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Everything posted by edenssixthday

  1. edenssixthday

    Sea of Tranquility

    Sea of Tranquility – This is a crisp, clean, sweet, resinous floral. It’s mostly white sandalwood and amber, but the lotus is there sweetening things up. I love how the sandalwood and amber blend together. It’s hard to describe, but the amber makes the bone-dry sharpness of the white sandalwood a little softer around the edges. Lovely scent with average throw and staying power.
  2. edenssixthday

    Wezwanie / Hold

    Wezanwie/Hold - When I first apply this, it's very, very foody and the scent of it instantly whisks me back in time about 30 years to when I was a little girl who collected scratch-n-sniff stickers. I don't have a clue what sticker this reminds me of, but it definitely smells like one of the stickers in my childhood collection. The scent is incredibly foody and sweet, without being sticky - very nutty and almost caramely. As it dries, however, the sweet foodiness disappears and the sandalwood, amber, and myrrh (which all loooove my skin) warm up and dominate over the nut, honey, and vanilla notes. It's a gorgeous blend of woods and resins and keep catching wafts of it and am thrilled at how good I smell. It doesn't have very good staying power and after two hours, I can't smell even the remotest hint of the scent, but for the first 30 minutes or so, it's really wonderful.
  3. edenssixthday

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    Each bottle of Chaos Theory is truly unique, a fragrant fractal, and exercise in the joy of chance and uncertainty! Each is a one-of-a-kind, utterly random combination of scents, the composition of which is based on whim, mood and gut instinct. CT3: CCXLI - There are partial vials of this stuff going around among a group of us and it has been lovingly renamed "Vomit Bukket." This is truly the most revolting, vile, disgusting, putrid scent I've ever encountered. Once last summer, my dog found some decaying animal innards and rolled in them. That is the only thing I've ever encountered that was more disgusting than this Chaos Theory scent. I have only found one other review of this stuff, which is here. The unfortunate original recipient of this bottle is pretty accurate in her description of this. The vitamin/mineral association didn't occur to me until after I read her review, but I do see where she gets that from. The puke association is even more accurate. She's right that this is musky without being typically musky. I don't think there's civet in it, but I could be wrong. I have no idea what else is in this. It's just grody beyond belief. I actually think it's kind of a work of art to make something this spectacularly malodorous. I don't think most of us could accomplish something this grotesque if we tried. I really wish that all BPAL aficionados could smell Vomit Bukket because it's most definitely a rare piece of work, the most vomitlicious BPAL ever, and a concoction that simply has to be admired for its extremely foul offensiveness. Oh, and yes, I did work up the courage to try it on my skin, and I'm kind of surprised I survived the experience; however, I do not wish to lead by example, and if you come across any of this, I take no responsibility for what might happen when you apply it to your skin. Use at your own risk. edited mostly to fix spelling edited again because I found another review for it here Last reviewed by Tania.
  4. edenssixthday

    Long Night Moon

    Long Night Moon – My very first thought when I sniffed this is that it’s bright and herbal. I think the thyme and mint is what is giving it this incredibly strong, herbal feel. Behind the mint and thyme are sweet, soft florals. It’s a fascinating scent and I can’t decide if I like it or not! The mint makes it a bit too sharp for my taste, but I love the presence of the herbal-floral notes. Definitely an unique take on a soft floral. The throw is above average and the staying power is average.
  5. edenssixthday


    Hastur – Yet another of the Good Omens blends that just doesn’t work so well on me. This is one of the oddest scents I’ve probably ever encountered. I can’t tell if it’s sweet or sour, heavy or light, damp or dry. The patchouli and labdanum are the strongest notes on me, although the tobacco lends a huskiness to the overall quality of the blend and the brimstone gives it a somewhat sulfuric and smoky quality. This isn’t really my cup of tea, but it’s sure an interesting scent! The staying power and level of throw are both slightly above average.
  6. edenssixthday


    Ligur – This is a dark, heavy, and earthy – the black moss is the dominant note on my skin, and it’s really heavy and dank. It smells like there’s vetiver in this blend, so I was really surprised when it didn’t get the vetiver drydown and then when I didn’t see it in the ingredient list. From the reviews, it seems others are really keen on this scent, but I’m finding this too heavy and smoky and black and unpleasant.
  7. edenssixthday


