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Everything posted by edenssixthday

  1. edenssixthday


    Havana – When I first apply this, it doesn’t have much scent, but as it warms up on my skin, the date and the tobacco become the dominant notes and it is very fresh, warm, and slightly sweet. There is a touch of something soapy, which I’m going to guess is the snakeroot because I’m not familiar with that note and none of the others ever turn soapy on me. I only smell that soapiness when I sniff up close. When the breeze catches the perfume and swirls it around me, it smells so gorgeous I can hardly stand it. After about 45 minutes, I notice something that smells a lot like gasoline, and I realize it’s actually the scent of the leather coming out and combining with the other notes. That gas smell goes away in about 5-10 minutes, but that’s when the rest of the scent dissipates, as well. So it only has a wear length of just about an hour on my skin and the first 30 or so minutes is really the only time it smells amazing. Still, I do want to keep an imp of it on hand because for a few minutes, it really is a spectacular blend and while wearing it, I definitely get the feeling of what it must be like to sit on a rooftop garden in the center of Havana, sharing tea with Fidel.
  2. edenssixthday


    Goblin - I wasn’t sure about this one – coconut and patchouli? But wow, it’s so yummy! The coconut and patchouli are definitely the strongest notes, but the benzoin sweetens it up with an almost caramel-like touch. I would put this in the same general scent family as Brown Jenkins – if you like that one, you’d probably like this one. It’s woody, sweet, and long-lasting.
  3. edenssixthday


    Incubus – when I applied this, the very first note I smelled was caramel, which is a note I don’t care for much at all. Right behind it was the scent of white musk and sage and they blend with the caramel in way that makes it actually smell good to me. It’s a really fascinated scent – crisp and clean and clear on one hand and warm and gooey/foody on the other. I don’t smell the mint in this blend at all. It’s a strange combination of scents and due to the caramel in it, it’s not one I would be inclined to wear again, but I’m happy to find that caramel doesn’t smell horrific on me when blended with the right other notes. The scent has a moderate level of throw and staying power.
  4. edenssixthday

    A Countenance Forboding Evil

    A Countenance Forboding Evil – Anything with vetiver in it smells wretched when I first apply it. But give it time to dry down and holy moly, dried-down vetiver loves my skin so much that whatever scent it’s in is sure to become a favorite of mine. Sure enough, once this dries on my skin…. OH YEAH!!! This is gorgeous. The vetiver is still the top note, but right below it is a boatload of blood orange that sweetens up the entire overall scent, and especially lends a sweetness to the patchouli that makes it blend gorgeously with the vetiver. I don't smell ylang ylang at all in this blend, which makes me quite happy since that's a note I rarely enjoy. Vetiver blends tend to be very gravely and husky on me, but not this one – it’s a total paradox, but it’s sweet and bright in its darkness. This one will be getting much wear. As with all vetiver blends, it has the perfect amount of throw and long staying power on my skin.
  5. edenssixthday


    Troll – This is predominantly a vetiver and cumin scent on me. I can’t tell you how much I love both of those notes…and apparently, they love me because they smell sooo good on me! This is a strong, bold, dark blend – not something I’d wear to work, but definitely something I’d wear to a club night. The clove is not far behind the vetiver and cumin, and it adds some great kick to the scent. I really like this. I wasn’t sure what to expect with the “troll musk” and pine pitch notes, but it’s really, really dark and sexy! The staying power and throw are both well above average.
  6. edenssixthday

    The Phantom Wooer

    The Phantom Wooer – the first note I detect is very fresh and lemony, despite there being nothing of the sort listed in the ingredients. Right behind that is the scent of “bone dust” which makes the entire scent remind me of a lemony “Eshe, A Vision of Life in Death.” As it dries down, the scent becomes a light floral and the lemony part fades into the background. It’s got something sweet about it that’s not a floral sweetness, and which may be a contribution of the moss. It’s a very pretty scent, quite feminine, and at least on me, it’s very subtle. There’s not much throw and the scent has below-average staying power.
  7. edenssixthday


