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Posts posted by littlesparrow

  1. At first this is pure rum (my skin really likes to amp rum, and unfortunately for me my nose really doesn't like to smell it!) but with the tobacco and coconut it dries down to quite a nice blended scent, but I actually find it slightly too masculine for my tastes. Maybe its the tobacco that gives it that gnarly edge? I definitely get the sexy pirate references!




    Does anyone know whether combined shipping has been abolished for international Etsy and Lab orders? I placed orders via Etsy and the site, expecting to get combined shipping as usual, but both packages have been shipped without mention of a refund for combined shipping. Maybe I'll get an email in a few days' time but just thought I'd check here!


    I am pretty sure they always combine when asked, but I always email them with my order numbers so that it doesn't get missed. Did you specifically ask them to combine? Do they usually just do it without you saying anything? I don't know because I always send an email. That's likely disappointing for you! :( I know how painful international shipping is!


    It does sometimes take a couple of days for your refund though, so maybe it's still coming? I combined two Etsy orders and they shipped Thursday and my refund hasn't come through yet.



    Ah, that must be where I went wrong! With previous orders, the lab has noticed the simultaneous orders and combined the shipping without my saying anything, so I didn't bother emailing them to let them know. Oops :wacko2:



    They're pretty awesome about it, I know they try to do it as much as possible, but when they're really busy they may not notice, so I always email them to make sure.


    Yeah that was silly of me! What's really amazing is that the packages were shipped the same day I made the order (Friday 3 June) and I got a text from DHL today saying one package will be delivered tomorrow. That's unheard of! But yay :boogie:

  3. First I get suntan-lotion coconut, then I get acrid hazelnut, and then suddenly the whole thing transforms into the most beautiful and well-blended perfume! What is this magic?! I can't even pick out the notes anymore it's just a gorgeous scent with a slightly tropical feel. I did not expect to like this, let alone love it. I'll definitely use up the imp this summer. So glad the lab saw fit to frimp me this! :wub3:


    Does anyone know whether combined shipping has been abolished for international Etsy and Lab orders? I placed orders via Etsy and the site, expecting to get combined shipping as usual, but both packages have been shipped without mention of a refund for combined shipping. Maybe I'll get an email in a few days' time but just thought I'd check here!


    I am pretty sure they always combine when asked, but I always email them with my order numbers so that it doesn't get missed. Did you specifically ask them to combine? Do they usually just do it without you saying anything? I don't know because I always send an email. That's likely disappointing for you! :( I know how painful international shipping is!


    It does sometimes take a couple of days for your refund though, so maybe it's still coming? I combined two Etsy orders and they shipped Thursday and my refund hasn't come through yet.



    Ah, that must be where I went wrong! With previous orders, the lab has noticed the simultaneous orders and combined the shipping without my saying anything, so I didn't bother emailing them to let them know. Oops :wacko2:

  5. Does anyone know whether combined shipping has been abolished for international Etsy and Lab orders? I placed orders via Etsy and the site, expecting to get combined shipping as usual, but both packages have been shipped without mention of a refund for combined shipping. Maybe I'll get an email in a few days' time but just thought I'd check here!

  6. I got number 267. Wet, it smells like fresh Snake Oil. Dry, it smells like Snake Oil but with a slightly astringent, animalic quality perhaps? Maybe it IS Snake Oil and I got the joke bottle and the labbies are going to be reading this review like :lol: (Seriously though, how amazing would it be if they released the lists of notes for all the Chaos Theories and we could all go and see how close our noses were to the truth?!) ANYhow, I love Snake Oil so I'm very happy with this bottle and I'm looking forward to seeing how it ages.

  7. I'd never smelled the original Snake Charmer but I love Snake Oil so much I had to try it. I was worried about the coconut as I'm not a fan of it at all, but mercifully I detect nary a hint of it. In fact, it's really similar to Snake Oil, but different enough to be worth buying separately! As others have mentioned it is sufficiently light to wear in summer, so I'm going to get plenty of use out of it! And, am I crazy or does this HG make your hair softer than others?! Anyways, I love it :wub3: 5/5

  8. So I tried Mouse's Sad and Long Tale in my new diffuser tonight - it's a nice scent but it's pretty suffocating as a room scent with all that sweet vanilla goodness!! Will update as I go through my collection haha. Bewitched is a good suggestion, perhaps I'll try that. And maybe Croquet. Or Morocco - I don't like that on my skin so much so maybe it would work in the diffuser...