    Krampus 2007 – Last year’s incarnation of this was, to me, completely swoon-worthy. It was warm and strong and manly and really incredible. I also wore red musks really well back then, but my skin chemistry seems to have changed a lot this year, and I don’t wear red musk as well as I did then, so I don’t know if the change in this blend is due to a change in the makeup of the oils or if it’s due to a change in my skin chemistry. Either way, I don’t care for Krampus so much this year. It’s really red musky and leathery and on me at least, they aren’t blending well and sort of just sits on my skin and smells not-so-great in a fairly unpleasant way. The more I think about it, the more I think my adverse reaction to Krampus this year is due to a change in my skin chemistry, which is a bummer because Krampus ’06 was the surprise hit of the Yule ’06 blends for me.
  8. edenssixthday

    C. Auguste Dupin

    C. Auguste Dupin – I’m not familiar with this Poe character, so after smelling this scent on my skin, I was surprised to read the Poe excerpt that accompanies this scent description. I was surprised because the character is Parisian, bookish, and a “gentleman.” However, I don’t get that connotation at all from this perfume oil. On me, it reminds me of one of the well-worn saddles hanging in the tack room in my mother’s barn. It smells like the leather of the saddle combined with the scent of saddle oil and tack room dust and the scent of the horse that’s rubbed off on the saddle. It’s slightly gamey, but that’s a word I’ve often used to describe BPAL lavender scents, so I’m guessing that’s coming from the lavender in this, as well. The longer this blend stays on my skin, the less lavendery it is and the more it starts reminding me of Dead Man’s Hand, but it never quite reaches the awesomeness of DMH. The throw and staying power are both about average.
  9. edenssixthday

    Mechanical Phoenix

    Mechanical Phoenix – This is nothing like I expected. It’s a gorgeous ozone with hints of the metal, oil, etc. from the description, but it doesn’t smell like sticking your head in a car engine, even though it does evoke memories of being in high school and working with my dad on the car in the garage. It’s a masculine scent (IMO) and not one I’d find myself wearing for fragrance, but it’s a really phenomenal blend that I could easily see many men being able to wear and some women, as well. It’s more subtle than I expected, as well, although it’s not particularly a skin scent. Overall, despite preferring not to smell like this myself, I think it’s an excellent scent and captures exactly what Beth was trying to accomplish with this blend.
  10. edenssixthday

    Windward Passage

    Windward Passage – When sniffed in the vial, this smells like The Worst Smelling BPAL. I don’t think it would be very polite to say what it actually smells like to me. However, once it touches my skin, it loses the horror-inducing odor and becomes kind of tame and boring for a marine scent. I was hoping for a nice, deep, seaweedy aquatic, but rather, I get something that smells like an ocean scented bathroom cleaner. The throw and staying power are both light. This one’s getting tossed in the swap pile.
  11. edenssixthday


    Prospero – This is my favorite of the new Poe blends. It doesn’t smell like wine on me, it’s just a strong plum-amber scent on my skin. It’s bright and crisp and yet it has depth and warmth. I really love this scent. It fades on me quite quickly, but I do have a couple of scent lockets and fully plan to use this is them.
  12. edenssixthday


    Madeline – This is mostly a rose and dirt scent on me, similar to The House, but rosier and less earthy. I also smell the calla lily in this, which tempers the sharpness of the rose in this blend, and I definitely smell the sweet, soft, green scent of ivy that I recall from Dissipation. I think that without the earth note, I would adore this scent. The throw and the staying power are both quite strong.
  13. edenssixthday

    The House

    The House – I can tell at first whiff that this is not a scent I will find myself wearing. It reminds me a lot of Zombie, with its dirt and rose scent. It’s really strong, dank, and earthy and probably wonderful on those who love the dirt and earth scents, but I am not drawn to it myself.
  14. edenssixthday

    Black Lace

    Black Lace – I’d heard so much raving about this blend that I really had high hopes for it, and thankfully, it turned out to be as pretty as I thought! It opens up with a sugary-sweet vanilla, followed almost instantly by that incense smoke note, which smells a lot like sandalwood on me, and after about 2-5 minutes, I can detect a hint of boozy cognac in the blend. This is an exotic, sexy, and sultry scent, yet not entirely without innocence. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! It sticks fairly close to my skin upon drydown and fades somewhat quickly, but lasts longer than most vanilla blends do on my skin. Very pretty, and I’m really glad I got some of this. I do imagine I will wear it when I want to feel dressed up, yet maintain a sense of sweet naivete about me, too.
  15. edenssixthday

