out the window. Suddenly, she's turned into an angsty teenager.

  19. Alas, I wanted a bottle of Jester...! Guess I just need to poke around the internet for it. Excited for the Weenies, though! #bpal

  20. Walked to Panadero and bought the awesomeist loaf of cinnamon swirl bread. No raisins, fuck yeah! #btv

  21. And now to watch a documentary narrated by Worf.

  22. Moved on to a documentary of gay overtones in old movies. Watching documentaries is a delightful way to spend a Friday Night #LOFNOTC

  23. Breaking out on my chest. Never did that as a teenager, why am I doing it at 23? ARGH. #tmi
