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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Perhaps I will make biscuits later to go with my ham.

  2. I think I have enough money to both get a car inspection and get a balance board for my Wii Fit game, AND STILL make rent.

  3. Oh, "feels like -11º". I suppose that's why I felt like I was going to die while I switched my roommate's and my cars around by myself. FML

  4. I just zapped Shizu in the ear with static. Now she's mad at me. D:

  5. I ship Picard/Q. There, I said it. #nerd

  6. Just got hit with a wave of ennui. Going to bed.

  7. I just showed Shizuka a whisker she shed... and then she ate it.

  8. I hate being sick.

  9. "Whaaaa, I want the big TV in the living room!" "Bawwww, the big TV is too loud, turn it down!" How about you STFU?

  10. Oh hey, it's 2011.

  11. I just want to punch people.

  12. Took a whole five minutes for her to shout after I specifically asked that they be quiet coming in because I was trying to sleep.

  13. I wish I wasn't sick so I could do some #bpal testing. :(

  14. Still sick. Hate my life. Trying to decide if I should try and get someone to cover my shift now, or wait until tomorrow.

  15. My ears feel like they're going to explode. I hate being sick. Have I mentioned that?

  16. Is comcast fucking up again, or is it just me?

  17. I got my #bpal today, but I'm too sick to smell anything. :(

  18. It's Miyazaki's birthday! 御誕生日おめでとうございまず!

  19. Tell Dems: fight #hcr repeal vote and force Repubs to admit opposition to popular reforms. http://bit.ly/fMrjQm @CREDOMobile

  20. I know a secret. <3

  21. I have a not-so-secret love for Pizza Hut. #ilovetrashyfood

  22. Woke up, thought I was doing better. So I started organizing my room, and then I took a nap and I'm still exhausted. :(

