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BPAL Madness!


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About kitty_stockings

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    casual sniffer
  • Birthday 10/08/1982


  • Location
    Kingston, Ontario, Canada

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    I'm interested in most things.
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  1. kitty_stockings


    Haunted In the Imp: Lemon herbal medicine ... almost like Halls throat drops, complete with menthol finish. Wet on skin: YUM!! The lemon scent has mellowed such that it is no longer that of fresh-cut fruit, but rather of some sort of warm lemon drink (neocitrin? lemon tea? warm lemon juice?) Drying: It smells like what a lemon ginger cookie might smell like: warm and bright, slightly sweet, with a mellow hint of vanilla in the background. This scent is somehow managing to be refreshingly citrus, yet warm and comforting at the same time. Dry: A very warm, feminine combination of light musk and ... babypowder? Yes, but not in an unpleasant way: it is quite strong, though. The lemon is gone! It didn't last beyond hour two. Overall: Nice, but I am not sure whether this is a scent for me. The loss of the lemony-goodness was unfortunate, because that was what initially drew me into the scent. The babypowderish smell is all-too common the end result for me with scents that are warm and lightly sweet. Ah well, the refreshing burst of the first two hours was quite a pleasant experience! But i feel that being haunted by babypowder is a strange ending.
  2. kitty_stockings


    Tempest: I LOVE IT!! Fresh from the imp, this is a sharp, wet breeze: a wind that brings rain, with a slight sting in the air (I think it is the citrus doing this, but it doesn't smell distinctly "citrus", just sharp). Drying, this has an amazing effect on the air around me: I am surrounded by Tempest wind, and it is a very cooling, energizing effect. Dry: There is just the lightest touch of floral to this aquatic scent: a wet, white floral, but it is quite subdued. The sharpness is still here, but it is now more from the wind than the electricity in the air before the storm. It is as though the rainclouds have done their work and dissipated, leaving everything wet, while a cooling wind is still blowing the various after-storm fragrances through the air. Overall: This is THE cooling, aquatic scent I'd been hoping to find! HURRAH! It is pure, refreshing, and gorgeous: I will definitely be getting a big bottle. Wearing this oil energizes and excites me, just as a summer storm does. I've never had such a perfectly "blue" scent before! I'm going to make this scent my seminar and office-hours scent, to energize me through the long hours (and perk up everyone around me!) BEAUTIFUL!
  3. kitty_stockings

    Blood Kiss

    This scent is, hands down, my favourite BPAL scent thusfar. Here's how it goes: In the bottle: - Deceptively sharp. It smells like an almost medicinal cherry, but has a richness to it that reminds me, so oddly, of polished wood. Wet on skin, and up to two hours after application: - Instantly warm! This turns primarily into a rich vanilla honey. I feel that the red wine note (or is it overrippened cherries? hard to decide) and the spice is what follows after the initial sweetness to give this scent a "dark" warmth, one that prevents it from being overly foody or overly sweet. It is a very rich, deep scent. Dry (over two hours later): - The clove has faded quite a bit, along with the complexity of the scent, leaving mainly the vanilla. Still very warm and cozy, and the sweetness has mellowed into a powdery hint. I still smell GREAT! This scent LASTS all day long: I still caught a whiff of it moving around the apartment 12 hours after application. I singlehandedly made my department computer lab smell amazing, and that's VERY high praise considering what the computer lab usually smells like! This scent is also excellent for this time of year, when one wants a cozy, warm, spiced scent to cuddle up with: very calming, and an excellent contrast to the bitter cold outside. Its darker undertones make me feel really sultry, as well Definitely pleased to have purchased a big bottle of this without ever having sampled it before!
  4. kitty_stockings


    Ok, so this is my first review EVER! And the first BPAL scent i ever tried! I opened up my beautiful little blue bottle of samhain 05 ... and, being a total newb, i stuck my nose in and took a BIG SNIFF. I almost passed out! It was like having a fir tree rammed up my nose. What a rush! Ok, let me try to do this all proper-like: - After a day to recover, i "wafted" the smell from the bottle (carefully ... from a distance). This time i smelled fir tree, smoke, and ... cherries? Not quite an apple scent, but more of a sour cherry smell, like cherry vicks throat drops. Not unpleasantly so, though. - Freshly applied, MMMMMMMMMM, it smells AMAZING: on me it smells like apple cinnamon, fir tree (but more the bark than the needles, if that makes sense ... can you picture it?), and dried leaves. It even warms slightly on my skin like cinnamon, though maybe that is just an illusion? - After a couple of hours or so, it starts to smell sweet: like a baked apple, with honey and vanilla. It makes me hungry. No more fir, but still plently of spice. - After five hours, it smells like vanilla, honey, and babypowder. I couldn't place the babypowder scent until my partner came into the room and wondered why I'd been into the powder. All the spice is gone. However, as strange as it sounds, I still really like this stage. It smells warm and comfy. In conclusion: it is ALL good, and I'm glad I got this bottle without knowing what I was getting into, ha! Now to try all the billion other little imps that came with my crazy first time order! So much smelly happiness But Samhain has been the perfect start.