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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by theling

  1. I was hoping for pretty much any ecstacy blend but got this one... oh well!


    To me this smells like a cross between purple phoenix and bitter moon... It has a lot of the same notes as bitter moon - mainly the blackberry and sage, but there is something giving it a "purpley scent". The patchouli in this comes out a lot in the dry down. Overall it's a nice scent if you liked bitter moon (which i did).

  2. It is interesting how body chemistry works out...I know someone posted that Antique Lace reminded her of Fairy Jasmine, but on me it is a dead ringer for Butterball.

    I mean *exactly* like butterball. MMMMM


    I agree - the same goes for Antique Lace and Butterball on my skin...


    Are there any BPAL scents that smell like the Big Blue ballistic?


    Sea of Glass has a very big blue vibe to it for me...


    and I agree with the SDM and "13" similarity...


    I also find that BNever and Litha are very similar... and Randy Butter and Smut are VERY complimentary (but not necc the same)

  3. Rating: 6/10


    In the bottle:

    Kindy of a creamy scent can distinguish many of the notes...


    Initial Scent (on skin):

    I had high hopes fo rthis one because of both the leaves,tobacco, and chocolate notes... but once it is on my skin it turns to a creamy moldy floral yet foody scent (i guess funeral bouqets and cookies dont mix well on me).


    Staying Power:

    Has pretty good staying power... which is too bad because i wanted it OFF ME!

  4. Rating: Samhain 2005 10/10 :P

    Samhain 2006 8.5/10



    In the bottle:

    The Samhain 2005 is one of my all-time favorite BPAL's so I was REALLY looking forward to the 2006 version to get more of the precious. The 2005 was very smoky and spicy with a heavy fir, woods, black patchouli note.


    Samhain 2006 is def. more fruity. The apple and pumpkin seem to be stronger in this years blend which is somewhat disappointing because I was aiming for the darker scent of 2005.


    Initial Scent (on skin):


    Samhain 2005 - dark and deep - strong on the fir notes. def. smells very smoky it did tend to burn the skin a bit on application :D. despite the "ouch factor" the scent would always come out gorgeous on me. I ALWAYS get compliments when I wear this.


    Samhain 2006- def. a lot more fruity - strong on the apple although the darker notes are underneath.


    Staying Power:

    Both have amazing throw and staying power, though I think 2005 may be a bit stronger. Im going to age my 2006 a bit and try it again before I give up due to the fruitiness...

  5. Rating: /10


    In the bottle:

    Distincly smells of fall fruits especially bright red apples.


    Initial Scent (on skin):

    I do not get apples from this at all, which was a suprise from the bottle sniff. This goes heavy on the spiced cranberry with a tiny hint of apple cider.


    Staying Power:

    Staying power is okay. I dont get wafts of the scent thoughout the day but can still smell it on my wrist.

  6. Rating: 9.5/10


    In the bottle:

    A clean fresh scent - somewhat masculine.


    Initial Scent (on skin):

    I love the way this smells!! I think it must be the aloe and white musk notes, but it seems very similar to the Maelstrom's Bernice which I adore. This one is slightly more "refreshing" :P with the mint, sea and tea notes.


    Staying Power:

    This scent has great staying power. It usually lasts me one application thoughout the whole day!

  7. Rating: 6/10


    In the bottle:

    Overwhelmingly buttery!


    Initial Scent (on skin):

    A continuation of the overwhelming buttery scent. No hint of apple or coconut rum. Kind of reminds me of the jellybelly buttered popcorn jellybeans... in a BAD way...


    Staying Power:

    Has AMAZING staying power... it's just too bad that i dont like the scent!

  8. Rating: 9/10


    In the bottle:

    Now, I dont usually like ANY BPAL with a musk or incense note but I HAD to try this as it seems to be the overwhelming favorite. In the bottle it smelled very musky and only a little vanillay.


