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Everything posted by edenssixthday

  1. edenssixthday


    Roux-Ga-Roux - I expected this to be a heavy, woody, and earthy aquatic like Bayou. Rather, it's strongly aquatic, but has a gorgeous and sweet touch of floral to it, along with the earthiness of Spanish moss. I don't know what half the notes in this smell like, but ultimately, it doesn't matter, because what I do know is that I positively adore this blend. I put some on for the first time right before going to bed and I haven't been able to fall asleep because I can't stop sniffing my skin! (Which explains why I'm now up and reviewing Roux-Ga-Roux.) Aquatics can often be very cologne-like on me, and even though this one leans in that direction, it doesn't actually go there. It's a scent I imagine could be worn well by a man, as well, as it's incredibly gender-neutral. If you like aquatics, I would definitely recommend giving this a try. I really, really love it and already know what BPAL scent I'll be wearing tomorrow. The throw is really strong when first applied and about average after drydown. The scent lasts a lot longer on me than most aquatic scents do, and it's long-lasting compared to most BPAL blends.
  2. edenssixthday

    Mr. Jacquel

    Mr. Jacquel - This blend starts off spicy, but the spice isn't red-hot, it's much more subdued. It's very warm and woody, but the spices are sweet and between the sweet spices and the touch of sweet floral, this is overall just a warm, semi-sweet blend of resins and woods. It's quite lovely, with great throw, for the first 20 minutes or so, but then it becomes a skin scent that I can barely smell, and after an hour, I can't smell it at all.
  3. edenssixthday


    My review for Luperci 2006 can be found here. Luperci 2007 - I like this so much more than last year's blend, although it's still highly masculine to me. It smells like an absolutely gorgeous and sexy men's cologne. The patchouli is the dominant note, but it's not heavy, as it's sweetened and lightened up by the evident presence of honey and oakmoss. It's not one I'll wear myself, but it makes me wish I could convince my husband to wear BPAL! It's long-lasting and even hours after application, I'll still catch faint wafts of this scent around me.
  4. edenssixthday

    The Ides of March 2005

    Ides of March 2007 -This blend opens up with a blast of bitter greenery – it smells like grass and weeds and maybe a hint of dandelion. As it dries down, the throw dissipates significantly and it becomes predominantly a skin scent, and it’s very difficult to detect any of the other notes as distinct, individual notes. It does seem that the iris and amber are the strongest notes, but they’re still subdued. I’m surprised that the bergamot doesn’t ruin this blend for me and that I don’t smell the lemon or vervain at all. I like the scent upon drydown, but it sticks way too close to my skin for my preference.
  5. edenssixthday

    Pink Moon 2007

    Pink Moon 2007 - I can’t decide about this scent. It starts off floral-sweet and very spicy from the carnation. As it dries down, the spice dissipates, and the carnation is the strongest note. I’ve decided in the last year or so that I don’t actually like carnation; however, I’m drawn to this scent because there’s something in it that makes it more tolerable than carnation usually is. I don’t know what phlox smells like, so I don’t know if it’s that or the “sugared” aspect of the carnation. Either way, it’s a nice, sweet carnation scent that definitely isn’t a typical carnation blend. The throw is pretty strong initially, but fades quickly, and the wear length (as with most of the lunar blends) is on the short side.
  6. edenssixthday


    Svadhinaopatika - Mmm... this is a wonderful scent! It starts out sweet and has a resin/wood scent. It's very smooth and warm and I get such a feeling of "contentment" from this -- like a kitty-cat squinting its eyes and purring in the sunshine. After about a half hour, I notice that I'm catching wafts of the softest, sweetest honey about me, which really impresses me since I can't typically wear honey notes. But in this blend, it's just lovely. In the end, it's warm, sweet, resinous, and woody. It's gorgeous. Although the honey wafts around me, I don't smell any of the other notes unless I sniff my skin up close, and after two hours, this scent has completely dissipated from my skin.
  7. edenssixthday


    Proshitapathika - The verbena is the brightest note in this blend when I sniff it in the vial and when I apply it. After it warms up on my skin, the scent reminds me a lot of Polyhymnia's orris root and lemon goodness. It must be the iris and verbena that reminds me of the other blend. I don't really smell the other notes in this blend except to say that while the iris and verbena are the strongest notes, it's definitely more complex than just those two notes. This blend sticks very close to my skin and after about 3 hours, I can't detect the slightest trace.
  8. edenssixthday