  9. Wet: That weird aquatic note that I really dislike


    Drydown: Ok the yucky aquatic has calmed down and there's a nice sharp floral coming through, tempered with sweetness. The blend settles into a gorgeous creamy musk that could hardly be more different to what I smelled when I first opened the imp! Wow, it's really lovely!

  10. Wet: Bleurgh! Lemon cleaner and flowers


    Drydown: Stinky flowers and something sharp and spice, must be the ginger. A little while later the spice overpowers the stinky flowers and it actually becomes quite a nice spicy, leathery blend...pretty sexy! Quite gender-neutral. It wouldn't be a scent I'd reach for often, though. I have so many more than I prefer!

  11. Wet: Light and clean-smelling, a little bit sweet and citrusy


    Drydown: Something floral this way comes, blending with the citrusy soap smell. It's inoffensive but definitely not a scent I'd wear for the scent alone - so let's hope it works :tongue:

  12. Wet: Bubblegum / cola bottle sweets!! Then the cinnamon comes through, then some stanky jasmine. Yep, this one is taking no prisoners!


    Drydown: A bit menthol-y. Some flowery baked-goods... Very strange! It settles down into a pretty, spicy, cinnamon-y and sweet jasmine. It's weird but it's weirdly alluring. Not bad at all. Certainly gets your attention :biggrin:

  13. Wet: This is a sweet and happy scent. If this is what Dragon's Blood smells like then I'm a fan :)


    Drydown: It's a sweet, powdery, feminine floral. Bright, fresh, and clean. It's pretty and it makes me feel happy so I can see how it might have some magical properties! Will have to report back on their efficacy ;)

  14. Wet, this is sweet and pink. Those are the only two words I can muster for this smell right now. I agree that it's not like candy or fruit... Not detecting any jasmine for now



    Drydown: The sweetness subsides a little and the woodsy, floral bit comes through and it all blends into this gorgeous, sophisticated, feminine, grown-up (to me!) scent. Love it :wub3:

  15. Got this as a frimp and love it! Funnily enough, I don't actually like Absinthe (the scent), but this is gorgeous, the absinthe isn't overwhelming at all. Very fresh and sophisticated perfume. Definite bottle :wub3:


    ETA: It's kind of like Embalming Fluid with pretty flowers!

  16. I managed to score a decant of this from my NYCC fairy, secretly hoping that I wouldn't get what all the hype was about and therefore wouldn't mind that it had sold out. But alas! :thud: It's lovely. The incensey smell I get when it's on wet is so stirring and evocative...then when it dries down it becomes this really beautiful, wonderfully-blended scent - a scent, I say, deliberately eschewing the word perfume because it is just that classy. Perfect olfactory representation of the character. :clap: Well-played, Lab!

  17. When I opened the bottle and applied it to my skin, all I got from the oil was a nauseating fake chocolate smell (I did spend most of yesterday vomiting, so perhaps my judgment is impaired!). But it calms down quickly into a snuggly scent that's sweet but not foody. I can definitely detect honey, sandalwood and maybe the smallest hint of patchouli. Actually, the sweet patchouli vibe reminds me a little of Silkybat HG, but I prefer Little Maggie. It also has the husband's approval. The label art is lovely too!


    Thanks to my NYCC fairy seussala for picking it up for me! :wub2:

  18. In the bottle all I get is lavender. Wet, it's lavender with something almost edibly sweet which I believe is the bourbon vanilla.


    Dry - the fig is strong with this one! I think I must amp fig. It reminds me of Iole. The fig note drowns out the others for a while but after an hour or so it settles down and the vanilla comes through again. The wood notes are really taking a back seat but I think they must be doing their bit all the same!


    It's a close-to-the-skin scent, and very comforting.
