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Everything posted by Mountaingrrl00

  1. Mountaingrrl00

    Grass and Hay scents

    Evening Cicadas and Red Peppers from last year's Yule LEs is a nice one. "Frost-limned, ice-bejeweled branches, scattered blood-red maple leaves, a few camellia petals, red peppers, and nacreous, multi-colored musks that shimmer like gently-beating cicada wings." The ice reads as rain to my nose.
  2. Mountaingrrl00

    Black Hellebore Honey

    It's almost single-note honey on me, a sweet but sharp honey with just a hint of something dark and herbal underneath. It hardly morphs at all, and lasts a long time. This would be good for layering, I think.
  3. Mountaingrrl00

    The Unsteady Governess

    This is so clean, fresh and elegant. It's like a scented tea -- I get the Earl Grey association too. There's a gentle green zing when it's wet. When it dries down I get a little bit more soft violet, but it's not at all sweet or cloying. The tea still predominates and blends with the violet for an overall refreshing effect. The throw is medium to low (seems to die down as it dries down) and the wear length is fairly short. I anticipate carrying this around for reapplication, especially in the summer.
  4. Mountaingrrl00

    Honey and Beeswax scents

    I love the Lab's mead note in Mead Moon and Hellcat. Any recommendations for other mead scents to try?
  5. Mountaingrrl00

    Fire, smoke and ash scents

    There's also Bonfire Night and Mnemosyne: Los Angeles.
  6. Mountaingrrl00

    Cleo May

    I love the smell. It's soft, light, powdery, very classy in a natural floral kind of way. The only note I can pick out is orris. I was huffing my wrist all day, but I haven't noticed any effects on others. Will try this again.
  7. I find Sybaris good for this. The violet is cool and calming and the clove and sweetness are uplifting.
  8. Mountaingrrl00

    Recommend a scent for a specific dress or outfit

    Dorian and Titania come to mind.
  9. Mountaingrrl00


    Instant nostalgia for me: This smells very much like my great-aunt's favorite cologne, 4711. My auntie was an androgynous lady, and this is definitely an androgynous scent. For me the orange blossom is the most identifiable note, with the rosemary freshening it and the rose muting the individual notes a bit. I'm looking forward to wearing this on hot days and reminiscing.
  10. Mountaingrrl00

    Peach, Peach Blossom, Apricot, Nectarines

    Copper Phoenix is my favorite use of the apricot note yet -- so beautifully blended.
  11. Mountaingrrl00

    The Blasphemare Reliquary

    There's rose in this? It's almost entirely copal on me, wonderfully resinous and metallic and a little stony. I thought I smelled something like cedar in the vial, but that wood note evaporates on my skin. The scent does sweeten up a bit later on, in a honey/animalic way. The myrrh never goes fizzy on me, and the rose (I do get it faintly on the drydown) never goes soapy.
  12. Mountaingrrl00

    Lady Lilith

    I never would have thought to try this, as floral blends generally aren't my thing, but I sniffed it at a M&S and it smelled amazing. The white tea is really strong throughout, and everything else is beautifully blended for a rich, complex scent. There's something very comforting and dreamy about it. I like wearing this to bed.
  13. Mountaingrrl00

    Evening Cicadas and Red Peppers

    This actually smells more like a fresh springtime rain than frost and ice. The watery note is almost cucumber-like. The floral note adds to that springy impression. The red pepper note is awesome - it's a dead-on fresh vegetable note, subtly blended. There's just a hint of decay, like wet leaves. I don't pick up on the musks at all -- will edit if they appear on another wearing. The drydown is a little spicier and leafier than in the imp and worn wet ... but the soft spring scent remains. Overall I think of this as an aquatic - that rare kind of aquatic I love and can wear headache-free.
  14. Mountaingrrl00

    TAL Scent Recommendations/Comparing TAL Scents to BPAL

    Anyone know of a BPAL that smells like TAL Crucible of Courage?
  15. Mountaingrrl00


    This is a beautiful sandalwood scent. It reminds me a little of Morocco with its sandalwood, musk and dryness, but it's richer and not as sweet or spicy. I can smell the different sandalwoods, and that's a really interesting effect, with some of them seeming closer and some further away. It lasts a good long time. A subtly sexy skin scent. I think this would be great for layering.
  16. Mountaingrrl00

    Violet Ray

    I wouldn't have thought I'd like this from the description -- seemed too chilly with the mint, and ylang and I generally don't get along -- but I fell in love with it when I got a whiff at a Meet & Sniff. In the bottle, it's pure violet to me. On wet, it's mossy, musky violet. The other flowers blend in so well I can't pick them out. On dry-down, the sandalwood comes out, and everything else recedes except for a bit of the musk. It doesn't seem to have a lot of throw, and has medium wear.
  17. Mountaingrrl00

    Bend Over

    This smells fantastic - leather, vetiver, musk and a bit of rose. It's helped me be confident and successful in positions of authority and negotiation.
  18. Mountaingrrl00

    Temple of the Dark Maiden

    It's bitter and floral/herbal at first. I'm thinking violets and violet leaves. Maybe some apples and wood, too, as it warms up on my skin. Then there's a smoother and sweeter note like amber that lingers. The violet-ish note from the beginning stays a long time. This is a deep and mysterious scent, good for contemplation.
  19. I'm loving the cool spearmintiness of Winter Holiday Stress Relief Elixir 07 in the heat.
  20. Mountaingrrl00

    Anise, Aniseed, Licorice, Liquorice, Fennel, Ouzo?

    Black Cat, Velvet Panther and Velvet Tiger all have anise/licorice notes.
  21. Mountaingrrl00

    Fur Scents

    I'll add Luperci to this recs list.
  22. Mountaingrrl00


    I got this as a frimp and hadn't read the description, and I was sure there was frangipani in here, as well as Mysore sandalwood. I get the orange note initially, too, or orange blossom, maybe. Overall, and especially after it dries down, the scent reminds me of sandalwood soap.
  23. Mountaingrrl00

    Midnight Mass

    Starts out smoky and heavy on the frankicense, then dries down to this gorgeous soft woodsy scent I can't get enough of. There's cedar in there but it's not sharp, and it seems to be blended with some other wood smells. There's a lot of soft warm evergreen needle smells - balsam-like - and the loveliest sweet resins. It continues to soften up and lasts for a very long time. I wish I'd discovered this when it was still up on the site, because this is easily in my top ten BPALs in the four years I've been smelling them.
  24. Mountaingrrl00


    I love citrus, and happily the bergamot in this lasts and lasts. The lavender and oakmoss do especially give it a familiar men's cologne feel, but the thyme makes it a little more unusual and interesting to me. The other notes are subtle. The overall impression I have is "fresh". It smells crisp and stays crisp, and yeah, a little goes a long way. I think this will make a great summer scent -- very cool and refreshing.
  25. Mountaingrrl00


    Mandrake is the thickest and sludgiest I've found. The color is fairly light, though.