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Posts posted by ajcj213499

  1. This oil actually elicited a compliment from my husband, a rare thing (he’s not really into all my perfumes). The jasmine doesn’t overwhelm the blend at all, and the musk isn’t too pronounced, it’s just a wonderful unique floral. This will be great for spring- I need a bottle for slathering.

  2. Oh honey, why are you my nemesis! I can see why so many people love this- the milk, carnation and bergamot are wonderful- but my skin amps honey too much. If you can at all wear honey this is one to get.

  3. The lab’s description says it all. Clean linen. It’s wonderful and not at all perfumey. I need a bottle of this- I think it’ll be great on those insanely hot days in the summer. I think this would also be a good imp for non BPALers to try, it’s just lovely.

  4. Very pretty and light. When I first put it on it oddly smelled a lot like lemonheads, but as it dried the musk and bergamot came out. I don’t know if I’ll keep my imp, because it did turn kind of powdery in the end (I’m trying to be ruthless with my imps, only keeping the ones I love).

  5. I’m really amazed that this one worked on me. It’s a great blend of dark fruits and a touch of incense, and the fruits amazingly don’t smell like generic shower gel on me (my skin chemistry is so strange). Very nice!

  6. This is amazing.


    I got it as a frimp from the lab (I never would have ordered it) and I LOVE it! Floral with a hint of plum and delicious spice- that might not sound like the best thing ever but it is.


    This has to be one of my favorite new BPALs, and it's even more amazing because fruits usually go weird on me. You MUST try this!

  7. First, I have to say what a lovely label this bottle has.


    This is a very light fragrance that smells slightly perfumey. I can smell the frankinsence and a light fresh floral. To me, it smells more airy than aquatic. The scent stays close to the skin and has more of a "my skin smells good" rather than "my perfume smels good" if that makes any sense...


    I wish the trading post would make a shirt like the bottle's label...

  8. I was a little nervous about trying this one because of the lotus root, but after reading so many nice reviews I thought I had to try it...


    When I first put it on I could smell the plum blosson and a sweetness from the lotus, but it wasn't the typical super sweet lotus that I usually want to run from.


    It has decent throw for longer than average (on me), and over time grew on me I think. I think this will be nice for when the weather gets a little warmer.


    Ths doesn't sound like a glowing review, but Budding Moon is nice, and may be the only scent with lotus that I don't want to scrub off...

  9. Morocco is on my "to try" list too, I'm just worried that it'll be a little too dry (as sandalwood sometimes is on me).


    Alice sounds nice also, but honey always goes way too sweet on my skin. The bergamot/carnation combo sounds so interesting though...


    I've tried Brisingamen also (I didn't realize it had carnation), but it was surprisingly meh on me...

  10. I just tried some of Bathed and Infused's moisturizers thanks to the wonderful LunaSea. I realy liked their In Bloom scent, it has a really unique floral which I've discovered is carnation.


    So I was wondering if any of you knew of any oils with carnations in them (since the lab's search engine is down).


    Thanks so much!

  11. I have a few lockets and use similar scents in one locket, I have a light floral/aquatic locket, a foody/spicy locket and a foresty locket. I rotate wearing them and will put a new bit of felt with my new scent after rinsing it with water and drying it off. It works well that way and since I use similar scents in one locket I haven't had any problem.


    If you have one locket for your scents you might try some soap and water (I don't know if alchohol would damage the finish of your locket but it would certainly work to remove the scent).


    I love scent lockets and can't wait until the lab has theirs for sale. They're especially good for me since scents last such a short time on my skin. With a locket I can smell BPAL's beautiful oils all day, and don't have to be limited to oils that have some staying power. I've been wearing Gingerbread Poppet for a few days (which I love, but it only lasts 15 minutes on my skin- so it's great in a locket).

  12. I love love love Phantom Queen, but it's not really floral on me, it's more of a wild outdoors scent. I'll have to try Asphodel- the idea of "grey flowers" had turned me off... Archane sounds nice, but I really have a horror of spiders so I don't know if I could wear an oil named that... it would almost seem to invite disaster...


    I've been looking into Budding Moon- I didn't order it when it was up because of the lotus root (lotus' sweetness is bad on me), although in reading the reviews for it I didn't really see anyone write about a real "lotus" scent...

  13. 04 Version...


    Oh my.


    This is amazing.


    I received GP in a swap and wasn't terribly excited about it, but thought I'd give it a try (I'm not really crazy about foody scents, or so I thought). Gingerbread Poppet doesn't last a long time on my skin (what a surprise- my skin just eats perfume), so I've been wearing it in a scent locket and I have to say I'm in love. It's spicy and delicious but oddly enough, it doesn't make me hungry- it almost has the opposite effect, like I could just sit here all day smelling GP and I'd be fine. I'll be interested to see what the 06 version will be like (please let there be an 06 version!).


    I can't rave enough about how wonderful this oil is. I would say it's in the top 10 of all the oils I've tried. I love it!



    *edited because I can't spell...

  14. Well, after the many rec's for Pele and after reading her reviews I think I'll get a bottle on my next order. I had stayed away from her because of the ginger, and it seemed similar to Machu Picchu (which was nothing special on me) and Xiuchuli (that's spelled wrong I'm sure, but Xiu.. I had high hopes for, but it was too sweet and strange on me- I think it was the smoke or incense that it has in it).


    Anyway, Pele's reviews sound lovely, so I'll have to give her a try.

  15. It's weird, but to me this smells like Verdandi- a favorite of mine, but to me this is so similar that it might be a waste to get since I already have a bottle of Verdandi. I was amazed to see that this has rose in it, because usually rose goes terrible on me. I can't believe there aren't apples in this, it smells very appleish to me, almost what I imagined The Hesperides to be like (I haven't tried that one yet).

    I put some of this on my pillow last night and it was very nice to go to sleep with...

  16. Citrus isn't really terrible on me, it just overpowers the blend, and also, they kind of remind me of cleaning products (I use mostly natural cleansers so they're usually lemon or orange scented).


    Neo Tokyo I really like, but on me it's more like Emperyal Mist- a scent I like, but it's not really floral on me.


    Twilight was not so good on me because of the lavender (which my husband HATES).



    I know I'm difficult, that's why I need the experts help (help me O BPAL Experts!)

  17. Hi everyone!


    I was hoping for some help. I'm looking for a light floral. I usually go for aquatics or woody scents, but want something different and flowery for spring. The few straight florals I like are heavier florals (I love Pannychis and am fond of Dragon's Eye) but I'm looking for something lighter...


    Unfortunately my skin can't tolerate lotus or any blends with rose (the only rose I can seem to wear is Rose Red- strange...). Also, berries and citrus go weird on me too.


    So if anyone has any suggestions for a nice, light floral I would be grateful!


