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BPAL Madness!

Lady Midnight

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Posts posted by Lady Midnight

  1. I've worn this twice and I had the same experience both times. Initially it smelled minty but after a couple of hours it turned into the smell of spoiled food. It was absolutely foul. Ah, well, at least now I know to avoid pennyroyal like the plague.

  2. I've given Spellbound multiple chances and there's no denying it: it smells like incense - and not in a good way but in a way that prompted people around me to make faces and proclaim that something smelled like hippies. :(

  3. In the bottle it has a mild and generic but not unpleasant perfume smell. On me, it smells like watermelon. It's not a bad scent at all, but I'd rather not smell like a watermelon. :P

  4. I tried it a couple of months ago, and, unfortunately, it smelled soapy on me. I gave it a second chance a couple of days ago, but my first impression was confirmed: it smells okay in the vial, but the moment it touches my skin, it begins to smell like soap.

  5. I LOVE this. It smells sophisticated and decadent (seriously, it makes me feel like I ought to be wearing an evening gown and sipping a glass of expensive wine) and it keeps you sniffing as you try to detect something you can't quite place. It's definitely a scent that makes an impression and one I will wear when I want to leave a guy intrigued and wanting more. ;)

  6. In the bottle The Obsidian Widow, well, to put it bluntly, it stank like the cheap "inpired by" spray colognes they sell at 99c stores. It wasn't much better on my skin for the first couple of minutes. Then all I could smell was the overpowering scent of roses. I guess if you like the smell of roses, that'd be a good thing, but I'm discovering that anything with attar of roses smells horrible on me. I skin-tested it again the following day and I had the same impression. Ah, well, on the next scent...

  7. In the bottle Versailles smelled pleasant but too mild. On my skin, initially, it smelled like candy - in a good way - but still too faint. However after half an hour it grew stronger and smelled beautiful. Seriously, if the word "pretty" had a scent, it would be this one. It brought to mind morning sunshine and the freshly blooming flowers of springtime. I'm definitely going to order a bottle.

  8. Medea is my favorite of the admittedly few BPAL scents I've tried. It's the only scent I ordered a 5ml bottle of, and if it was available in a larger size, I'd buy that. Usually marketing copy is hyperbole at best, but in this case intoxicating is indeed the best word to describe Medea. It smells dark in the best way. Wearing it brings out a feeling of sensuous power. I can't praise it enough.

  9. In the bottle and for its first few minutes on my skin I was overpowered by the smell of roses. I like bold, strong perfumes but this was too much. Then, after a few minutes, I couldn't smell anything at all. I even had a friend sniff my wrist and he couldn't smell anything either. In sum: Lilith is not for me.