    Epitaph – This is a nice rose and lily scent, very somber and definitely funereal in nature. It’s a very pretty scent, but for me, it doesn’t really stand out from most of the other Ars Moriendi blends. The throw and staying power are both about average.
  8. edenssixthday

    Schrodinger's Cat

    Schrodinger’s Cat – This is nothing but citrus on me. I smell no oakmoss, lavender, peppermint or anything else. It’s all bright, crisp, sparkly, citrus fruits. It smells amazing! The first thing I thought is that it reminds me a lot of Cheshire Cat because the pink grapefruit is so strong in both scents. As much as I like it, like most citrus scents, it fades almost immediately. I put some on, went out for a short 20 minute walk and by the time I got back home, the scent was nowhere to be found. I can’t help but wonder if it lasts longer when worn in a scent locket. I may have to try that next summer when I’m once again in the mood for a light, sparkly, citrus spritzer type scent.
  9. edenssixthday

    Kubla Khan

    Kubla Khan – This is a really complex scent. The strongest note is rose, followed by the scent of vanilla, leather, jasmine, and tobacco. I smell some of other notes in there, too, but they are much more subtle. This is a warm and dry scent and not a floral, as I’d anticipated, and despite the floral notes. It’s more of a sweet resin type scent, but it’s really hard to define because it’s just so complex – one of the most complex BPAL blends I’ve ever tried, that’s for sure. It seems like a really fantastic gender-neutral scent, very sophisticated, and grown-up – something I could wear to a business meeting. I do like it a lot. I am surprised at how close this one sticks to my skin, but the staying power is about average. This is a good one. A really good one. I could see this being worn in any situation where something subtle, yet different, is desired.
  10. edenssixthday

    Event Horizon

    Event Horizon – This is a strong opium scent. It’s got that smoky, dreamy quality of opium, and there’s something a touch spicy in there, and all sorts of dark, sweet scents. I really cannot get over how sexy this scent is. It’s very romantic in that dark, brooding, Victorian sense of the word. This is a nighttime scent and one I imagine will be worn often. The throw and staying power are both about average.
  11. edenssixthday

    Hairy Toad Lily

    Hairy Toad Lily – This scent is slightly bitter and very bright and green. I smell both rose and apple and maybe even a hint of cucumber. It’s definitely not a typical floral scent on me – it’s more the scent of a big green plant or weed. It’s nice, but not really for me.
  12. edenssixthday

    Terrae Massage Oil

    Terrae Massage Oil - It's fairly impossible to expand upon alicia_stardust's perfectly descriptive and accurate review of this oil. I only have a tiny bit in an imp vial, but I definitely want to buy a full bottle. The scent is earthy and sexy and resinous. The myrrh is the strongest note on my skin, but it's also woody and earthy and just ... perfect. It feels highly therapeutic, like an aromatherapy oil and I find it both soothing and grounding. The scent also lasts quite a long while on me. Yes, I'm definitely looking forward to a bottle of this.
  13. edenssixthday

    The Queen's Salon

    The Queen's Salon - Oh wow, this isn't what I expected at all! When I first apply this, it's a gorgeous floral with a strong sweetness about it. As it warms up on my skin, the floral is pushed into the background by an incredibly deep, sexy, and almost-foody musk. It becomes obvious that the initial sweetness I smell is actually the musk. alicia_stardust is dead-on with her comparison to The Haunted Palace and The Living Flame. I would also add that it's in the same family as Queen of Spades. It's so hard to describe this scent -- the ultra-sweet, velvety musk is dfinitely the strongest note on my skin, but I think I also smell plum, amber, a floral that may be heliotrope (?) and possibly rose and/or gardenia. It's just so hard to say since the musk pushes the other notes down on me. However, it's gorgeous, slightly powdery in the way I like, deep, rich, regal, and gorgeous. I really love it and will definitely wear this on truly special occasions when I want to feel like royalty.
  14. edenssixthday