    The Oval Portrait

    The Oval Portrait – This is just gorgeous! The honeysuckle and stargazer lily are the strongest notes on me. I don’t really detect the vanilla musk, and I don’t know what bluebonnet smells like, but something’s going soapy on me, and I think it’s the carnation. I used to really enjoy carnation, but for the past year or so, it doesn’t work so well with my skin. If it weren’t for that hint of soapiness, this would be a gorgeous floral. I really can’t wear it, which is quite sad because it opens up so pretty before the soapy drydown.
  16. edenssixthday

    Madame Tracy

    Madame Tracy - So many of my favorite florals are in this - violet, tea rose, geranium, heliotrope, and lily of the valley. I thought this was going to be stunning, but instead, all I get is a strongly powdery floral - something that reminds me of an old lady's floral-scented talcum powder. I'm so sad that I can't wear this one because it feels like I'm betraying long-time floral friends (although I should keep in mind that in reality, they're betraying me. Ha! I don't feel bad anymore. The throw is really, really strong and overpowering and I'm not sure how long this scent lasts on my skin because I took a shower before it faded much at all.
  17. edenssixthday

    Pumpkin II (2007)

    Pumpkin II (2007) – This is a gorgeous blend. The pumpkin is rich, sweet, and warm and blends gorgeously with the creamy warmth of the tonka, the dry, husky warmth of the tobacco and champaca, and the very faint spicy warmth of the carnation. The carnation is not the least bit floral in this blend, it just adds a hint of spice to the scent. It’s really a beautiful blend that is very warm and cozy, but not in a typical foody kind of way.
  18. edenssixthday

    Scorpio 2007

    Scorpio 2007 - Wow, this is gorgeous! I didn't have much hope for it because of the dark musk listed in the ingredients, but fortunately, the dark musk is far, far in the background. The dominant notes are the dragon's blood and galangal, with a hint of cool, basil sweetness. This is such a gorgeous blend - very fiery and passionate - and makes me wish I were a Scorpio! I really need to test out a bunch of other BPALs that are sitting around in my box, but I can't stop wearing this one day after day. If you've tried the BPTP Ignus massage oil, this is a scent that would compliment it nicely, I think. The throw is below average, but the staying power is among the best I've encountered with BPAL.
  19. edenssixthday

    Noche Buena

    A celebration of the Nativity: the light, uplifting incense of the Misa de Noche Buena, purple sage, and a vibrant bouquet of plumeria, chrysanthemum, tuberose, Angel's Trumpet, Mexican tiger lily, dahlia, and azucenas. Noche Buena – This is a sunny, bright, dry floral. It’s not a tropical blend in the typical sense, but it is abundant with the sense of heat, dry air, and a party atmosphere. It reminds me somewhat of the bright, dry florals from DDLM’07, although if I recall correctly, there are no common notes between the two blends. This is the sultry scent of a Mexican fiesta that has lasted long into the night, with brightly colored dresses and shoes, the sweat of happy, drunken dancers, and the sound of snappy, staccato mariachi guitar. The various florals blend together to create a stunning overall effect. This is a highly feminine scent, but not in a soft, delicate and demure way. Rather it’s feminine in that bawdy, raucous, fun-loving sense that accompanies festive celebration and party spirit. This is one of the best floral blends ever.
  20. edenssixthday

    Egg Nog

    Egg Nog 2007 – This is the best egg nog perfume scent I’ve ever encountered. It smells exactly like the Southern Comfort brand egg nog I have in my fridge right now – creamy, sweet, almost custardy, boozy (mostly rummy), and very, very nutmeg-spicy. If I didn’t know better, I’d try to drink my bottle of Egg Nog! My past experience with Egg Nog is that it smelled great, but disappeared off my skin instantly. This year’s Egg Nog smells better than ever – boozier and creamier and spicier than before, but as in the past, it disappears from my skin in less than 10 minutes. This is one that will be used in my oil burner and I’ll definitely give it a shot in my scent locket. Although if I’m wearing at work, my coworkers may think I’ve been hitting the bottle at my desk because it’s that boozy. Yum!
  21. edenssixthday

