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Everything posted by gloame

  1. gloame

    Schrodinger's Cat

    At first, this reminded me of something from my childhood that I still can't place. Maybe some girly toy set from the early 90s. On drydown, this is weirdly quirky and pretty. I love the lime and the lavender together - not soapy at all. I don't smell any oakmoss, but I'm sure it's doing its part keeping this from smelling like Fruit Loops. Overall, this is a lovely, happy summer scent. I'm keeping the imp and may get a bottle.
  2. gloame


    Wow, weird and super interesting! It's very herby and it kind of reminds me of Tiger Balm, but not hot. All cold. I really like this.
  3. gloame


    Ohh. I feel like I finally picked out what ylang ylang smells like, despite having it in dozens of blends that I've tried before. This is a white floral, but not the sneezy kind. The neroli is faint, as is the patchouli. I didn't think I'd like this at first, but I do. Very interesting and pretty.
  4. gloame

    Keichu Nyoetsu Warai Dogu

    Soft, low throw, a definite sniffer. Oddly, this goes a little soapy on me. It's not soap soap, but there's this hint. I'm confused because sandalwood, champaca, leather, and resin are usually all A+ winners for me, and I love coconut IRL. I like this, but I don't love it.
  5. gloame

    Fire Cock

    This goes rather bubblegum on me when wet, which I suspect is the peony and kumquat together (because Tweedledee went bubblegum on me too and it had kumquat, but it's not entirely a citrus bubblegum). As it dries down, it's much less gummy, but I think it could do with some ageing to firm it up a bit more.
  6. gloame


    This is very distinguished. It could go unisex, but it's still light and creamy enough for even ladies who like girlier blends. What stands out to me the most is the creamiest of the blend, the cashmere. It smells like a warm sweater feels. Makes me sigh happily.
  7. gloame

    Nasty Woman

    The patchouli goes a bit tangy on me and stays that way. It's really interesting. Not bad, but unexpected. Soft, warm, amber, tangy patchouli. After aging for a few months (6/17 and again 7/12) this feels like it has a watery-bubblegum vibe like I sometimes get with violet blends. No idea what's causing it. It's soft and sweet floral. Not sure I love. Where I'd wear this: Pussy rallies
  8. gloame

    Fake News

    So soft and warm. It is a bit quirky, but unlike certain tweets, it makes me happy. I would wear it daily, but I didn't give it 5 stars because it disappeared on me pretty quick.
  9. gloame

    Qui Aime Bien Châtie Bien

    I didn't love this at first. When it was wet, it was very freesia and very soap, BUT JUST WAIT. Give it 15-20 minutes and it softens into something very lovely. I swear there's a bit of lemon in here with the honey, almost like tea in the springtime. Very lovely choice for anyone wanting to present themselves as sunshine bright, feminine, and quirky.
  10. gloame

    Nevertheless, She Persisted

    Bottle straight from the Lab. When it first came in, I did a quick test and was hit with this huge whiff of vomit. I washed it off right away. It sat for a few weeks and now doesn't have as much of a vomit smell when I open it now. On dry down, the sickly scent fades completely and it's a light resin-y, incense-y, floral. It's much prettier to me now, but it doesn't stand out as anything spectacular on my skin. I agree that it does have a medieval vibe.
  11. gloame


    All juniper all day. Since I'm on a juniper blend streak, I'll compare it: Theoi Nomioi: is softer, more cedar, more amber Thanatopsis: is greener, chewier, more juniper Arkham: is sweeter and greener This reminds me of a log cabin in the springtime. It's sharp and brighter than I expected for a juniper scent. I know there's supposed to be amber in here, and usually I can pick out amber a mile away, but I'm not getting any on my skin. I also can usually pick out leather a mile away, and none of that either. I'm honestly kind of disappointed. :/ I was hoping for something that would remind me of my first Lab favorite, Arkham, but newp. Low throw, medium wear. Not a favorite, but it's nice in its own way.
  12. gloame

    Theoi Nomioi

    I got a frimp of Thanatopsis with my order so I tested them side by side. Early on, they both have that same clean, green, chewy pine note. Thanatopsis stays pretty much that way throughout, but Theoi evens out into a softer, sweeter forest. There's some cedar in here with the pine and juniper, which I think makes for a softer blend. You can almost feel the chewy sap between your teeth. Remember pulling it off a pine tree and rolling it into a ball between your fingers? And then your fingers were sticky for DAYS. That's in here. I ordered this hoping for something that would remind me of my first Lab favorite (Arkham). It doesn't, but I like it in a different way.
  13. gloame