    Mad Sweeney

    Mad Sweeney - Wow. This scent will put hair on your chest! It smells like top-shelf scotch: strong, harsh, acrid, and pungent. To me, scotch smells like something that would come out of a chemical factory, and I have to say, this is a dead-ringer for it (which means, I dislike it just like I dislike scotch immensely). Despite the scent of scotch in the vial, I decide to go ahead and give it a shot -- a teeny tiny test spot. It starts off with the same scent, but mellows out quite a bit into a more woody scent that's still got some kick, but it's not nearly as sharp around the edges. It's definitely not my type of scent. This one's going to a new home.
  9. edenssixthday


    Spider - This is predominantly a bergamot scent on me, with a touch of white ginger. I don't smell any of the other notes, which really bums me out because they're such terrific notes. As with all blends that are predominantly bergamot, I find this scent cloying and heavy. It's really not for me. The throw is very strong (especially when first applied) and a little goes a long way. The staying power is definitely above-average.
  10. edenssixthday


    Mama-Ji - This is a soft, but gorgeous scent. I don't get the incense feel that other reviewers have noted. It's just a spicy floral on me. However, it's not a traditional "floral" as much as the flowers just give the spices in the blend a wispy, ethereal feel. These nameless flowers in this blend have a very smooth and honey-like scent to them. This is a beautiful blend and doesn't change much from beginning to end. It's mostly a skin scent, although I'll occasionally catch a waft of ethereal spices about me. On my skin, the staying power is about 3 hours before it absolutely must be re-applied. This is a really lovely scent.
  11. edenssixthday


    Here's my review for Khajuraho 2006. Khajuraho 2007 is very similar, but not exactly the same. I feel like the "perfumey" quality last year's blend had isn't nearly as heavy in this year's blend, and while the sandalwood is still the dominant note, the amber really comes out in this year's blend, mixing with the sandalwood to give this blend an overall very arid and dry scent. The honey, date palm, and rose aren't nearly as strong this year. Still, despite all of these differences, it's basically the same blend. I just happen to like 2007 a lot better. I can't stop sniffing my wrists when I wear this. The throw is strong and this scent lasts almost all day without reapplication.
  12. edenssixthday


    Virahotkantita - This is predominantly a lilac blend, although the dry, woody cedar is lightly evident, as is a touch of lily. The frankincense gives this blend just the tiniest hint of earthiness and keeps the floral notes from being overpoweringly sweet. I believe the frankincense is also what helps this blend last on my skin as long as it does. It’s a gorgeous scent that’s perfect for springtime. The throw is quite heavy, so a little goes a long way.
  13. edenssixthday

    Red Lantern

    The Red Lantern 2007 - The 2006 version smelled like carmel and coconut with a touch of currant and was a nice, foody scent. This year’s smells like lots and lots of dusty wood with a touch of carmel. It’s way too dry, woody, and dusty for my taste. It has low throw and fades after about 2 hours.
  14. edenssixthday


    Abhisarika - In the vial, this just smells like a typical floral perfume. Once it hits my skin... PURRRRRR!!! This is so incredibly sensual and beautiful for a floral! It's not heady or heavy at all. The orchid is the strongest note, supported by the musk. I barely smell the rose, and the cream is very subtle. This is the scent of a beautiful and elegant woman, who is confident in herself and who does not have a care in the world. I really can't get over what a gorgeous floral this is. Even people who don't like florals may like this one. It's just so warm and pretty.
  15. edenssixthday


    Vipralabda - Reading the scent description, I never thought I could like this scent, but it's really amazing. I don't associate this scent with dejection, bitterness, misery, anger, resentment, etc. Rather, it just smells like an exotic, East Indian type scent -- the way an Indian shop smells from the various fabrics, materials, incenses, etc. in the store. It's quite lovely on my skin, and I can hardly believe that there is hay in this, which I normally find highly aggravating due to my associations of hay with allergies, sneezing, and sinus issues. It's a deep scent on me and very woody, resinous, herbal, and slightly sweet in an nag champa incense-like way. I do like this, but it's a little too woody to keep me from wearing it often. I could see an exotic belly-dancer pulling this scent off gorgeously. The throw is moderate and the staying power is above average.
  16. edenssixthday


