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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. I bring home a jar for pasta and get shit because there's "no where to put it". Asian Girlfriend buys a giant coffee pot and it's awesome.

  2. I can come to terms with Steampunk emerging as a genre of music. But I will kick anyone in the balls who tries to label goth bands as such.

  3. I can only express my emotions through 80s love ballads.

  4. I can tell what kind of day it is weather-wise by how tight my cats are curled up when I wake up.

  5. I can't just have a short, easy shift at work, can I? Today's customers are just all ass-faces.

  6. I can't wait for my first appointment with my "adult doctor". I'm gonna throw myself at her and beg her to fix me.

  7. I can't wait until I can get a full night's sleep.

  8. I cannot stop giggling.

  9. I changed out my silver labret for a blue-green one in honor of spring.

  10. I cover people's shifts all the time. :-\

  11. I cracked the window, but not enough for a cat to fit. Shizuka is rebelling against the system by putting her tail outside the window.

  12. I deactivated my Facebook. I'll be back, but I don't know when.

  13. I defriended Noah on FB and deleted him from my phone. If he wants to be a dick and blatently ignore me, then I can do the same thing.

  14. I didn't have half of the ingredients, but I made it anyway. #stonercooking

  15. I do not work customer service to be yelled at because the bread you want isn't here. Thanks.

  16. I doll myself up, and guys don't care. I go to the laundromat unshowered, in my pajamas, teeth and hair unbrushed, and get called beautiful.

  17. I don't even know what to think anymore.

  18. I don't know what the hell kind of noise the neighbors are making, but it's disturbing my cat. #catlady

  19. I don't know who Marcus is, but he needs to tell his associates that he's moved. I'm sick of people knocking on my door asking for him.

  20. I don't want to go to work. I need a whole fucking month off from this BS.

  21. I don't want to work on a Saturday! I want to roll around in bed all day.

  22. I feel like I deserve to be wholly unproductive today.

  23. I feel like more Klingons should have dreads.

  24. I feel so defeated. :(

  25. I forgot how annoying fresh cartilage piercings are.
