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Everything posted by ajcj213499

  1. ajcj213499


    I found Oneiroi to be a very strong Jasmine scent. Nice, but I wouldn't really associate the scent with sleep.
  2. ajcj213499

    Jolly Roger

    I was able to try this as a part of Quikslvr's GC Swap Circle. It's funny, this was one of the first imps I ever got. I got it as an extra along with Jack, and unbelievably, I swapped it before I ever tried it, because I thought, "rum and leather- ick". Silly noob... This is only the second oil I have smelled with a leather note, because I always avoided trying oils with leather because leather=yuck. What I smell the most from Jolly Roger is fresh, salty sea air. I smell a little something else that must be the leather, but it's very much in the backround. I was hoping to get more of a rum scent from this, but there is no rum to be found (at least on my skin). It is a tiny bit masculine and would smell delicious on a boy (I wish my husband would wear BPAL...sigh...) I think I need to find another imp of this. It really makes me think of being on a big wooden boat, sailing into the unknown... I like this much more than I expected to.
  3. ajcj213499

    Hymn to Proserpine

    I was able to try this as a part of Quikslvr's GC Swap Circle. Wow- this is beautiful! It's a nice warm amber with a bit of juiciness. It almost reminds me of a fruity Tushnamatay (if that makes any sense). It's very "smooth" smelling. I need another imp of this, or maybe a bottle...
  4. ajcj213499


    Ooooh! I LOVE this! It has a bit of the pine note from my beloved Snow Moon with a bit of sweet spice added. I really hope Beth makes this again this winter because I NEED a bottle of this. I'm going to pack my imp away (it's not really a June scent), but I can see myself wearing this all the time once the weather gets colder. A+++++
  5. ajcj213499

    Cobra Lily

    I was able to try this as a part of Quikslvr's GC Circle Swap. This reminds me a bit of Sundew (it must be the carnivorous sweetness), except instead of being very yellow smelling like Sundew, it smells like more of an orangey red. I don't really smell lily in this (usually lily smells kind of soapy on me). I think it may have some Dragon's Blood in it too. I need another imp of this. I'm really liking the carnivorous flower blends!
  6. ajcj213499

    Tzadikim Nistarim

    I was able to try this as a part of Quikslvr's GC Cicle Swap. I wasn't very farmiliar with many of the notes in this, so I wasn't really sure what to expect... TZ is sweet and slightly fruity, but different from any other fruity blends that I've tried. Very different and nice. This one requires further testing.
  7. ajcj213499


    I was able to try this as a part of Quikslvr's GC Cicle Swap. I really like this and definately need another imp to test and probably a bottle later. I could smell the rum and the same almond from Eclipse in this. It smelled a little plastic on me at first but dried down really nicely. Later the clove came out and Port-Au-Prince ended up being a nice, slightly sweet, spicy oil. This would be great for fall/winter.
  8. ajcj213499

    Penny Dreadful

    I was able to try this from Quikslvr's GC Cicle Swap. I'm glad I was ablr to try this, because I thought it was a neat idea... Unfortunately, Penny Dreadful smells like pickled beets on me I think it's the lab's dirt note that my skin turns wonky. Sigh... Edited because I can't type.
  9. ajcj213499


    I was able to try this from being a part og Quikslvr's GC Circle Swap. Oberon was pleasant, but quite masculine- it almost reminded me of aftershave (a nice aftershave, but aftershave none the less).
  10. ajcj213499

    The most natural or lifelike scents?

    I think Asphodel is a very realistic floral, and Dirty smells just like clean laundry.
  11. ajcj213499

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    Another one you might want to try is Nefertiti. It has myrrh, but it's very light (it's actually the only oil with myrrh that has ever worked on me- it's usually way too sweet).
  12. ajcj213499

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    Verdandi is a great fall apple cidery scent. You might also try Morocco, Scherezade, Dragon's Heart, Fenris Wolf and Sugra Segara. I really like foody blends when it's colder, but my favorites are all LE's: Gingerbread Poppet, Beaver Moon, the Monsterbaits- especially Underbed. I imagine once the lab gets settled again shipping times will go way down, there'll still be a wait, but not as bad as this. There was even a time a few months ago that I got my lab order 10 days after I placed it! Here are a few links to some other threads that you might want to check out too: BPAL to represent each month, each season?: http://www.bpal.org/index.php?showtopic=5134&hl= Autumn scents, ...which would you recommend?: http://www.bpal.org/index.php?showtopic=3920&hl= Late summer into autumn, I don't mean purely autumn scents: http://www.bpal.org/index.php?showtopic=13954&hl= Hope that helps!
  13. MB: Underbed is very similar on me to Misk. U, and actually, I prefer Underbed!
  14. ajcj213499

