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Everything posted by gloame

  1. gloame

    Belle Vinu

    Not really anything like I expected. It's much fresher than I would've thought, given the sandalwood and vanilla - none of the 'warmth' I expect with those two, or even the rosewood. Not much fruitiness with the peach, as if it's not quite ripe yet. A bit greener than I anticipated. Fresh and green, but ultimately not what I was looking for. Where I'd wear this: To hunt fairies in the Forest of Dean, April
  2. gloame

    Delight in Disorder

    Mmm, I do love this. I always worry that cherry notes are going to go cough syrup or Coke Cherry on me, but the musk in here is perfect. This smells self-assured, womanly, and a fair bit slutty in the best way. A star of this year's Lupers. Where I'd wear this: To Vegas, at night
  3. gloame


    First thought: Oh this is pretty, many violets. Violet is a scary note for me because I love the idea of it and I love it in some blends (Midnight on the Midway, e.g.) but it can quickly go bubblegum on me if I'm not careful (Brusque Violets, e.g.). This is a nice balance of violet. The white sandalwood keeps it from becoming too bubblegum and I really like the amber and musk here, too. The vetiver is no doubt keeping it more regal, along with whatever other florals are in here (can't tell). This is nice, soft, feminine, but unexpected. Do like! Where I'd wear this: A tea party with your best girls
  4. gloame


    This is really pretty? And yet it has labdanum? I love amber and ceder so this was bound to at least intrigue me, even if citrus tends to go too wild on me. This dries down to a super soft woody spice, very pleasant, but ultimately doesn't excite me as much as other blends. Where I'd wear this: To commune with nature in the summer
  5. gloame

    Against Idleness and Mischief

    Some years ago, I sampled this and loved it and called it an oriental blend. It seems totally different to me now. Kind of pink-purple with a good bit of honey. Now it smells more like spring cakes. Warm and yummy and bright. Interesting, but I don't think I love it as much as I did the first time. Where I'd wear it: On a sailboat, eating a crumpet picnic.
  6. gloame


    There's a soft spice, and something almost crayon about this. White musk, maybe? It's like a memory of fruit, played on a harp. "It was there a moment ago, but now the sound faded." Dries down to a whisper-spice, a smear of honey, so very light and airy, almost musical. I never got any bay rum. Where I'd wear it: Brunch on a boardwalk (Maine, not California)
  7. gloame

    Centzon Totochtin

    The most delicious purple-fruited chocolate, with a touch of coffee. I swear, coffee never shows up on me, even when it's the first listed note (wahh), but this smells so good. It reminds me of the new American Gods blend, The Jeweled Spider, but less dirty. This smells happy and it makes me hungry for some non-existent tart. (Isn't it weird how sometimes you crave a food that doesn't exist, except in fantasy novels?) Where I'd wear it: Picking out sweets from Honeydukes on the first Hogsmeade Weekend of the autumn term at Hogwarts
  8. gloame


    Straight. Lavender. *sleepy sighhhhhh* Where I'd wear this: To 'I need to sleep for 12 hours' cozy time
  9. gloame

    A Countenance Forboding Evil

    Don’t let this one scare you off on first sniff–when it’s still wet it has a strong dirt note (patchouli galore), but as it dries down, it warms up really nicely. The patchouli’s always going to give off that earth scent, but the ylang ylang and orange sweeten it up. When it’s dry, it smells sexy and earthy. It’s balanced and subtle and clean smelling. Would smell great on the man or woman (very unisex) who wants to smell like nature. Definitely a woody scent. Where I'd wear it: A forest retreat
  10. gloame


    The Halloween of childhood, when everything is magical and warm, cozy and scary, and you could still get a Hogwarts letter on your birthday. This is delicious and honestly, I'm astounded this isn't an LE Weenie because it's so perfect. 5 ml for sure. Where I'd wear it: Just home from trick-or-treating and finding a Hogwarts letter on the table
  11. gloame


    My second time smelling this, it smells much sadder now. The first time was in 2015 and I wonder if it's from the blend or from me paying more attention to it. It has an almost... tang to it. But that's not quite right. There's like a sharp nip that fades before you even notice it, but the pain it left behind lingers. I feel like there must be a lemongrass or something similar in here. Very poignant. Where I'd wear it: Summer funeral, a mix of bright with gloom.
  12. gloame

    The Jeweled Spider

    Okay so right away, this smells so yummy! Almost orangey, but not that overwhelming orange that always happens to me with citrus. The chocolate comes out almost immediately and it's also super yum. The coffee's kind of an afterthought on my skin, and I was hoping for a bit more of it. It does seem to fade within the first hour and then I can hardly find it on my skin. If you're worried about the goat curry, don't be! This smells delicious! Just wish it would last a bit longer on me. Where I'd wear it: New Orleans in the autumn, eating chocolate tarts and drinking chicory coffee
  13. gloame

