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Posts posted by ajcj213499

  1. Sounds a bit like Moxie. Really bright citrus with something muskier behind it. And I'd also say try Et Lux Fuit and Sol Invictus if you can get your hands on them.


    I've finally admitted that Moxie doesn't work on me so if you'd like a bottle, I'd be willing to swap/sell it. PM me if you want it.



    I second Jessie's rec's... Moxie is the best orange- ever, but it might be too bright for you (but it's worth a try, since it's so amazing). Sol Invictus or even the original Sol might be just what you're looking for.


    Good luck!

  2. If you liked HGM, but thought it was too sweet, then this is perfect for you! It's HGM's older, wiser brother. It almost has that "Asian-inspired" feel to it, probably because of the citrus rind, sandalwood. This is a nicely dry, desolate sort of blend, but fruity at the same time. I really like this one, the ozone doesn't give me a headachey feel like it can sometimes, and the sharp verbena and citrus match really well with the sandalwood. A perfect winter blend for those who aren't so into pine or snowy notes. A+!



    I agree completely with Ah Xia's review! When I first put it on I smelled a bit of a snowy note, which disappointed me a little since I have so many wonderful snowy blends and was hoping for something different. Well, the snowyness goes away and is left with a light gingery, fresh, slightly sweet (but not at all sweet like HGM), slightly woody blend. It really does seem like Hungry Ghost Moon's older, wiser brother! This is really an amazing, versitile blend. :P

  3. Oh Bakeneko- why, why, WHY don't you work on me... :P


    I've been hoping for a spicy orange tea scent for ages, but unfortunately the cherry blossoms ruin this for me... ...sigh...


    Don't pay attention to my skin chemistry though... I think this would be great on anyone who cherry blossoms don't smell terrible on.

  4. I can't believe I like this, but I do! It's very different from my other BPALs...


    Midwinter's Eve is sweet and fun and candy smelling- It smells like some kind of jellied fruit candy (I can understand the comparisons to Kool-Aid powder). That sounds like a bad review, but it's not! I really like this! :P

  5. I really like this. When I first put it on it was surprisingly sweet and fruity, which is weird because of the notes. It actually reminds me a lot of Peony Moon in the beginning. As it dries down the vanilla comes out more. It's really beautiful, and usually I don't go for a lot of sweet and fruity scents.


    It lasts longer than average too. :P

  6. I was so excited about Zarita, but she turned out to be a mess on my skin. :P


    Wet, Zarita smelled wonderful, like creamy sugar. Once it dried down though a weird vegetable sort of note came out that reminded me a lot of celery. The weird thing is that Zarita has the same celery smell that I got from one of my Chaos Theories this year. It must just be my nose/skin chemistry doing strange things again.


    I really loved the wet stage though.

  7. I'd contact the lab and ask...


    Personally, I think that cinnamon would be listed as an ingredient in any blend (or at least more recent blends) that it was in (since it's a known allergen). This round of Chaos Theory was specifically stated to have no cinnamon (or cassia) in any of the blends because of many people's reactions to it...


    I'd contact customer service though...






    edited for typos

  8. Hee, I love how we're all posting the Heroine scents in all caps because we're copy/pasting them from the site. :P


    Congratulations to Beth on coming up with blends I can't spell! :)


    I know :D not to mention how to pronounce them!


    "What's that lovely perfume you're wearing?" "It's...uh...ummm...ah....unpronounceable..." :D

  9. Haloa is wonderful!


    It reminds me of Beaver Moon but without the chocolate and vanilla. I was worried about the wine grapes and olive leaf, but Haloa is beautiful! What I mostly get from it is a delicious "cake" note backed up by resins.


    Very nice!

  10. Well, Holiday Moon is a discontinued LE- but you might be able to find a bottle on the forum (maybe not, since it was discontinued a year ago).


    They're very different. Holiday moon is a fresh lemon and with a green, slightly woody note to it and Empy. Mist is an airy, fresh blend with a touch of aquatic (it's very evocative of it's name).


    They're both lovely, just different. Empy. Mist is a GC scent, so you can order it from the lab.


    Oh, and I saw that you joined yesterday- welcome to the forum! :P

  11. You might try Litha (if you can find some)- I kind of get a "sweet dried grasses" vibe from her- even though grass isn't listed as any of the notes:


    Honey mead with honeysuckle, oak wood, ivy leaf, wild thyme, carnation, daisy, vervain, gum arabic, frankincense, yauhtli, and liquid copal.


    Maybe it's the mead...

  12. This was this year's Yule winner for me. I LOVE it!


    It is very sparkling and cold and fresh, like a bright snowy morning. I don't really smell the florals very much, it actually reminds me a bit of Sea of Glass, but without the sharpness that SOG has. Lovely! :P