    Initial Scent (on skin):

    Initially very strong musk and incense notes with a hint of creamy vanilla.


    Staying Power:

    Dries down to almost no musk (YES!!!) and the vanilla def. amps up. Smells liek a complex deep vanilla scent. Lasts about 3 hours on me!

  9. Rating: 8/10


    In the bottle:

    I bought this despite not particularly liking chocolate scents but "13" is my birthday so call me sentimental. In the bottle it smells just like chocolate orange fondue.


    Initial Scent (on skin):

    Initially very creamy and I get a strong chocolate scent (milky almost) with a hin of orange.


    Staying Power:

    After a bit the chocolate is tamed by a bright orangey scent. This lasted maybe 1.5 horus on me without the need to reapply.

  10. Rating: 10/10 :P


    In the bottle:

    One of my first BPAL loves... smells like a cinnamon with a honeyed layer to mellow it out.


    Initial Scent (on skin):

    Very fiery cinnamon with a powdery honey (maybe this is the amber/copal note?or the honeysuckle) note that takes over.


    Staying Power:

    This last FOREVER on my skin and has a very WIDE throw... I've gotten tons of complements when I wear this.

  11. Rating: 10/10 :P


    In the bottle:

    Another one of my favorite BPAL blends... also the first one I every LOVED. In the bottle this has a nice floral scent but a bit soapy :D .


    Initial Scent (on skin):

    Very fresh and clean with a watery floral grassy smell. Luckily the soapiness I smelled in the bottle did not translate into smell on the skin. I dont really get much peony from this. More white flowers with a hint of fresh cut grass. To me this smells like LUSH Tiptoe Through The Tulips.


    Staying Power:

    This usually only lasts an hour or two on my skin but dries down to a nice light and crisp floral. Reminds me of springtime sunny days!

  12. Rating: 7/10


    In the bottle:

    I wore this yesterday in honor of Chinese New Year. It's a very crisp, clean, and bright scent. Perfect for clear thoughts for the new year :P. I get a lot of the lemon and tea with no hint of honeysuckle.


    Initial Scent (on skin):

    A very watery clean lemon scent with undertone of tea. I still don't get any kind of floral.


    Staying Power:

    This def. does not have a lot of staying power on me, usually fading within an hour or so. When it has dried down a bit and the lemon has settled I can detect a tiny tiny hint of floral but not a lot.

  13. Rating: 8.5/10


    In the bottle:

    Very buttery with an equal part of each spice. There's almost a boozy buttered rum note to this. Very dark and sweet.


    Initial Scent (on skin):

    Pretty much smells like it does in the bottle with a heavy top note of butter and boozy spicy undertones.


    Staying Power:

    This lasts only a few hours on my skin. The scent doesnt change too much only that the spice mellows a bit.

  14. Rating: 10/10 :P


    In the bottle:

    Another one that is on my list of FAVORITE BPAL blends. It smells very crisp and lightly floral with a creamy almost almondy extract scent.


    Initial Scent (on skin):

    Initially very creamy and I get a strong scent of almonds and cream from it. To me this smells very similar (or maybe complementary?) to LUSH's snowcake.


    Staying Power:

    After a bit the cream almond scent recedes and you can begin to smell the light floral. Very crisp and clean smelling although not sharp. This usually will last for at least 3 hours on me before I need to reapply.

  15. Rating: 10/10 :P


    In the bottle:

    This is on my list of favorite BPAL blends. In the bottle it's a very potent mint with a hint of sugary vanilla.


    Initial Scent (on skin):

    Def. very minty (those sensitive to mint notes be careful as this tingled my skin) when you first apply it but quickly dries down to a soft vanilla buttercreamy scent with a hint of mint.


    Staying Power:

    The vanilla soon becomes the predominant note although you can still smell hints of the mint (to me it's more of a sweet spearmint then sharp peppermint). This scent definitely lasts on your skin for at LEAST 3 hours.