    Monster Bait: Underbed

    I got a bottle of this from the lovely Fallow Deer. It does kind of smell like Baliey's... Hmmmm.... I really like this! I was a little worried about the coconut, because coconut and I don't always get along, but there is just a hint of coconut that gives some extra depth to the blend. It reminds me a lot of Beaver Moon, just without the vanilla. I'm so glad I got a bottle of this! Yay for the Monster Baits! Underbed also lasts a good long while on my skin. Awesome.
  15. ajcj213499


    I was able to test this as a part of quikslvr's GC Circle Swap. This reminded me very much of Wolfsbane. It’s a green herbal with a touch of rose- I may need to obtain another imp of this for further testing… I liked this much more then I expected to.
  16. ajcj213499


    I was able to try this as a part of quikslvr's GC Catalog Swap Circle. I had tried this before and was kind of “meh” about it, which I thought was odd since I love each of Bathsheba’s components. Well, I’m so glad I tested this again! I don’t know if the imp I just tried was aged more than the first one, but it was wonderful on me… Warm musk with a bit of spicy floral- I think this will go on my bottle wishlist!
  17. ajcj213499


    Biblical witch, priestess of Astarte, and general troublemaker. A true role model for today’s upwardly mobile Modern Woman. A gloriously decadent blend of honey, roses, orange blossom and sandalwood. I was able to try this as a part of quikslvr's GC Catalog Swap Circle. I liked this more than I expected to. Honey and roses are usually bad on me, but Jezebel dried down very nicely on me, it was just too sweet in the beginning.
  18. ajcj213499


    I was able to try this as a part of quikslvr's GC Catalog Swap Circle. The coconut was about the only thing I could smell in this, it seemed to overwhelm all of the other notes. It was very plastic smelling on me, which is unfortunate because I'd like to wear an oil named Eden.
  19. ajcj213499

    The Best Mint Blends

    I think Szepassony is really nice for these hot days we've been having. It seems very "cooling" to me.
  20. It's not GC, but I thought Holiday Moon was similar on me to Spirits of the Dead. Shanghai might be the next closest, but like you, my skin eats Shanghai really quick.
  21. ajcj213499

    Recommmendations for Green Scents

    Phantom Queen is amazing! It smells like a meadow after it's been whipped around in a storm. It's very realistic smelling.
  22. ajcj213499


    Well, Snake Oil was terrible on me so I didn't buy this when it was up. I kept hearing about it though- how Smut is the greatest thing ever,etc. After reading so many glorious reviews I figured I had to get a bottle, even though booze and straight musk don't usually work on me. Well, my bottle came. I love the label, but the oil itself was not so good. I don't know why my skin chemistry has to be so obstinate. One thing- it sure lasts a long time. I had to scrub and scrub with dish soap to get it off (so that would be a good thing if Smut works on you). It just smelled really funky on me, like old sweat or something.
  23. ajcj213499


    I am amazed and dumfounded that this didn't work on me! I love amber and carnation and am fond of apple blossom, but on my skin Brisingamen is just "blah". I have no idea how that is possible when I love practically every note that comprises it, but there it is. I've even tried different imps of it, hoping it would work, and still "meh". I hope it works on other people (and it does by reading the reviews), because it sounds wonderful from the description...
  24. ajcj213499


    I really wanted Wrath to work on me because I've been looing for a new spicey blend. When I tried it, I could smell the DB and the spice, but there was also almost a plastic kind of smell that ruined it for me. It's too bad, because I liked the other notes I could smell, so if this doesn't go plastic on you I bet you'd really like it.
  25. ajcj213499

    Marquise de Merteuil

    I really like MdM. It's a really unique peach blend- and amazingly the vetiver doesn't ruin it for me (as vetiver usually does-it must only have a drop to give it some depth). I think this would be really good for summer- a beautiful light fruity blend!