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Posts posted by Dani87

  1. I love fall scents! Not all of my suggestions are foody, but I find them to have the same lasting power. also, some of them might not be what others consider fall, but I wear mine any time of year.

    Alice's Evidence





    event horizon





    on darkness

    poisoned apple

    Santa Muerta


    the lion

    the zadok Allen vineyard

    to autumn




  2. Imp: dry, dark, dusty can't really pin down a specific note though.


    Wet: bubble gum like in jailbait, but dark.


    Drydown: bubble gum, and mint dip/snuff. crazy combo that reminds me of highschool.


    Dry: It is very smoky now the florals, and wood seem to come out, and soften this some, but it still smells like bubble gum & mint dip!


    Overall: I don't love it, and probably won't wear it much, but I am going to keep it because it's such an odd scent.


    Edit* after a few hours the bubble gum and dip disappeared. It was replaced by a dry dusty rose, and woods. Turned out to be very beautiful.

  3. Imp: lily lily lily!!


    Wet: lilies with maybe a little rose in the background. Mostly lily though.


    Dry: lilies with a soft smokey incense around it.


    Overall: Love it!! Absolutely gorgeous. This stays mostly lily on me, but a true lily, very life like. I think that if I layered it with a dirt scent it would smell just like a graveside service. I also want to try it layered over a vanilla, and also a leather sn. I need a bottle for sure!

  4. This did not morph on me at all, smelled the same in the imp, and on my skin the whole time. I didn't get any manderin, mango, and I couldn't really pick out any sugar cane. It was all buttery pumpkin, amber, and ginger. I love it, but was hoping for the mango, and manderin, will let it sit for awhile to see if they come out.

  5. I noticed most people refer to rose or powder scents as old lady. I love a lot of the old lady scents mentioned darkness, event horizon, and grandmother of ghost. I really like rose too, but I don't like powdery. So I find snake oil, follow me boy, and stuff like that to be the most "old lady". However, my mamaw loves hairy toad lily, and sin. So maybe you could try those.

  6. Imps: oh no I am getting the pine sol smell I got from burial :(


    First on: still pine sol


    wet: pine sol went away pretty quickly yay! It still smells very clean though.


    Dry down: I do smell roses but they are not dry, they are drooping dying roses and very sweet. still smells very clean too.


    Dry: the roses become dryer, and I get a somewhat dusty smell, but still clean.


    Overall: I didn't get any of the dirt, or moss :( I love the labs dirt note, so I was a little disappointed, and it was not what I expected at all. I do still like it though, and will probably layer it with deep in earth, or destroying angel next time to get more of a dirt smell.

  7. I got this in a swap. I was so excited because I have been dying to try it out, and wanted to love it so much. Sadly, I couldn't even tell what it smelled like. Everytime I tried to take a sniff I sneezed. I put it on anyways, but could not stop sneezing until I washed it off. Guess I'm allergic :( off to swaps.

  8. Imp: dubble bubble bubblegum!

    Wet: still.gum

    Drydown: gum, and a hint of cinnamon, and orange.

    Dry: mostly gum, with cinnamon, orange, and cherry. Also a faint hint of perfume.

    Over all: this is just as the lab describes. I love it, and it's put me in a better mood. If this scent was a song it would either be 'jailbait' by motorhead(for obvious reasons), or 'she's sexy + 17' by the straycats. Love it, and want a big bottle soon!

  9. Imp: pear all pear.

    Wet: pear, and floral.

    Drydown: the champagne comes out now.

    Dry: pears, champagne, and flowers.

    Overall: I love it. This is a very pretty, happy, summer scent. It really woke me up this morning, and helped put me in a good mood(not a morning person).

  10. Imp: big deep red roses.

    Wet: red rose with leather in the background.

    Drydown: the same, but more leather then before.

    Dry: still rose, and leather.

    Overall: this didn't morph at all. It's really sexy, with a great thow. I got this in a swap, and I am so glad I did because I love it! My husband used to work on diesel engines so he doesn't have the greatest sniffer anymore, but as soon as he smelled this he said "damn, that one smells good". I just found my new scent , need a big bottle asap!

  11. Imp: very clean, but I can't pick out any notes.

    Wet: powder laundry detergent. Very dry, flakey soap.

    Drydown: still very dry soap, but with a little sweetness that must be the honey. It does not smell like honey though, just sweet soap.

    Dry: spicey sweet soap.

    Overall: this smelled like soap the whole time. So much so that it smells like I just rubbed soap all over myself. When I smell my wrist the soap smell is so strong I can taste it. I don't want to walk around smelling, and tasting soap all day, off to swaps.

  12. The Dark Side of Fire: cinnamon, bitter almond, and neroli. Heavily spiced, torrid, and possibly conflagrant.


    Imp: red hots
    Wet: still red hots, or maybe big red gum.
    Drydown: the big red has calmed down some, and the bitter almond has come out. They are the only notes I smell.
    Dry: still big red, and bitter almond
    Overall: it's not a bad scent, and I kind of like it, but don't ever see myself wearing it. Off to swaps.

  13. Imp: cedar but very dry, and smokey. Like cedar in a wood stove.

    Wet: same

    Drydown: it's still mostly dry cedar, but the sage has come out as well.

    Dry: same

    Over all: this is a very manly scent, it's nice, but not for me. I tried to keep the more masculine scents like this around for my husband. However he would much rather kill me in a cloud of axe :( so it's off to swaps.