    Chintamani-Dhupa - This is a very dry sandalwood on me. The pine note, which is one I rarely like, was the first note I smelled when I applied it, and I found the odor quite appalling; however, after a few minutes, the pine receded and sandalwood became the dominant note. It's a very dry, arid sandalwood. One of the notes in this blend is a really strong, sweet powder scent. The sweetness seems to most likely be the honey note, which I don't normally care for, but which work nicely with the powdery-sandalwood scent. This is not the type of scent I would find myself wearing. It's definitely exotic and earthy, but the sandalwood is too dry and the sweet, powdery note is too sweet and too powdery. Average throw and wear length.
  17. edenssixthday

    The Oblation

    The Oblation - Wow, this is a very strong lavender-perfumey scent. There's definitely a few drops of blackberry in this that help sweeten up and tone down the herbal astringent scent of the lavender, but that lavender note is too strong for my liking. When I first apply it, there's a strong spicy note that's almost green and floral, which I'm guessing is the dianthus. The white honey swims beneath the other notes, providing a sweet and creamy aspect to this blend. I love the blackberry, but the lavender ruins it for me for the first 20 minutes or so. At that point, the lavender scent recedes a touch and the blackberry becomes the dominant note with the lavender right behind it. At this point, it kind of reminds me of Trick #1 (or is it #2...the one with the blackberry in it!) and it becomes a lot darker and deeper than I had originally anticipated. The throw is very strong and the staying power is about average.
  18. edenssixthday

    Crow Moon

    Crow Moon - This opens up with an almost dry and dusty from the cedar, but almost immediately begins to turn slightly sweet and floral, yet is still dry, cool and wintry. There is definitely a hint of evergreen in this blend, but mostly, it’s a beautiful late-winter/early-spring type floral. It’s not a heady floral at all – it’s very subtle, soft, and flower-sweet. Far beneath the flowers I can smell the cedar, which would normally ruin a blend for me, but in this case, it’s quite a nice, dry-wood touch. The sillage is light, but the wear length is actually quite long for a lunar blend (which tend to fade quickly on me). I am really impressed with this blend and will be hanging on to it. It’s absolutely perfect for this time of year – especially considering the 2007 Crow Moon is going to start rising (eclipsed, no less!) in less than 24 hours time from now.
  19. edenssixthday

    Fire Pig

    Fire Pig - Although the ingredients are different, this blend reminds me a lot of Hungry Ghost Moon. It’s kind of like a citrus version of HGM. It’s predominantly a citrus-floral with a good dose of sweet, rooty bamboo to really make it seem "Asian." The dragon’s blood and pine resin aren’t evident as individual notes, but it seems fairly evident that they work together to deepen the overall blend, keeping it from being too bright and effervescent from the great number of citrus-type fruits. I’m thrilled that the lychee isn’t evident in the least, as lychee has always been a strange scent/flavor to me. Overall, this is a really, really gorgeous blend that seems like the perfect olfactory celebration of a New Year. It’s bright, sparkling, and a really happy blend. Unfortunately, as with most Asian and citrus blends, the staying power isn’t very good on me, yet I like it enough that I’m going to use it in a scent locket so I can still get enjoyment from this blend.
  20. edenssixthday


    Oborot - My first reaction to this was, “Ooh, bitter! Bitter!” However, as it started to warm up on my skin, I realized it’s not so much bitter as just really raw, forest-green, and earthy. It seems highly masculine to me, and very enchanted. I’m not into fantasy at all, but as I smell this on my skin, I can’t help but think of elves, fauns, centaurs and any number of mythical and magical creatures who may spend time in the forest. It’s very masculine to me and not something I’d ever find myself wearing again. The pine is too strong for my taste, but it’s tempered by the salty ocean scent and the gritty frankincense. While it’s definitely not for me, I do really like this. It surprises me because it’s not something I’d usually like, but it’s just such an enchanting scent I can’t help be drawn to it.
  21. edenssixthday

    The Perfumed Garden

    The Perfumed Garden 2007 - The '06 version just about killed me with the overwhelming power of the jasmine. The '07 version, however, is absolutely to die for. It is truly amazing and has gone on my "must have a bottle of this!" list. It's definitely among my favorite BPAL florals. If you've ever read Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins and are familiar with the perfume named "K23", this is what I imagine it smells like -- very much a "woody floral" blend. The scent is comprised of the resinous scent of myrrh entwined with sweet jasmine, layering beautifully with the most gorgeous sandalwood I've smelled in ages. The other notes all blend together to boost the scent to a level of gorgeousness that almost makes me giddy. I cannot believe the jasmine is working on my skin. I simply cant get enough fo this blend. I'm so glad that despite my terrible Perfume Garden '06 experience, that I decided to throw in for a decant of the '07 version. I can't imagine not having this incredibly spectacular scent in my life. The throw is very strong as is the staying power. This blend is exceptional in every single respect.
  22. edenssixthday