    Zorya Polunochnaya

    Starlight and calm dreams. It's very elegant and understated, but not at all boring. There's definitely something to it that will pique the interest of anyone who catches a whiff. On me, it's very close to the skin, but I've read others who are finding it more apparent. Where I'd wear it: To sleep under the stars in pastoral Wales.
  14. gloame


    It’s funny to think of something called Cthulhu as “darling” but this scent really is. It came as a frimp in my Lupercalia order and I was delighted since it had been on my wishlist. If you like aquatics, this one is top notch. It has a quirky clean scent, but it’s not soapy to me. It actually smells slithery! I love it. It’s going to the BF because he loves water scents and he’s quirky, too. Can’t wait to smell it on him. Where I'd wear it: Husbands in summer
  15. gloame

    Halloween In Innsmouth

    Sniffing this 5 years later from an imp and I'm getting a lot of patchouli and green dirt. No fish. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing because it's not everyday you get the chance to smell fish perfume. Where I'd wear this: Daytime in autumn
  16. gloame

    El Dia de los Reyes

    2009 version, imp'd Hot chocolate! ...And then booze. This is like after the holiday dinner has been eaten and the adults have slowly transitioned from regular hot chocolate to ~special~ hot chocolate. It's warm, gooey, deeply chocolatey. Not a bottle for me, but worth keeping an imp to hand. Where I'd wear it: Holiday parties ETA compared to Yule 2015 version: 2009 is chewier, gooier chocolate. 2015 is drier, more adult chocolate.
  17. gloame

    Theme in Yellow

    Kinda buttery! I think it's the candles mixing with the pumpkin. I like this a lot and find it super unique but I don't know if it's a wearing scent. I think it's a burning scent. It feels like an autumn afternoon kind of blend rather than a Halloween night one. Where I'd wear this: Prepping for a Halloween party
  18. gloame

    Monastery in the Mountains

    Cold, slushy snow, with a fresh, cold mint. Where I'd wear this: Trudging through cold, slushy snow to pick up firewood.
  19. gloame

    Ded Moroz

    2105 imp'd version Wow - teak, sage, and snow create the most unusual blend. I can't stop sniffing it. The sage is right there at the forefront, but the teak and the snow are so good at holding it up. I get ghosts of moss but I can't pick out any of the other notes. This in incredibly unique. Maybe not something I'd wear, but I do like it! Where I'd wear it: New Year's Day and fresh beginnings
  20. gloame


    Oh almond... you are so delicious and yet sometimes you do whacko things on my skin. The almond does fade down and let the spiciness come through, but on me, it's always there in the background, keeping me from getting the bay rum or the true spirit of the cloves. Where I'd use this: Spicing up the house before a holiday party
  21. gloame

    Autumn Fancies

    Goes a bit lemon Pledge on me but that fades and then I'm getting some grass in there, too. This smells like the first push of autumn, when the days are still warm but you have to bundle up at night, and as the sun goes down, everything feels very close and real. Where I'd wear this: an Indian summer at night
  22. gloame

    Mother Shub's Pumpkin Pecan Treacle Tarts

Popularized by the reality TV show "Real Cultists of Arkham Hills"! First sniff: Granny's homemade pralines! <3 <3 <3 If this is what Treacle Tart tastes like, I'm heading for England tonight. I'm sniffing this 4 years late, so it's had plenty of time to age, and I think it has done well but I can see some of the ghosts of notes people didn't love right away. It doesn't smell like a pastry; it smells like a... cauldron of gooey almost-too-ripe pumpkin and spice and pecans. Honestly I love it. Where I'd wear this: Baking Halloween treats
  23. gloame


    This really does smell like wine & violets. Violets are hit-or-miss for me (total shame). This isn’t working on my skin, but I like the vibe of it, and I think it would work for others who do really well with violets and wine. The leather is in the background, creating kind of a… I don’t know, almost like a buffer between this scent and your skin. It’s really interesting! Where I’d wear this: Wine night with friends in winter
  24. gloame

    Mother Shub's Pfancy Pfefferneusse

    Sugar and spice and everything nefarious! So glad I got my hands on an imp of this because it smells delish. By the time Yule rolls around again, I'll be trying to bake something that smells just like this. Where I'd wear it: Baking Yule cakes with family
  25. gloame


    Ooh, spring has sprung! This reminds me of Easter. Despite not being religious, I love blends that remind me of Easter. Just smells nice. Jasmine does it for me every time. I really love this, and it's quite aquatic, and I rarely LOVE aquatics. Where I'd wear it: London in springtime.