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Posts posted by populuxa

  1. Wet, it was sharp, almost herbal. Dry, heliotrope Is the strongest note (yay!). Beyond the powdery sweetness of the heliotrope and honeysuckle, there is a delicate fruitiness - like strawberries ripening in the sun. Bright! Sadly, the scent is so very faint, that the brightness is rather lost unless I am totally nose-to-wrist. How I wish this were stronger because it really smells delightful!

  2. Wet, all I could smell was almonds. Cyanide? In any event it almost knocked me out it was so strong. As it dried the almond mellowed out a bit, and the honey pulled forward, as well as a grainy spiciness, like some exotic pastry. Way way too strong and sweet for me.

  3. This was a freebie and seemed right up my alley. I was nervous at first because it smelled rather soured in the bottle. I was afraid of "The Violet Effect" which is when the damp-floral note turns to smell like wilting and rotting on me. I was pleasantly surprised when I tested it on - It dries down nicely to "WOW! I smell like Hawaii!!" I instantly remember the trip I took to the botantical gardens, and fresh-picked plumeria blooms. Fantastically clean and sunshiney - I can feel the warm breeze and here ukuleles in the distance. This is the perfect summer scent. Amazing!

  4. I received this as a freebie and I was expecting this to not suit me at all, but when I opened the imp, it was super FRESH! This definitley seems to be a masculine scent to me, but the musks are very light … like a freshly showered boy. My husband doesn't smell himself up but I may try to sneak this one on him!

  5. A wonderful antidote to an all-nighter oozing with drunken, addled perversion and debauchery. A fresh, crisp white linen scent: perfectly clean, perfectly breezy.


    It smells like a dryer sheet! Very light and very fresh! Dry, it turns into a subtle floral. There's not a lot to say about this, really. It doesn't smell traditionally "perfumey" - so it's a good choice if you don't want to smell like anything in particular.

  6. The bottle smelled just like a little sample of some expensive French perfume my dad brought back from travel when I was little. Dries down to a complex, balanced scent. I can pick up the notes listed in the description if I concentrate (There is the slightest hint of fruitiness - the fig, and maybe some bergamot), but it is much nicer to let the blend sort of surrond me, and dream up a landscape of a mythical forest floor. In spite of the spiciness, it is quite delicate and lovely.

  7. Fruity and Tangy! The "boozey" notes from the lab turn out really fresh on me. In the bottle, it seemed a little too sticky and astringent, however as it dried, it mellowed out to a sparkling, refreshing scent. Very much like The Hamptons, but simpler and less spicy - I'm not getting the slightly piney tinge I smell in The Hamptons. It's awesome! It lacks the sugary-sweetness of some fruit notes and combined with the twist of alcohol it's sophistated and, well, swanky!

  8. I tested this on my hubs (he's such a good sport!) In the bottle & wet, it smelled like a traditional, musky men's cologne. Dry it smelled like Snake Oil, but with the vanilla replaced with myrrh. Musky and smoky-incensy, with just a touch of sweetness. So if you like Snake Oil, you'll probably go nuts over a guy wearing this! Husband says: "Hmm. It's Okay!" He doesn't perfume himself though!

  9. In the bottle, all I could smell was marzipan - I was afraid the almond would totally take over. As it dried, the frankincense and heliotrope came out, followed by the cinnamon. Dries down to a warm, spicy blend - it really is a lovely scent! Not overpowering at all.


    I'm really bummed out that I won't be able to wear it because IT GAVE ME A RASH! So if you have sensative skin or react to cinnamon this probably isn't a good choice.

  10. Smelled rather alcoholic in the bottle, but dried down to a completely different, smooth, sophisticated scent. It's very well balanced, and I adore the neroli, but violet does not jive with me - it totally takes over with its dewy sweetness.

  11. There's probably not much I can say about the nuances of this scent that hasn't been explained already in this thread, but I can voice an echo of "Mmm! I can see why this is the most popular scent!" It's just that good! Sweet & exotic, very warm and slightly smoky. If you are reading this and don't have a bottle, for goodness sake, do yourself a favor and order some!