    Dolce Stil Nuovo

    Dolce Stil Nuovo - I'm so puzzled by every single other review of this blend. I don't smell hardly anything in this blend! White musk is a scent that barely shows up on my skin, and this blend has got to be predominantly white musk because of the fact that it takes a lot of concentrating while sniffing to smell anything on my skin. Once the blend dries down, I catch the tiniest hint of florals and warm amber, but they are so soft I can barely discern them. It's an incredibly subtle scent with absolutely no throw. I really wish I could smell what the other reviewers are smelling. Sadly, due to the white musk, this is one is just never going to work on me.
  23. edenssixthday


    Kanishta - This blend is the perfect example of a perfume oil that shouldn't work on me due to the presence of the Haitian patchouli, the jasmine and the magnolia. However, even though I can smell every single one of these elements, I can't stop wearing this blend. It is so incredibly rich, deep, sexy, and gorgeous. It opens up with the warm, resinous, wood scent of patchouli and opium. The sweet, smoky opium is definitely the strongest note, bolstered by the dry, woody warmth of the patchouli. Magnolia is the next scent I detect, and it swirls in and out of the opium and patchouli in a way that brings richness and depth to the blend. I have no idea what kush is, so I don't know if I can smell it or not or how it might be affecting the overall scent of this blend, but I'm amazed that the jasmine, while evident, is very soft, subtle, and does not amp on my skin. While this scent is really strong initially, it does fade over the course o f about 4 hours. While I can still smell it at the 4 hour point, it's not strong enough for my liking, so this is the point when I reapply. I'm so glad the other Lupercalia scents will be up for a while longer so I can test them later, because I can't seem to stop wearing this one. It's really gorgeous.
  24. edenssixthday


    Grr - I got an extremely painful, splitting headache last night. About an hour into it, I remembered that the day before, I received my imp of Grr. So I pulled it out, applied it to my temples and my chest, and almost immediately the headache was gone. While the headache would attempt to return, it never came back in full force, and each time I took a long, strong whiff of this Panacea blend, the headache would dissipate. I am incredibly impressed with this blend, and will be purchasing a bottle since I've been suffering from stress and sinus headaches quite a lot lately. This blend opens up with a cold blast of peppermint, but as it dries down, I smell lavendar and something else in it that's very herbal and reminds me of sage. I also thought I caught the slightest whiff of spearmint, but that could just be the peppermint and herbs playing tricks on me. No matter what, this stuff does the job incredibly well.
  25. edenssixthday

    TKO (fizzyBOOM)

    This smells just like the Panacea Elixir of the same name. I'm impressed by the smoothness of the bath bomb, and the way it fizzes so evenly and I'm especially taken by the fact that it doesn't sink to the bottom of the tub, since a sinking bath ballistic is one of my pet peeves. I'm sort of indifferent about the TKO oil. It relaxes me, but doesn't really knock me out like I had hoped. The bath bomb is a complete different story. I dropped it in the tub, and the entire bathroom was filled with the scent of lavender and sugared vanilla, and I couldn't get over how incredibly strong the scent was. It totally beats out every last one of my favorite LUSH bath bombs when it comes to strength of scent. Soaking in a tub of TKO made me feel like my entire body and being was being infused with the relaxing scent, and before I knew it, I had rolled over on my side, rested my head against the curved back of the tub, closed my eyes , and found myself fading off into la-la land as I soaked in the tub of hot TKO water. My first TKO bath was a bath I didn't ever want to end. When I finally gathered enough energy to drag my butt out of the tub, I could barely keep my eyes open. I dragged myself to bed, applied a little TKO oil to my wrists and temples (even though I knew it was overkill) and went to sleep instantly. I slept like a rock all night long. The TKO bomb is definitely worth the price. However, I'd rather the bomb be smaller, as I don't feel I needed the entire thing to reach my goal of utter relaxation and sleepiness. With the next one I use, I'm going to attempt to slice it in half first, which will also help me justify the expense of both the bomb and shipping costs.