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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Got juice thrown out a car window at me and @krikriT_T . I knew there was a reason I don't go outside.

  2. Got my fist two cobalt bottles of #BPAL... an aged Asphodel, and Beaver Moon 2005! #idonothaveaperfumeproblem

  3. Got my perfume, but wearing none of it. Today is a "slather Bitch and stay out of public" kinda day. #BPAL

  4. Got my Possets order today, along with some BPAL I got on ebay. I'm rolling in perfume!

  5. Got some mead... time to become a viking!

  6. Goth night was a bust. Noah was shitty, and I didn't enjoy the music. Hopefully today will be better.

  7. Goth sushi night at Sakurabana! Do not worry, jazz fest, we only bite if you ask. #btv

  8. Gothed up tonight, people too scared to tip. So I unbuttoned my top buttons so you can see cleavage. Getting more tips now.

  9. Great, even if I wanted to go out, I'm parked in. Thanks, roommate.

  10. Great, I can't finish my taxes until the other people in the house get their shit together. There goes my plan to get my money soon.

  11. Guess I should train and equip my follower before trying to defeat the skeleton king. Derp. #diablo3

  12. Had a fantastic time at the @zoecello concert at @HigherGroundVT. It was very deeply touching, and I even got a glimpse of #cellobaby.

  13. Had a nice dream last night that basically consisted of Noah cuddling with me. Then I woke up alone. :-/

  14. Had my dose of nyquil IN MY MOUTH before I realized that I drank way too much tonight to take it. Spit it back out. Le sigh.

  15. Had some major thigh chafing today. Gross. #tmi

  16. Had to apologize to drag queen for wearing more makeup than her. #gothsvsdragqueens

  17. Had to step in on a cat fight. They're lucky I'm just drunk now.

  18. Had to switch to a different project for a little bit. Thread crochet is crazy.

  19. Haha, Noah wears his Beaver Moon '10 shirt more often than I wear mine. He loves the happy little beavers on the bottom.

  20. Half of my face is numb, and I have to go to work in a half-hour. Yay.

  21. Half-double stitch! I'll get to real projects soon, I swear. http://t.co/Bpe01Z5

  22. Harry Potter Clue? Are we trying to figure out who killed Dumbledore? 'Cause I'm pretty sure we all know...