    Archangel Winter

    Crystalline, glassy ice whipped by a snowstorm. Piercing ozone, winter darkness. Archangel Winter - It’s not the typical herbal/lemony ozone of, for example, Thunderbird, or the wet air, lightning-shattered ozone of Thunder Moon or Storm Moon. Rather, it is a cold, biting ozone scent. It is exactly like the scent of nippy air that can be detected hours before a snow storm blows in. It’s not the scent of the snow itself – just the air that precedes the storm. When I first wore this, I applied it and then ran errands on a very cold, below-freezing day. A couple of times as I bundled up against the cold air in the parking lots between my car and the stores, I caught the scent of snow blowing in from the mountains, and it took me a few seconds before I realized that the scent I smelled was not an imminent snow storm. Rather, it was the BPAL I was wearing. It’s a gorgeous scent, full of chilly air that’s ripe with the prescience of a coming snow storm.
  22. edenssixthday

    The Fruit of Paradise

    Fruit of Paradise – Mmmm. Mmmmmm. Mmmmmmm!!! This is a deep, dark red, juicy, sweet pomegranate that’s warmed up by the scent of soft florals and mulling spices. It reminds me of something you might smell as you’re milling about at a holiday party in a secluded log cabin, wearing your favorite winter sweater, drinking sparkling champagne, and feeling the warmth of the nearby fireplace. It’s kind of like the scent of the potpourri aisle at Hobby Lobby at Christmastime – only not in a bad way. It’s the perfect Christmas scent. I want my house to smell like this. I want my kitchen and bathroom and my dogs and my car to smell like this. I want to drink a cocktail that tastes like this smells. I will be using this in my oil burner and I will also be wearing this to our family g athering on Christmas Eve. It’s gorgeous and lovely and a truly amazing pomegranate blend. It’s strong initially, fades quickly, and is totally worth reapplying. Mmmm!
  23. edenssixthday

    Christmas Rose

    Christmas Rose – This is a very green floral that becomes more and more of a cool powdery scent the longer I wear it. The powder is a pretty, feminine floral, yet nothing like your grandma’s talcum powder. It has excellent throw and is highly feminine. I thought I needed an additional bottle of this, but the more I wore it, the more I realized that it’s not really an “everyday scent,” so my one bottle will serve me well. Very pretty and a great scent for those who love the scent of soft, powdery florals.
  24. edenssixthday

    Gingerbread Poppet

    Gingerbread Poppet 2007 - Mmm! This smells like the ginger in Shub - dry, warm, and spicy. Yummmm!!! Previous versions of GP smelled amazing, but turned to plastic on my skin after a short time. This one doesn't. It lasts and lasts and smells freaking AMAZING on me. It's not particularly sweet, which is one reason why I think it smells so good on me. It's a really strong ginger scent with a bit of Christmas spices and maybe (?) a hint of something lemon zest. It's a great skin scent and room scent. Gorgeous!
  25. edenssixthday

    El Dia de los Reyes

    El Dia Del Reyes - When I was in Honduras, I picked up a chunk of dark chocolate that was mixed with cinnamon and wrapped in paper. It was to be used by melting it in a pot of hot milk and ultimately, you'd end up with cinnamon hot chocolate. That's exactly what this scent smelled like when I first applied it to my skin. It was dry and dark and sweet and spicy and chocolatey, and I thought for sure I'd found a BPAL chocolate scent that I could finally love. After about five minutes on my skin, I started to smell the scent of roasted coffee beans; however, that's also when the cinnamon started to take on a "red hots" type of scent, getting ultra red and hot and sweet, and next thing I knew, my skin was tingling a bit, but more importantly, the cinnamon had overwhelmed every single other note. It became the scent of red hots with a hint of chocolate underneath. Oddly, it didn't ever turn plasticky on my skin, as most cinnamon and chocolate blends both do. But it re mained strongly cinnamony for the life of the scent - until I did some painting and washed my hands (so I don't know how long it actually lasts on my skin). The scent is so phenomenal initially that I'm going to give it a shot as both a room scent and in a scent locket and hope to have better luck with the cinnamon not overwhelming the other notes that way. If that works better than it does on my skin, I will most definitely need more. Yum!