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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. My ebay win is at my local post office, but it's a Sunday. This is the definition of #bpal torture.

  2. Nothing like a speeding ticket to motivate you to sort through your BPAL collection...

  3. I doll myself up, and guys don't care. I go to the laundromat unshowered, in my pajamas, teeth and hair unbrushed, and get called beautiful.

  4. Life of a BPALista, as spoken by my friend: "I was about to say 'something smells nice', but then I remembered it was me!"

  5. I cover people's shifts all the time. :-\


  7. Customer asked me if we had seitan in the store, but pronounced it Satan. So many jokes could be made...

  8. This margarita mix better be as amazing as @rubberduckgrrl says it is. :P

  9. I am so sick of being woken up at 3 in the morning by the bitch who can't shut up. There is one other person in this apartment!

  10. I want to eat everything in the entire world.

  11. Gothed up tonight, people too scared to tip. So I unbuttoned my top buttons so you can see cleavage. Getting more tips now.

  12. Fourloko tastes like blue.

  13. I love that rare "deep-sleep" time for cats. They just look so cute.

  14. SotD: ZOMG Smells' Dessert Rose. A delicious foody floral scent!

  15. Dubstep genre station on Pandora? Don't mind if I do. <3

  16. Tried to type "twitter" into address bar. First typed "twatter" then typed "titter". #freudianslip

  17. Watching Tank Girl!

  18. Why are all these bots from Essex, England following me? Guys, I'm not from the Essex you're thinking of.

  19. Should've worn tights; I'm freezing.

  20. God, I'm dying of boredom.

  21. Roommate refused to let me have some of "her popcorn". Bitch, I bought that popcorn. Back off before I slap you.

  22. Also, Haru has taken to hanging out in the bathroom. IDEK.

  23. Scent of the day: Dream of the Fisherman's Wife. I always forget I smell awesome in aquatics. #bpal

  24. This sounds like a bad euphemism for the clitoris. http://yfrog.com/gyqqhkygj

  25. I am so over this tourtiere business. At least until tomorrow, when I will actually bake the pies.
