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Everything posted by sundrop

  1. sundrop

    Blossoms in Springtime

    I so wanted to love this one! Sadly, on me it seems to turn to a serious muskiness which could easily be interpreted as having last night's sex funk, mixed with sweat and floral soap. If it does not magically age in a bit, it'll have to go.
  2. sundrop


    I am delighted with Theotokos - I ordered a hopeful bottle (unsniffed). I tend to prefer fruit and sweeter smells, and this is a nice compromise between a full-on sweet or rosy smell, and a stronger base of a muskier hint of something (amber? frankincense? not sure). Many perfumes seem to be "eaten" by my skin realtively quickly, but I have still a hint of Theotokos at the end of the day, which is wonderful. A solid 4.0 of 5 stars, perhaps a bit more - well-balanced and pleasant, I am very happy.