    Door 13

    Door 13 - When I first apply this I smell lemon, but that quickly morphs into an ozone scent, similar to the ozone in Thunderbird. The ozone and metallic scent initially remind me of Neo-Tokyo (without the florals), but within a couple of minutes, the metallic scent reminds me more of the stone/rock scent I smell in Shanghai Tunnel. It's almost like a non-aquatic Shanghai Tunnel meets a non-floral Neo-Tokyo meets Thunderbird. It's quite ethereal and subtle on my skin, but doesn't fade as quickly as I initially expected. It's lovely -- cold, breezy, and an absolutely perfect "cooling" scent on a hot, summer day.
  15. edenssixthday

    Rose Geranium

    Rose Geranium SN - I love this single note! It smells very similar to the rose geranium essential oil I keep on hand for bath time. It smells strongly of geraniums and is quite crisp, green, and herbal. I don't get a "rose" note at all from it, but I don't smell that in my E.O., either. I really enjoy this and am glad I got to try it.
  16. edenssixthday

    Allison Gross

    Allison Gross - This opens up with the scent of pungent and wet grass. I'm surprised by this based on the scent description. As it dries down, the grassiness disappears and it becomes more of a very light musky-floral. It strikes me as pretty, yet non-descript. It doesn't seem much different than most commercial fragrances. It is mostly a skin scent on me and fades quickly.
  17. edenssixthday

    Singing Moon

    Singing Moon - This is a sweet and herbal grassy-weed and dirt scent on me. In most "dirt" blends, the dirt overwhelms everything, but this one is different. The dirt scent dominates on my skin, but there's a sweetness in it that reminds me a lot of marsh mallow (and I can't help but wonder if marsh hellebore might smell similarly? I really have no idea - just a wild shot in the dark!) It kind of smells like pulling weeds -- the sweet, crisp scent of freshly-uprooted green weeds with bits of earth still clinging to their roots. I do smell the scent of "autumn fires in the distance" and as I would expect, it's very faint. Likewise, there's a slight aquatic tang to the scent, but so faint as to almost not be there. This scent dramatically diverges from the feel of the past few years' lunar blends, and if I didn't know it was a lunar blend, I'd never be able to guess it. I'd recommend this to people who like raw, earthy, herbal scents. The throw and staying power are both slightly below average on me.
  18. edenssixthday

    Virgo 2007

    Virgo 2007 - Oh, I love this love this love this! It smells like Burt's Bees Carrotseed Oil Mist and Wild Lettuce Toner all in one. It's very herbal and earthy without smelling like dirt, soil, or roots. I had hoped to smell a bit of fennel, but I can't detect it in the least. The valerian, fern, and carrot are definitely the strongest notes, with the carrot taking primary position among them. This is such a perfect representation of most of the Virgos I know. I love this and am rueing the day I decided not to buy a full bottle! The throw is above-average, although it's not perfumey in the least. I have a feeling people around me wouldn't even recognize it as perfume as much as just a light, fresh, outdoorsy-garden type scent.
  19. edenssixthday


    Crowley - This is a strong, powerful scent. It reminds me of what you might get if you crossed The Ecstasy of Passion with Spanked. I really love this blend. It's a gorgeous red musk/patchouli/leather/vanilla on my skin. The scent is so strong in the bottle that I applied just the tiniest swipe of it to my forearms, and I have been surrounded by strong scent for the past four hours and there's no sign of it fading any time soon. The musk, patchouli, and leather combine to create a masculine scent that's highly virile and powerful. The vanilla isn't strong, but it's definitely there, rounding out the edges and adding a sweet, creamy facet to the overall scent. I do not smell the lilac or the lemon at all. Today is a hot, bone-melting summer day, and I don't think this scent is quite appropriate for the weather. It's definitely something I will wear in the cooler months of autumn and winter and hope I can get my husband to wear it, too. Fantastic blend!
  20. edenssixthday


