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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Mountaingrrl00

  1. At first it's SN lavender, After the initial rush of lavender fades, this is a delicious tea scent with something faint and intriguing behind it. There's a fresh hay-like aspect and a smoky bite. It's refreshing, a scent that makes me thirsty for it. I have to put my wrist to my nose; there's little throw. After a night's sleep, I'm pleasantly surprised by the blot of inky resins drifting up to me.

  2. This starts out sharp, with the greenish leaf note found in several of this year's Weenies. Then it goes soft and warm, still slightly vegetal, but with a light vanilla sweetness - actually very much like Autumn Overlooked My Knitting in its middle stage. Then it goes spicy, in a lovely, subtle way that stays close to the skin.


    Like autumn, it's gone all too soon.

  3. Back in the mid-80s, I loved to wear a patchouli oil my sweetheart had given me. My work supervisor objected to it, saying that it smelled like liniment. That's my initial scent impression of Bruised Violet Compound: earthy, camphorous patchouli. It really fits the old-fashioned medicinal concept. It amuses me, but that kind of fragrance is not my style anymore.


    The brash patchouli phase lasts about 15 minutes on my skin. Then something gorgeous happens. The patchouli softens and moves back to support the violets and moss. Now it smells like a misty, shaded forest in autumn, with violets and rich earth underfoot and moss on the rocks and trees. It's lovely and delicious and absolutely worth the initial phase. Low throw at this point, and long-lasting.


    I've found a new BPAL love. Thanks so much to my circular swapper who surprised me with a bottle!

  4. Uncomplicated, cheerful spices: clove, cinnamon and nutmeg. There may be a tiny bit of ginger, and a trace of something that reminds me of sweetened condensed milk. Good throw. Doesn't morph. This will be a fun scent for layering.


    Edited to add: I wore this to work today, and one of my first-graders remarked "It smells like pumpkin pie in here."

  5. On me this smells mostly like benzoin. There's a bit of an alcohol/cologne bite at first, that I associate with BPAL's dry leaf note, followed by a lightly sweet and resinous smell on my skin. I think there's a similar musk to the one in Morocco. It's very pretty and soft. It also reminds me a bit of Dolly Kei, minus the dark tobacco.

  6. Copal and vanilla are the dominant notes on me initially. It's like a combination of Xuihtecuhtli and Celeste. Dolly Kei stays close to the skin and lasts for hours. Over time it becomes a soft, slightly powdery mix of resins and smoky sweetness. I really do get the vintage shop comparison above. I used to have a Gunne Sax dress that smelled much like this.

  7. Initially, I get a Kahlua-like impression, with the intensity of the chicory reminding me of alcohol. The coffee smells rich and fresh. I love that it's not too sweet, and that the milk is a subtle supporting player. I find the smell very comforting. I have a feeling I'm going to be wearing this a lot on snowy winter days.

  8. The oil has this icy-hot thing happening on my skin. It smells like menthol and eucalyptus and it gives me a refreshing tingle. I don't smell the citrus, except as a slight sweetness on dry-down, but I do get a citrus *feeling* from this oil.


    Just a little dab does the trick; nice to be able to carry it around in an imp on hot summer days.

  9. The scent of lavender is associated with air, Mercury, and cool-headedness. You might want to try this one, which seems to fit "old English botanist" pretty well too:


    Arcana - "The essence of magickal enigmas and long-forgotten esoteric mysteries. Frankincense, rosemary, lavender, neroli, and verbena."


    Edited to add: Check the Sales/Swaps forums for fellow Canadians.
