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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by ouch!

  1. ouch!


    This was a frimp from the lab so thank you lab! I'm really not a fan of vetiver. Myrhh...yes I like! So...let's see what happens. Wet..it's all vetiver. Smells a little nutty to me, a little woody and slightly like dirt. As it dries the Myrhh comes out...mmmm now it's more incensey and I like it more and more as it dries. It's not a tame scent at all and takes a really long time to calm down. When it's completely dry is when it's the nicest, it's like a masculine, musky incense that for some reason has a herbal smell to it. This oil smelled asolutely stunning when I was in the shower and had washed it off slightly with warm water...It smelled like an forest filled with incense!! How do I get this all the time??? Not a keeper for me, but the boyf will smell gorge with this on as he does with Devil's Claw.
  2. ouch!


    This smells like a fancy Orchid, It's very floral..and clean smelling. And I can detect a freshness that I think is the bergamot. I would say it smells a little like air freshener, but a posh air freshener. The orchid pretty much dominates the blend most of the time. There is no earthyness at all... There's not much else I can say about this blend really...it's nothing too special but it's pretty nonetheless! Not really for me though.
  3. ouch!


    Hmm..! The wet stage of this is SO much different thant the rest... The wet stage is figgy, with a bare hint of the wood and a slight hint of the sweet orange on me. At this point I'm thinking..mm. Nothing special really. HOWEVER....The drydown to dry stage is stunningly beautiful. Aeronwen is so so pretty. It changes to a very feminine (On me anyway) light delicate smell, some musk with a tiny bite of something I can't explain. It's kind of fruity, and floral...and there's something really really gorgeus there too. This is in the same vein as some of the Haunted House blends.. namely The Atrocious Attic. I say this because it has that sort of ethereal feel to it to my nose. I wouldn't say this was a slutty scent at all. *giggles* It's got punch but it's not the actual smell of the blend that's strong..it's just the throw. It's a light smell that travels far...Ok that probably doesn't make sense..but nevermind. This scent is a winner! And the first of the grindhouse ladies I've tried. It's gorgeous.
  4. ouch!

    Calico Jack

    This is predominantly an aquatic scent with a saltyness. I get absolutely no leather from this at all...and a tiny bit of musk. It's got a colgne edge to it, which is making it more masculine. I also don't get any kind of woodsy smell from this blend. It's much different than I had expected.. Overall not a standout scent but still pleasant.
  5. ouch!


    This is a really unusual blend and smells nothing like what I thought it would. First off this is sweeeeet. Really sweet like bubblegum. It smells like it might have lotus or something in it. It's a very sweet floral, and there's lots of fruit here too. Once the sweetness dies down a bit this is where the green side of the scent comes forward, it smells dry and green. I'm guessing this is the sage/herb element. This is almost a complete 180 on how it started out. Not sure I like the dry stage as much, Its similar to the drydown of Pumpkin IV from 2007..the sage and cactus is predominent when it's dry.
  6. ouch!

    Stormclouds Over The Midway

    This is like a puff of dark purple incense . It does kind of remind me of Midnight On The Midway in the way that it's dark, but it's not THAT similar. MOTM is much nicer than this this is darker and less floral. It's not an ozone scent for me at all, it's more a perfumey plum scent. It's very dark and brooding. and I can't get any wormwood at all. I think it's mainly plum and opium that this smells of, and I like it. But it's not bottle worthy. The throw isn't amazingly strong on me, and I feel like I need to re-apply quite often. It does make me feel quite fresh though. This would be nice as an evening scent I reckon!
  7. ouch!


    My imp of Hunger is very aged and it's gorgeous!! At first this smells like orange blossom and wood. I have no idea where I get wood from but it does. Before I read the notes I thought there was gonna be cedar or rosewood or something in this. NOPE! Anyway, Hunger is very spicy also and this oil is on the same lines as Snake oil, in the way that it's thick, has tons of throw...(it caused a stir in my office) literally about 8 different people have commented as they've walked through the office. The vanilla is not as strong as I thought it was going to be, Vanilla usually dominates blends I wear. The comments were very very good!! I've never had this much of a reaction from a BPAL perfume, not even Snake Oil. It's a spicy sexy orange after the wood goes, but then it's a tiny bit baby powderish too and musky. It lasts and lasts and lasts, and it's defiantely bottle worthy.
  8. ouch!

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Aw yay!!! Thanks for posting them. I was wondering what they'd look like!!!
  9. ouch!