    Aziriphale - This scent reminds me a lot of Tombstone, just not quite as sweet. I'm surprised that there aren't any woods listed in this blend, unless the "Bible accord" is made of wood (specifically cedar wood, since this smells like vanilla-doused pencil shavings on me). I think people who like Tombstone may like this one. As it is, on me, it's just too dusty and woody for my taste, although the vanilla definitely adds a sweet, creamy touch that's nice. The throw is moderate and staying power is quite long.
  21. edenssixthday

    Taurus 2007

    Taurus 2007 - I have a really bad time with apple, apple blossom, and mint, but I love rose, violet, and poppy, so I was completely unsure how this would work on me. When I apply it, the apple blossom is the strongest note and really doesn't smell all that bad -- like powdery apple. There's an herbal note to it, too, which I think must be the thyme. I don't smell the mint at all. The other florals somehow blend together to create what I can only describe as the appalling scent of halitosis. My skin chemistry really throws this blend off. It's so pretty on the surface, but right underneath is a really bad scent. I washed it off the first time I tried it. The second time I tried it, I was able to keep the oil on my skin, and it died down after about 30-40 minutes to such a low level of throw that I could cope with wearing it. Unfortunately, despite the presence of some of my favorite florals, this one and my skin most definitely don't agree with one another.
  22. edenssixthday


    War - Oh wow, wow, wow! This rocks! When I first sniffed it in the bottle, I thought it was going to be horrible. The dominant note in the bottle is red ginger, and I am not so keen on red ginger. However, once it touches my skin, the honeysuckle, patchouli, and red musk notes begin to blend with the ginger and mellow it out while simultaneously turning into a really well-blended and complex scent. Every single note in the scent description is present, yet none dominate. It's a heavy scent, and could be as easily worn by both men and women. It's a sexy scent for nighttime wear that smells of seduction and danger. When sniffing this one initially, I thought I'd have to pass it on, but having tried it on, I've totally changed my mind. A little goes a very long way -- great throw and wear length.
  23. edenssixthday

    Monster Bait: Ventriloquist Dummy

    Ventriloquist Dummy - I'm not a fan of caramel, brown sugar, hazelnut, butterscotch, or many types of patchouli. I didn't have many hopes for this one, and it did not disappoint. It smells horrible on my skin. It's basically a really dry, almost spicy (from the patchouli, perhaps?) wood that oozes thick, syrupy sweetness. I smell none of the apricot, and the caramel, butterscotch, hazel nut and brown sugar are enough to make me run screaming. It's really awful on me. It's very strong, extremely heavy and rich and well...just not something I could ever pull off wearing again. It's just too much for both my scent preference and my skin chemistry. ETA: Oh wait! It just hit me. That spicy scent smells like asafoetida/hing!!! No wonder it smells so awful on my skin...it would smell a lot better if it were included in some good East Indian food!
  24. edenssixthday

    The Sportive Sun

    The Sportive Sun - I love amber and heliotrope and was hoping this would be a gorgeous, bright, sweet floral-resin scent. It's pretty, but on my skin, I barely smell the heliotrope. The amber is quite strong, but it's extremely woody as a result of the cedar on the blend. In fact, it doesn't seem like a "sun" scent at all to me because it's so dry and woody. It's also a rare woody blend that actually disappears from my skin fairly quickly, with extremely short wear length. I guess this one's just not for me.
  25. edenssixthday


    Victoria – I love this fragrance! It’s so pretty! It’s kind of like a creamy version of London. Every single note in this blend works in perfect harmony and the vanilla musk keeps the tea rose from being too strong and keeps the lily from being too high-pitched. When it wafts, I smell creamy florals (mostly tea rose). When I sniff up close, it's mostly the slightly powdery vanilla musk that I smell and it's divine. It’s very much a pretty, feminine scent that doesn’t have a ton of throw, but the staying power is pretty impressive. I definitely see this being a blend I will choose to wear whenever I want something really feminine and pretty.