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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lyndsayj

  1. Only in a newsroom could you get two sub-editors arguing about whether "hardworking" is hyphenated. FYI: It's not. ;) I <3 work.

  2. Four weeks to go oh god.

  3. Can't wait for the phony travel lighting to lighten adult night time activities on Peel St at next year's Festival. Aww yeah!

  4. Having a calm, level-headed and understanding boss when you fuck up at work makes all the difference. Grateful. Lots of food for thought.

  5. Go outside in the dark to hang the washing on the line, feel a couple of cracks underfoot when I step onto the lawn. Figure they're just pegs, think nothing of it until the security lights comes on - find out they were snails. SNAILS EVERYWHERE. So I apologised to the two gastropods I killed and gingerly went about hanging up the clothes, being extra careful about where I put my feet.

  6. I've been single for a year as of today. Look at all the shits I don't give!

  7. Charlie, the cat on the front page of tomorrow's The Leader whose left leg had to be amputated after it was caught in a rabbit trap, looks *exactly* like my cat, Smokey :( Eyes, tabby pattern, colouring, everything. It really freaked me out. *sends psychic snuggles to her cat*

  8. Shout-out to Hales for lending me such an awesome book right out if the blue :) You rock!

  9. Downloaded and am reading "English Grammar For Dummies" via the Kindle app on my phone. Oh God, it's so good! I'm enjoying it perhaps a bit TOO much.

  10. US trip all paid for :D Now we wait, impatiently.

  11. Wait.. Gotye was in The Basics? Now I'm really kicking myself for not seeing them at the Country Music Festival :( Gah!

  12. Just got carded at the bottle shop, lol. I said "You won't believe how I old I am" to the checkout guy as I handed over my driver's licence. He saw I'm 30 and said, "Very impressive." Ego boost for the day. Stay out of the sun, kids.

  13. One of my tweets ended up on the screen during tonight's episode of Q&A. I can now die happy. My inner Q&A geekfangirl is squeeing a lot.

  14. Shelled out for a PO box at long last. Now I KNOW expensive online purchases won't get stolen from my letterbox or doorstep. Fuck you, thieves, honestly.

  15. New Olympus SZ-10 is rocking the Casbah :) Looking forward to using it in the US, but at this stage, ALL of the photos I've taken on it have been of my cat.

  16. Food poisoning is terrible. The chickens are fighting back. So sorry, chickens.

  17. Aww. Bad news - Ballarat fell through :( *sigh*

  18. FINALLY! I got to see "The King's Speech". It was well worth the wait. Even if the movie did open in Australia on Boxing Day, but opened in Tamworth almost 2 months after - and a week before the Academy Awards :P

  19. Three years ago I was waiting with exactly the same kind of nervous, excited anticipation as I am now. Ahh, yes. I know the feeling well. Pleasepleaseplease be good news! (PS Yeah, I might be moving to Ballarat.)

  20. Sometimes I don't know why I bother.

  21. Ryan Reynolds is single again? Does this mean I'm in with a chance?? :)

  22. All alone in space and time/there's nothing here, but what here's mine

  23. Brisbane on Friday, woohoo! Bring on the holidays.

  24. This time next week, I will be cuddling and snuggling my beautiful little four-legged boy and telling him what a shithead he is <3 Can't wait :)
