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Posts posted by Vaudevillain

  1. WOW. I got a tester of this, it's absolutely miraculous. Very, very creamy, with a slight crispness that's probably the teak. The amber powders it out nicely. The lotus floats around and brings it together- ahhh this is absolutely gorgeous. It's got an interesting throw, too- it does throw but it isn't erratic, pretty much it stops about a foot from where I applied it. If I can find a bottle of this, I'm getting it!

  2. In the bottle: çlear, light floral. Beautiful.


    On the skin: Still a soft, white floral, but less clear- it blends together a bit more to be something more solid.


    final impressions: I like this. Won't wear it every day, but definitely worth keeping.

  3. in the bottle: delicious and yummy. On the skin, sharp bits come out- the apple fades, leaving a weird buttery fruity smell. Weird. Ehhhh, 2 out of 5.


    Edit: the buttery is actually my skin, so it mostly smells like pomegranate apples with me. Pretty nice, actually. 3 out of 5.

  4. In the bottle: Nothing but maraschino cherries. Sticky sweet, gross, cherries.


    On skin: Still cherry, but man, this is a crazy morpher. Initially stinky sweet, and then the cherry leaves until it's jsut the finest hint, leaving this sexy anise and musk blend. I quite like this, actually. 4 out of 5

  5. Smells on my skin like it does in the bottle- like my face is pressed into wet forest dirt. I love it, but I would onyl wear it very specifically- it's deep, and dark, and earthy, very rich, and very beautiful. I like it a lot- 4 out of 5.

  6. In the bottle: Incense. Intense, resiny incense.


    On the skin: Very lemony, very yellow- sunlight on stone. Sharp and clean and slightly exotic- almost frankincense.


    Very good as a room smell, maybe as a skin smell if I really wanted to smell very clean.



    Edit: Uck. Uck uck uck, it's turned to cat pee and disgusting buttery rotten flowers. Ew. And it's got a crazy throw- people across the room can smell it and are blaming my kittens. Do not want. 0 out of 5.
