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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. I got an uncanny amount of attention tonight. A combination of the night + Snake Oil? #bpal

  2. I got Careless Whisper stuck in the Lion's head. I win today.

  3. I got my #bpal today, but I'm too sick to smell anything. :(

  4. I got some fresh, local edamame! Snack time!

  5. I guess it's kind of bad for me to hope that after time apart, I can rebuild a relationship with Noah. But I'm doing it anyway.

  6. I had a dream I took E. But I've never actually taken it IRL, so my dream mind interpreted it as just being really drunk.

  7. I had a dream we had poptarts in the house, and now I'm disappointed that we don't actually have them.

  8. I hate being sick.

  9. I hate everything today. Hopefully it will get better because I don't have to work today.

  10. I hate everything today. Hopefully it will get better because I don't have to work today.

  11. I hate everything. Why did I have to go and get sick?

  12. I hate how my job sucks out my will to interact with people, even people I like.

  13. I hate when I'm a snot machine.

  14. I have a not-so-secret love for Pizza Hut. #ilovetrashyfood

  15. I have a sinking feeling that this is the last night I'm going to have Haruka. :(

  16. I have an addiction to cute mugs.

  17. I have Cadbury Creme Eggs. I am currently hiding them in my cleavage.

  18. I have this pair of undies that is getting to be more holes than fabric. Yet, I refuse to throw them away. They're just comfy.

  19. I hope I don't catch the death plague everyone seems to have around here.

  20. I just avoided the whole Caylee Anthony thing because she's pretty much got my name and that freaked me out too much.

  21. I just became the mayor of Dim Sum Umbrella on @foursquare! http://t.co/Q169ubbL

  22. I just hope I don't wimp out. D:

  23. I just let my coworker rub tomato halves on my cheeks.
