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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. A woman told me that the cream cheese i was holding was actually butter. She wasn't joking. I had to convince her otherwise.

  2. Incredible! House blocks PATRIOT Act renewal. Click here to keep up the fight: http://t.co/YPta2ML via @demandprogress

  3. I hate everything today. Hopefully it will get better because I don't have to work today.

  4. I hate everything today. Hopefully it will get better because I don't have to work today.

  5. RT @MoveOn Republicans are coming after NPR and PBS yet again. They want to zero out their funding. Help stop them. http://bit.ly/eRAk8K

  6. Enter To Win 5 More Character Scents From BPAL! (Round 2) http://t.co/KUC9QUy via @FashionablyGeek

  7. Went to chubby muffin. Good food, but i want to slap the annoying tourist hanging out with her kid.

  8. My bathtub was disgusting. I wanted to use the 7th Gen hippie cleaner, but I eventually had to break out the Comet.

  9. I wish i was kidding.

  10. Great, I can't finish my taxes until the other people in the house get their shit together. There goes my plan to get my money soon.

  11. Just had a #cheesybagel. Life is pretty good.

  12. Omg lady gaga, I love you. #grammys

  13. No, kaylee. Walk away from the ice cream cakes.


    #BPAL of the Day: Eris. Not in a mood to celebrate love, but rather in a mood to ruin those who have wronged me. Hail, Eris!

  15. Tonight, I'm going to get drunk and take advantage of myself.

  16. Brownie sundaes. Awww yeah!

  17. If only I had a cool headdress, then I could be Mata Hari for Will Call. #bpal

  18. Seriously, I went to tell roommate to STFU and got back and started crying because it hurt so much. :(

  19. Argh, why do I need an act of God to get a fucking day off when I have a twisted ankle?

  20. Holy crap, it's 50 degrees outside. No wonder I was dying in my car in a wool coat with the heat blasting.

  21. My iPhone shipped, my 10ml bottle of Madrid shipped... today is pretty good. :D

  22. I just want to show everyone how big my hair is tonight. http://twitpic.com/419873

  23. Watching a puppet show at a masquerade party celebrating the full moon.

  24. My sprained ankle wasn't bothering me, so I thought it was fine. Then I saw it in good light and it's so swollen. Yikes.

  25. Why do I always wake up just as I'm starting to really sober up? I would not like to have 4 hours of sleep, tyvm.
