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Posts posted by edenssixthday

  1. O v5 - I can't wear O at all. Something in it smells just horrible on my my skin - plastickey and synthetic. I was curious what other versions of O were like since my skin chemistry is changing and I can now wear honey (YAY!), but O still reeks on me. Well, this version of it smells great on me. It has a lot less amber, more honey, and more vanilla. It seems to possibly have an extra jolt of sugar in it, too. It's very, very sweet. I can't usually wear sweet, foody scents, but this one is rocking my socks. After a few minutes on my skin, it does gain a hint of that weird synthetic aspect the released version of O has, but it's not nearly as strong. It's also got a hint of powderiness (must be from the amber?) that I don't get from the released version. I like this version a lot and if I had more than a bit, I would wear it a lot, I think.

  2. Libertarian - The most obvious note from beginning to end is frankincense. Behind that is possibly a bit of smoky myrrh, and definitely some clove, and peeking out between the cracks, something citrusy, maybe tangerine? I really love this scent. It's smokey and woody and spicy and has depth and complexity. Lovely!

  3. Yew Berry Infused Honey - My experience with this seems very different from the other reviewers so far. It opens up as a sweet, woody-resin scent, reminiscent of what you might get if you blended honey, evergreen, and myrrh together. It's incredibly gorgeous in a slightly sweet, but mostly rich and smoky-wood kind of way. The honey is never fully identifiable -- I just know that's what's got to be sweetening up the overall scent. It stays pretty true on my skin for a couple of hours, but around the 3 hour point or so, I notice that up close, it smells exactly like BPAL's chocolate note on my skin. E.X.A.C.T.L.Y. It's weird. It's not bad, it's just odd and not what I expected.

  4. Durian Fruit Infused Honey with Brandy - This is probably my favorite of the new honey blends. The fruit is completely different than anything I've ever smelled. It's sweet yet tangy and blends beautifully with both the honey and the shot of brandy thrown in. The brandy is absolutely the perfect touch to top of this scent. Once it dries down, it stays very close to my skin but it does last for a number of hours. Up close, there's a bit of a dusty, plastic type thing going on, but it's not bad enough to scare me off. Overall, this is a lovely fruity-honey fragrance.

  5. Meliai - Perhaps it's the presence of the sugary sweet ash manna, but this is by far, the #1 best honey scent I've ever encountered. It smells like fresh, organically farmed honey. I don't smell any of the green herbals, pine, or white florals other reviewers are picking up on. On me, it's sweet honey and smokey ash, and absolutely nothing else. It's so gorgeous I bought a bottle.

  6. L’Examen de Minuit – I was so excited about this – four of the five listed ingredients are among my favorite notes and the notion of them together had me really excited. And sure enough, on my skin, it’s almost lovely. Unfortunately, I don’t like the way the rose is blending (or not blending, as the case may be) with the frankincense and myrrh on my skin. The rose is just way too strong, and it seems like those three notes are in a real power struggle for top billing. I wish the plum were a bit heavier on me and the rose a lot more subtle. If that were the case, this scent would be to die for. Maybe I’ll try it again sometime when I’m at a better time in my monthly cycle and see if maybe hormones are just throwing the balance of notes out of whack.

  7. The Forest Reverie - I tend to dislike forest scents, but this is definitely an exception. I barely smell the typical woods/leaves/forest floor notes and instead, I smell the sweetness of opium smoke (such an amazing fragrance!) and more than anything else, I smell the grape vine. It’s slightly woody, slightly green, and slightly fruity in a grapey/winey kind of way. I don’t smell the lily at all and the rose is subtle and adds a touch of elegance to this blend. I think this is an unexpected collection of notes and the effect is gorgeous.

  8. Oleander Honey – I think this is my favorite of the new Rappaccini’s Apiary honey blends. It’s a gorgeous floral-honey scent. The oleander is gorgeous and strong. It’s very sweet, but has the slightest bit of an almost herbal-like bitterness that hovers just below the sweetness of the floral. It’s so pretty I can’t stop sniffing my wrist. I am so glad my skin chemistry changed over the years and that I can now wear and enjoy most honey scents because this is such a lovely scent that I’d be sad to have to pass on it.

  9. Hemlock Honey – I didn’t expect to enjoy this scent since in the vial it smells strongly like the Rappaccini’s Garden scent Hemlock (which to me smells very green and medicinally-herbal and a lot like the Simple Green cleaning product); however, once it dries down on my skin, it really takes to my skin chemistry. I still smell the hemlock in this, but the honey is the strongest note and they blend together really well, and the sweetness of the honey smooths over any of the medicinal qualities Hemlock tends to have on my skin. I actually really like this one!