    I got this as a frimp in the same order as Theoi Nomioi and there's a definite resemblance at first sniff. Both are sharp, green, chewy pine. Almost like you can squish the seeping sap between your fingers and roll it up into little balls. This is super clean and green. It smells like open windows and spring cleaning. It's fresh and beautiful, but not something I'd wear. It would make a very nice room scent. If you miss Theoi Nomioi, this is a good alternative, but I think Theoi is prettier.
  14. gloame

    Hell's Belle

    Sweet, smoky and sensually wicked. A thick, steamy scent, truly sinister in its voluptuous sexuality. The perfume of a demon's favored consort, or of the devil herself. Oleander with wet, sweet mandarin, lush magnolia, a rush of deep musk and a touch of spice. In my eternal quest for a magnolia blend, I ordered an imp of this with my Lupers. First sniff, it's tangy and brighter than I expected, although not exactly a 'bright' scent. I think that I just have to accept that mandarin (or any orange note) just overwhelms everything else on me and I need to stop trying. I can barely detect some oleander underneath, but it's mostly all orange to my nose. This isn't my magnolia blend.
  15. gloame

    Santo Domingo

    I think I finally understand what y'all mean when you say a tobacco note is "chewy". This does smell like you could chew on it! It feels more 'solid' maybe. Deep and brown. IDK if I'm getting the bay rum - it's all tobacco to me - but it's really interesting and delightful. I'm so glad I ordered an imp of this. I'm going to let it age a while and see what happens to that rum. ETA: After aging, it has the beautiful soft tobacco-ness of Orgy with Nine Women. LOVE. Where I'd wear this: Holiday in Cuba, walking through a market town.
  16. gloame


    I ordered an imp of this with my Lupers purchase. At first, it reminded me a lot of ladies' restroom liquid soap. And then it didn't remind me of anything because I couldn't find it after 15 minutes. :/
  17. gloame

    Third Charm

    I really wanted to love this one, but it kept going sour on my skin. I was also hoping for more champaca, but it didn't show up for me. Probably just my chemistry -- I suspect this will smell great on others.
  18. gloame

    Blood Kiss

    This came as a frimp March 2015–and it was a wonderful surprise! It’s warm, soft, woodsy. The cherry is unique and beautiful, not at all cloying. It has a low throw, making it perfect for seductive wear. I can’t stop smelling my hand, honestly. This may be a new Top 5. ETA Immediately, very tangy, juicy and red. Red wine that's been sitting out overnight, with candied overripe cherries nearby. Warm, honey-cream mixed in. Goes very woody on the drydown. Low throw, good wear. Love this. Where I'd wear this: First dates, when you don't plan to wait.
  19. gloame

    Miskatonic University

    I’ve had several frimps of Miskatonic University over the years and finally decided to go for a full. On first sniff it’s hot, gooey vanilla, then sugared coffee. In my 5ml, I’m getting a Play-doh undertone on drydown, which has never shown up in my imps. Weird. It’s still nice, but I think I’ll use this bottle for layering now instead of wearing by itself. Vanilla, coffee breaks, heat.
  20. gloame


    A surprise favorite! It's indeed very resin-y, which I love, but it smells very green. Not fern-y/fougere green, but *alive* green. I don't know what Mage this is modeled after, but it reminds me more of a Druid. ETA where I'd wear it: When I'm studying magic
  21. gloame

    The Deep Ones

    This is so spunky. The most playful evil. Not your typical Irish Springs, but there is a touch of it in the background. Really unique and worth trying! Where I'd wear this: Brewing potions with Grandmama Addams
  22. gloame

    The Sea Foams Milk

    I like this one better than The Sea Foams Blood. It's smoother and sweeter, with less of a bite. There's an undercurrent of coconut, and overall a creamy citrus, with just a touch of sea water.
  23. gloame


    First sniff: green lemons. Second sniff... can't find it. It faded fast.
  24. gloame

    Vial of Holy Water

    Smells green and clean. No idea what the notes are! Also smells kinda cold.
  25. gloame


    This is a scent that smells best after it’s been on skin for an hour. The settling period takes longer than a lot of other blends and there’s a strong dirt note (to me) while it does which fades into the leather/incense that’s so lovely once it’s gotten comfortable on your skin. Masculine, dry, leather. Where I'd wear this: Forbidden Forest potions-brewing