  12. Wet, it was the very syrupy, tangy smell of cherry blossoms. Dry, it evened out to a light floral accented by spicy wood and licorice overtones (the licorice I loved! very unusual!). A balanced and fresh scent, but still it was a little too syrupy-sweet for my tastes.

  13. A light, pure scent: white musk, green tea, aloe and lemon.

    Wet this is very sharply lemon.
    As it dries, the other notes tone down the lemon. Very bright, citrusy and refreshing. Just as invigorating as Jaberwocky but more feminine.

  14. Wet, this smelled like dew-kissed flowers: sweet and damp. It is, in fact, a very somber sort of smell - very different from the perky, fresh florals I am accustomed to. Dry, the lilac and tuberose come out a little stronger and neutralize the sweetness, but it is still way too sweet for me.

  15. I put this on one wrist and White Rabbit on the other, because in the bottle, the tea notes smelled so similar. Definitely can smell the same tea notes as in White Rabbit, but the Dormouse is more astringent and tangy. Other notes I detect are lemon verbena, a blend of subtle herbs, and the delicate sweetness of peony. It's really refreshing and light! I love White Rabbit also, but this is a nice alternative. It smells like spring!

  16. Fresh and tangy in the bottle. I got this as a freebie and was surprised to see all the woody notes listed, because, on me it definately is a fruity scent. The bergamot is the strongest note, followed by lilac, with the musky-woody notes subtly resting in the background. A sensual but subdued scent.


    I'm really surprised this particular oil seems to have been overlooked! It is beautifully balanced and complex, and seems like it can really show unique characteristics depending on the wearer.

  17. In the bottle it was very sharply green and aquatic. Going on wet, it smells like every green thing I have ever smelled, tickling up my nose all at once. As it dries, it maintains its crisp herbal-aquatic overtones - mint, tea, fresh-cut grass, thyme perhaps? The lime sits underneath of the herbal notes, the tang, to me, really smells like an undernote of dill. While I have nothing against dill in the culinary realm, I'd rather not smell like a pickle.


    To me, there is a little too much going on, and it doesn't really jive with my body chemistry. However, it's a fantastically complex scent! If you are into sharp herbal notes, you'd probably love it.

  18. The beauty of this scent is in the simplicity. Sweet & Sensual from the bottle all the way through the day. When it first goes on, the amber, honey, and vanilla are very balanced and complimentary, and I also detect a hint of cocoa. As it dried, the sweet lightness of the vanilla gave way to the musky headiness of the amber, and on me, it is definately the honey that is the strongest note. It is just so warm and irresistible! I can sort of imagine people catching a waft as I go by thinking ... what *is* that divinely sexy smell??

  19. I received a free sample of this in my last order, and had no idea what to expect.


    To me it smelled HOT right out of the bottle - like cinnamon and black pepper. As it dried, the spice calmed down and turned more powdery, to a dirty musk.


    I don't notice any floral notes previously mentioned, to me this is awfully dark and manly smelling!

  20. In the bottle - smells woodsy and fresh. On me- very powerfully of jasmine with ginger and vanilla undertone. As it dries, the sweetness really comes out. The apricot is really buried under there. Very sweet and fresh. This would be a great everyday scent if you are a fan of jasmine.

  21. Mmmm. This is fantastic.


    Growing up, my family had Christmas parties and my mom would made this fantastic hot cranberry punch. This reminds me so much of that! It smells very heavily of cranberry but also has a spiked, almost piney scent on me. This would make a fabulous room scent as well.

  22. In the bottle: very fruity BUBBLEGUM. I opened it and closed it fast. On me, the bubblegum smell faded almost immediately to an astringent pear and wine with a very slight overtone of heliotrope. After the initial overwhelming stench of bubblegum, it is okay, but too way too sweet & young for me. I really love heliotope and wish that it shone out a little more over the fruitiness. This might be good for a bath scent rather than a wearing scent.

  23. I was really excited to try this one! In the bottle, this barely smelled like tea at all to me - it instead had a very potent floral (rosy) detergent smell. On me, the detergent smell faded quickly as it dried and the tea and pepper started to come through.


    So nice! It mellows out into a very creamy, clean scent, with just a touch of sweetness. Unfortunately, it faded quite a bit after a few hours of wear, but I will really enjoy wearing this as an everyday, subtle scent.