  10. Snake Oil Bath Oil - The quality of the oil itself is silky, moisturizing, and luxurious. But the scent... well, that's in a league of its own. Snake Oil bath oil is a million kajillion times better than Snake Oil perfume oil. I didn't think it was possible to perfect Snake Oil even more, but apparently it was. Not only is it a wonderful bath oil, but I blended a little bit with my neutrogena after-bath oil, and the scent lasted all night long. I woke up a couple times in the night and not only smelled it on my skin, but on my pillow and sheets. and in the morning, the scent was still going strong on my skin, and it was better than Snake Oil has ever smelled on me. It had a smoky quality that the perfume oil doesn't give off on my skin. It's really wonderful. I don't think I need any other bath oils now.

  11. Ehecatl - I agree with the previous reviewer who compared this to Embalming Fluid/Shanghai. It's definitely in the same category. I LOVE this scent. It's the first lime scent I've tried where the lime sticks around for more than half a second. The matcha is a nice touch -- green and grassy and smooth. And the hibiscus... such a pretty floral. The musk is very faint and pulls the other notes together beautifully. On my skin, this is a gentle, semi-sweet greenish fruity-floral. I love it. I was tempted to buy a bottle at the Bat's Day event, but I was so overwhelmed that I didn't buy any GCs. Now I wish I had...and I probably will. It would be absolutely perfect for summer wear.

  12. Paramatman - I really thought I would like this one, but on my skin, the orange blossom screws up the loveliness of the sandalwood and champaca. The overall effect of the scent is a bitter and cloyingly powdery-sweet wood blend. It's just really odd on me. Orange blossom is one of those "iffy" notes on me, and this is one of the cases where it doesn't turn out so well. Oh well, I'll just try something else. :smile:

  13. Yürei - This is unexpectedly gorgeous on me. G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S.!!! I have no idea why, because I can't match up any of the listed notes, but this reminds me of a spring/summer version of The Shivering Boy. On me, it's mostly white tea and hibiscus. It has a very cool, chilly quality to it with a sweet, winter-like note that is so reminiscent of The Shivering Boy, and it's driving me nuts because I just can't pin it down for the life of me. I can't smell the vetiver at all. It's light and sweet and floral and I'm just so amazed because the scent description didn't grab me at all, but the scent is so very pretty. It doesn't have much throw, but my skin smells sweet and pretty, and I can't stop sniffing my wrists. I have a feeling this will get worn often in the coming summer months. :wub2:

    A swarm of genetically modified, extremely aggressive European bees that were created by Dr. Giacomo Rappaccini. These bees are attracted to a peculiar set of pollens and nectars, and possess a particularly vicious temperament, a lethal apitoxin, and cruelly barbed stingers.

    Tonka, black licorice, amber, golden sandalwood, ginger cream, bitter clove, stinging nettle, cinnamon bark, and coconut shell.

    Paduan Killer Swarm - Of all the blends in this update, I was the most excited about this one. It seemed like it would be absolutely perfect for me. It really is awesome, although sweeter than I anticipated. On me, the strongest notes are the licorice and coconut. There's a hint of clove giving some depth to the other two notes, but it doesn't amp on me the way clove sometimes does. I really can't discern any other specific notes because the licorice and coconut husk are both such strong scents -- and really gorgeous together. It's got really strong throw and good wear length. I really love this scent and would definitely recommend it to licorice and coconut lovers. :heart:

  15. Jerusalem Cherry Infused Honey - In the bottle and when first applied to my skin, this smells awesomely like warm, fresh-from-the-vine tomatoes. It's the best, most dead-on tomato scent I've ever encountered. It even has that little bit of green tang to it that tomatoes have at the top where they were separated from the vine. It's really amazing. As it dries on my skin, the tomato scent dissipates quickly, leaving a lovely, incredibly subtle honey scent that has the slightest hint of barely-there greenery. It's really beautiful, but way too subtle for my taste in perfumes. Still, I love the scent when it's wet. It makes me want to rush out to the nursery and buy some tomato plants to plant in my garden this spring!

  16. Sara Pezzini - In the bottle, this smells like musk and honey. When I first apply it, that's exactly what I smell -- skin musk and honey. As it dries down on my skin, I start to smell the leather note, which isn't strong, yet it does become the dominant note. I also feel like there's a faint trace of white sandalwood in here, because there's something very dry and almost dusty in this scent that reminds me of white sandalwood, but I could be wrong. I don't really like this on me because it's a bit too dry, but I can definitely understand why it would work really well on other people...of both sexes. I think it's a very gender-neutral scent. It's a soft scent, but it's not subtle, and it does last on my skin for quite some time -- definitely has longer wear time than the average BPAL on my skin.

  17. Night's Bridge - I did not expect to like this because I'm not usually drawn to stone scents, but I was so very wrong about this one. It's really amazing. Yes, there's the scent of stone, but it's not the cold, wet, draughty-castle type stone scent. It's warm and smooth, slightly musky, slightly floral, slightly aquatic, and incredibly beautiful. I can't stop sniffing my skin. I think it's possible there may be the faintest trace of Egyptian musk in here, but I can't tell for sure. It's so beautiful it makes me want to cry. Granted, I'm PMSing and everything makes me want to cry, but damn, PMSing or not, if a perfume makes me overflow with emotion like this, it must be an amazing scent. Also, it lasts all day long, which is very rare for me since my skin tends to eat up scents and I have to reapply regularly. I have the dregs left of a bottle after running a circle, and it won't be enough. I'll be ordering a full bottle with my next Lab order.

