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Posts posted by ajcj213499

  1. CCVI:

    This is a light scent. Sweet, but not sweet like lotus, more of a floral sweetness with a skin musk. Pretty, I just don't think it's me.




    This is a fruity blend with something else that I don't recognize. It reminds me a bit of Aizen Myoo...



    My favorite of the bunch! A light aquatic with what smells like a mix of honeydew and cucumber maybe.

  2. Beltane 06


    This is different from last years version, although I can't really say how since I swapped my 05 imp a while ago...


    This remnds me a lot of Peony Moon. It has the same sweetness PM has, like maybe it has just a touch of lotus. I'm not getting any jasmine or citrus as others have mentioned, just sweet pink blooms.


    It does seem to last a few hours on me (which is rare), but on my skin I just don't think it's "me" enough to hold on to.

  3. ... Honey mead with honeysuckle, oak wood, ivy leaf, wild thyme, carnation, daisy, vervain, gum arabic, frankincense, yauhtli, and liquid copal.

    Litha is lovely, and very different from what I was expecting!

    It smells very sunny and golden yellow. I was worried it would be too sweet (honey and I rarely get along), but it's not at all. I can smell the honeysuckle and mead and they smell very summery.

    Heavenlyrabbit said that it reminded her a bit of Roadhouse (another favorite of mine) and I can see the similarity. I'm not getting any lemon though, as it seems other people are (for which I'm thankful- I have enough lemon scents).

    Bottom line: Litha= :P

  4. I was able to try this as a part of Quikslvr's GC Catalog Swap.


    This is very pretty! It's fruity- but not bubble gum fruity- it smells light and fresh and melon-y. I'm so happy I was able to try this! I need another imp- possibly a bottle...

  5. I can't believe this works on me! Rose almost always goes funky on my skin, which is why I never bothered to try this. I got a frimp of it with my last lab order and WOW! This is beautiful! It's what I always wanted roses to smell like on me!


    It's rose with a bit of sweetness, almost a bit of juciness too. Lovely! If rose usually goes wonky on you- give this one a try. :P

  6. This is so much more wonderful than I was expecting...


    Baobhan Sith is just beautiful- it's slightly tart and green and fresh. I'm so happy I got a bottle of this unsniffed!


    Also, it lasts a decent amount of time on my skin (which is a rare thing for me)!

  7. Wow- I was surprised by this! I was expecting a really dark sort of aquatic with vetiver or something, but this is just lovely! It's like sweet fresh water- I love it! I think I may need a bottle in the future...

  8. I've used this all week with the exception of last night, and I found I actually kind of craved the scent for sleep.


    Temple of Dreams is very strange smelling, but saying that, I like it a lot. It seems to have a sharp herbal component that I haven't been able to place.


    I think I need to get a bottle of this, because I don't know how much longer my imp will last.


    So, bottom line: ToD is weird, but nice, and great for sleep!

  9. I was able to try this as a part of Quikslvr's GC Swap Circle.


    It's funny, this was one of the first imps I ever got. I got it as an extra along with Jack, and unbelievably, I swapped it before I ever tried it, because I thought, "rum and leather- ick". Silly noob...


    This is only the second oil I have smelled with a leather note, because I always avoided trying oils with leather because leather=yuck.


    What I smell the most from Jolly Roger is fresh, salty sea air. I smell a little something else that must be the leather, but it's very much in the backround. I was hoping to get more of a rum scent from this, but there is no rum to be found (at least on my skin).


    It is a tiny bit masculine and would smell delicious on a boy (I wish my husband would wear BPAL...sigh...)


    I think I need to find another imp of this. It really makes me think of being on a big wooden boat, sailing into the unknown... I like this much more than I expected to.

  10. I was able to try this as a part of Quikslvr's GC Swap Circle.


    Wow- this is beautiful! It's a nice warm amber with a bit of juiciness. It almost reminds me of a fruity Tushnamatay (if that makes any sense). It's very "smooth" smelling. I need another imp of this, or maybe a bottle...

  11. Ooooh!


    I LOVE this! It has a bit of the pine note from my beloved Snow Moon with a bit of sweet spice added.


    I really hope Beth makes this again this winter because I NEED a bottle of this.


    I'm going to pack my imp away (it's not really a June scent), but I can see myself wearing this all the time once the weather gets colder.



  12. I was able to try this as a part of Quikslvr's GC Circle Swap.


    This reminds me a bit of Sundew (it must be the carnivorous sweetness), except instead of being very yellow smelling like Sundew, it smells like more of an orangey red. I don't really smell lily in this (usually lily smells kind of soapy on me). I think it may have some Dragon's Blood in it too.


    I need another imp of this. I'm really liking the carnivorous flower blends!

  13. I was able to try this as a part of Quikslvr's GC Cicle Swap.


    I wasn't very farmiliar with many of the notes in this, so I wasn't really sure what to expect...


    TZ is sweet and slightly fruity, but different from any other fruity blends that I've tried. Very different and nice. This one requires further testing.
