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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. I'm at Charlotte Russe (Burlington, Vermont) http://t.co/MLB3eGKf

  2. Get out of the way before I flatten your douchebag ass with my car.

  3. I'm at Sushi Do (Williston, VT) http://t.co/9qjUv39J

  4. I think I'm gonna go to the aquarium today.

  5. First creemee of the season! #btv

  6. I'm at Drink (Burlington, VT) http://t.co/Jc0l5Cv0

  7. My fave family came in! They look like a group of modern Vikings, Scandinavian accent and all.

  8. I changed out my silver labret for a blue-green one in honor of spring.

  9. I'm at the shopping bag (Burlington, Vt) http://t.co/P53O7Gr2

  10. Shizu has decided that I'm feeling better. She's gone from laying near my feet and sleeping to poking my hands looking for pettings.

  11. I am just one big bundle of hurt and sick today. :(

  12. What is with my stomach's sudden urge to randomly empty its contents lately?

  13. At the GMDD bout! Black Ice Brawlers are kicking ass! 119-49

  14. I'm at Michaels (South Burlington, VT) http://t.co/RZxNT29K

  15. I'm at Ri Ra The Irish Pub (Burlington, VT) w/ 3 others http://t.co/fX3qbcV2

  16. I'm at Chili's Grill & Bar (Williston, VT) http://t.co/oZ0ja5mm

  17. I'm at Barnes & Noble (South Burlington, VT) http://t.co/G5d8WumF

  18. I'm at Healthy Living Market (South Burlington, VT) w/ 3 others http://t.co/HjPpnWUK

  19. I'm at Lakeside Pharmacy (Burlington, VT) http://t.co/Fy84drQS

  20. Homestuckhomestuckhomestuck - Dave from Homestuck reminds me of my ex’s younger brother. But my ex is... http://t.co/I0huIecs

  21. I just want to find the Gomez to my Morticia.

  22. I'm at Healthy Living Market (South Burlington, VT) http://t.co/Kb2unUmk