  18. Anesthesia - Ooh, three of my least favorite notes and one "iffy" one. Let's see what happens! Sniffing this in the bottle, I smell mint and lavender, and it's horribly pungent and awful. Keep in mind it's "awful" because I don't like these notes. When I put it on my skin, it remains a pungent and awful mint-lavender. After about 20 minutes, the pungency wears off, as does the mint. At this point, there's no peppermint to be found. The lavender becomes quite soft, the bergamot appears in a very subtle way, and the mandrake lends a hint of rooty earthiness to the blend. After 45 minutes, all I smell is the fainest hint of something herbal on my skin, kind of like the wafting of random herbs as you walk through the herbal supplement aisle of Whole Foods. In the end, it's quite gentle and herbal, which surprises me considering how bold and brazen it starts off. After 60 minutes, it's totally and completely gone. My skin and this blend aren't really a good match.

  19. Hunter - In the bottle, all I smell is the amber and clary sage. Together, they made a golden and oddly musky-type scent (to my nose, that is) when wet. But the moment this scent touches my skin, the leather leaps out at me, and I can't smell anything else for quite some time. After 20 minutes or so, I can smell the faintest trace of clary sage (one of my favorite notes in the world, yay!) and once again I can smell that golden musk scent I smell in the bottle. I have no idea what it is since none of the notes in this blend ever turn musky on me. I pick up a trace of warm, dry amber and absolutely no clove. This is a really pretty leather scent, but it's not really for me. I already have a favorite leather scent that I wear all the time, so this one will get passed on.

  20. The Velvets - This scent is a perfect example of why I continue to try BPAL scents that don't sound like I'd like them: because sometimes those I think I'll dislike based on notes that never work on me, end up smelling absolutely amazing. I can never wear dark or black musk. I mean NEVER. Ylang ylang is another that rarely works on me. And red sandalwood is rarely impressive. Incense scents tend to be about a 50/50 chance on me. Well, throw them all in a bottle with a few other nice notes that I do like, and WHOA MAMA!!!! Damn, I'm IMPRESSED!!! I understand now why some people love black musk. For the first time ever, I am wearing it and not just tolerating it, but I'm going positively gaga over it. It's so smooth and musky and velvety. The incense blends with that musk and the gorgeous earthy violet scent and the rose-amber and irisd... and it's just to die for. I really, really love this fragrance. The only thing wrong with it is that after about 60 minutes, it fades significantly. I can smell it on my clothes at the end of the day, but I can't smell it on my skin for longer than approximately one hour. Still, it's worth slathering. It's really fun to wear a scent that I shouldn't love and to experience all the wonderfulness of a note that's usually awful on me. :wub2:

  21. Volt - In the bottle, this is bright, crisp, refreshing, and really nice. However, on my skin, it does the weirdest thing, and while I still smell the lime and eucalyptus and mint, for some reason, it entirely reminds me of what one of my dogs smells like after she's had a bath and blow-dry. :blink: It's certainly not a bad smell because I love snuggling my fluffy little puppy after she's had a bath, but because of the odd association, I couldn't wear it as a perfume. I really wish I didn't have this scent association with this blend because if I didn't, I think I'd really, really like it.

  22. Mr. Croup - I can rarely, if ever, wear dark or black musk. On the other hand, geranium is my favorite note. I was pretty sure this wouldn't turn out well, but curious to smell the outcome. Sure enough, the dark musk doesn't exactly work, but the addition of the beautiful, lovely geranium, along with the warm, delicious tonka, makes it almost work, and it's definitely interesting. I definitely don't want to wear this myself, but I kind of wish I could get my husband to try this out. I have a weird feeling I'd actually really like it on him (assuming the musk doesn't disagree with him the way it does with me).

  23. The Floating Market - Oooh, I like! I really didn't think i was going to like this one -- it had too many odd and (to me) unidentifiable notes in the ingredient listing. In the bottle, it smells like a scent cacophony of mostly petitgrain and herbal/spicy stuff. But the instant it hits my skin, I smell a beautiful, sweet citrus, the nip of wasabi, exotic fresh greenery, and lots of delicious herbs and spices. I can't decide if I'd ever wear it as a perfume or not, but the scent is completely evocative of the inspiration. It makes me want to re-read Neverwhere right away!

  24. Mr. Vandemar - On me, this is mostly pepper, black sandalwood and metal. The metal is not a crisp, clean, bright, shiny metal. It is dark, rusted, and heavy. It smells to me like there may be some blood accord in this, as it has a weird coppery-tangy scent to it. Now that I'm reading the other reviews, I see the comment about curry powder, and while I'd have never I.D.'d that scent on my own, I totally "get it" now that I read it. Overall, it's a really well-blended scent that probably smells great on the right person, but isn't really my type of fragrance.