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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by FormerViking

  1. Dammit. I missed the Clancy Brown AMA on Reddit. Crap. Who wouldn't want to ask questions of the man who was the Kurgan, the voice of Lex Luther & Mr. Krabbs, the head guard of Shawshank. I could go on.

  2. I'll admit that roughing the passer call was BS . But it wasn't as bad as Dallas scoring their first TD well after the play clock had run out . And Romo still threw 3 interceptions , no refs had anything to do with those .

  3. Back home . Lounge wear implemented . Absolutely fantastic meal at The Standard Tap in Philly . I may be belching garlic the next day or two , but the clams & plancetta were well worth it .

  4. At my moms . Eating grilled sticky buns & watching the holiday classic Shaun of the Dead . Good times .

  5. Ahem . From a article about the NRA conference today . Columbine had an armed sheriff's deputy who exchanged gunfire outside the school with one of the two teenage killers, according to a Jefferson County, Colorado, sheriff's office report. The deputy was unable to hit or stop the student, who was armed with a semiautomatic rifle, from entering the school, and the deputy stayed in a parking lot with police, the report said.Stop telling me more guns are the answer . They're not now and they ...

  6. These latest shootings are going to make me clear out my " friends " list .

  7. Something I can't help but wonder about with everything going on lately . I wonder about our fixation on justice . Or maybe I should call it vengeance . Someone commits a crime . Years ago , they may have been committed to a asylum . Today , prosecutors are intent on sending everyone to jail . That everyone is responsible for their actions . No one could possibly be mentally imbalanced to the point they're not responsible for their actions . Or maybe I watch too much Law and Order .

  8. Dear NFL , football in the snow is wonderful . Football in the snow , on a field where the snow cannot accumulate sucks . Part of the greatness of watching a snow game is bodies flying all over , making the snow fly . Needless to say , I'm not impressed .

  9. Got to try the Summit winter warmer at the Bulls Head pub today . Not only does it taste great ( maybe one of the best winter warmers I've had ) , but it helps support the wolf sanctuary out here . So it's great on many fronts .

  10. Now something I NEVER thought I'd say . I'm watching the latest D&D movie on SyFy . And it's actually not bad . So far . 45 minutes into it . They had a party fight a dragon , and the dragon actually looked good . And the fight sort of made sense . And I really like the half dead mage . Not sure if he's some kind of Lich or what , but he's funny .

  11. Will be checking out Gamble Mill brewpub in Bellefonte later . Expect reports .

  12. Just hanging out watching the cowboys stink the place up. And Romo threw a interception. Lol. Few things please me more.

  13. Here's a serious question . Who would drive out to see GWAR!!! in Reading next Sunday with me ? Tix are $20 .

  14. Hey all , just did something I never did and sent out invites to a event this weekend I will be going to . If you can't make it , no worries . I expect most if not all of you won't . Just want you to know you're in my thoughts more than anything .

  15. Damn , Giants getting the crap beat out of them .

  16. 222 south closed at the Adamstown exit . No idea why , but it's causing a cluster .

  17. One thing . In PA , they were going to enact a voted ID law . But it got blocked so now they're saying " you may get asked for one , but you won't NEED to show it to be able to vote " . So , when I voted today , I got asked for mine . I thought I showed great restraint in not asking " what if I don't have one " . Instead , because the lines were long , and I didn't feel like making anyone who'd been working all day just to stand in another line for too long more bitter about life , I showed m...

  18. Having a grilled turkey burger w.my beers. With cran apple relish portabella mushroom & brie. Quite nice. Rogue schwarzbeir now. Also very nice.

  19. So , today a kitten left the house to go to it's new home . I'm a little sad to see these guys go , but I know it's for the best . Wish we could find the adults a home .

  20. And the front tree has had a big limb split off of it . Not surprised as the one in the back yard bought it during a winter storm last year .

  21. Bleh , stupid cat just sneezed on me ...

  22. We have 3 kittens being adopted !!!

  23. Oh Southern Tier Pumpking, why are you so tasty?