    Water of Notre Dame

    This has melon in it, and when it's wet it smells like a light aquatic, with some melon. There's a flower waiting to burst forth and it does!! ROSE, This is the same sort of rose that's in Othello, it's that very fresh almost drier sheet rose (I have no idea which one that would be). So the melon only sticks around for a very short while before the rose dominates. Once it's dry, it's now a light aquatic with rose on the top. It is a very clean scent...and is very refreshing. I'mnot sure if it's calming on the personality, I've been quite calm today when I think about it..considering the hour and a half journey to work with the driver shouting road rage insults to other drivers. It's been an OK day. Obviously this didn't work on the guy who drops me to work haha! There's alot of throw and lasting power to this blend on my skin, but there's already place in my bottle box filled by Othello which I much prefer!
  10. ouch!

    Torture King

    The King of Pain, the Famed Fakir. Frankincense and sweet clove, mandarin and bourbon, lemon peel and leather, grasses and smoke, lime and vetiver, ambergris and deep musk. This to me unfortunately is nothing too special. It smells very sweet and brown, and very musky. The sweet clove is very apparent when it's wet. And it's the first time I've smelled it so strongly in a blend, it's actually nicer thanI thought it would be because I'm not too fond of clove in perfume. I was expecting more of a smoky, dark blend. We are talking about the "Torture King" after all hehe . It just smells to me like alot of other things I've smelled before. I just feel like of all the beautiful notes that are listed, I'm only getting a few. I bet this smells gorgeous on alot of people because of other things jumping out...but on me? Sweet, musky brown-ness that's not very special...
  11. ouch!

    White Rabbit

    I didn't know what to expect from this really. The notes are such a mix n match. But I've decided.. this reminds me so much of Ichabod Crane from the Halloween LE's. Except this is slighty more fresh and that is more creay and waxy. It smells strongly of Tea, with the the vanilla/honey there. The ginger is giving it a zing and it's kind of like an slightly sour, out of date cup of tea...with some perfume behind it all. A truly bizzare scent, as is Ichabod. I'm not sure if I like it or not....it still has that sour note to it that's mixed with fruit. It doesn't really change on dry down, it might get a bit more sour but that's it.. I'm not sure what to make of the white rabbit..
  12. ouch!

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    Hehe, it's quite fun. But I've had some funny looks. I think I might just pronounce it like that anyway for the hell of it! *sings* You're a ho....You're a ho! omg I'm going into overdrive, I could even do a special holiday edition.. You're a ho ho ho!!
  13. ouch!

    Fire of Love

    Oh my... This smells like vinegar on my skin and smells very acidy. Like it's almost burning my nose. There's an animal sweat feel to it also.. Don't really know what else to say, this was the first EVER BPAL that I've wanted to wash off!!!
  14. ouch!

    Chrysanthemum Moon

    Oh gosh this is causing a stir in my office hehe. 3 people have walked through and siad what's that smell?? It's getting strange reactions. To me, this smells absolutely gorgoeus when wet, it's a lovely spicy floral with a very Asian feel to it. The dry stage is weird much! It smells like lots of pollen, verging on urine. But nice at the same time. Yeah I know that sounds disgustig but it's all I can say to describe. There's a lot of musk and this is almost like it's got some sort of honey in it. A floral, "Real" pollen smell, with some honey. There is a hell of alot of throw to this, and it's filling our office, I think I should reconsider the amount I apply. Quite an unusal blend. Not really my cup of tea...
  15. ouch!


    This is a sweet, ever so slightly aquatic floral. The Peony keeps it sweet. Thank god there was not alot of aquatic in this because it might have ruined it! It's nice and fresh and clean smelling. Not a scary floral like I've experienced before.. *eyeballs Black Cat*. The tulip is there too.. but it's quite balanced. I'm not getting the grass element to this. I would have thought that the grass element might have been something like Hemp or something haha, considering we're talking about Amsterdam and all... The throw is just right I think, it's enough to waft as you walk, but not so much that I'm knocking people out. I probably would never have ordered this oil on my own, so thank you lab for my frimp!!
  16. ouch!

    Sri Lanka

    This si a whoel lotta wood, and Sandalwood. It starts out a bit more incensey....but after about 10 minutes goes much sweeter. It's a very sweet wood. Not really something I usually would wear, but it's surprisingly nice. I put it on at 7.45 this morning, it's now 9.15 and it's got an ok amount of throw and it does have an exotic kinda feel as it wafts around me. The wood has died down a bit, the sweetness is still there, the Sandalwood has faded a bit more too and it's kind of hard to describe. This is one that I really want to slather to get the full effect. I'm liking it more and more as it wafts, it's quite an unusal scent.
  17. ouch!

    The Cracked Bell

    Wowzers, I've had an imp of this for ages now and am finally using it today. When I smelled this way back, from what I remember this smelled kind of like xmas, a bit resiny. Now? Oh my gosh..this stuff ages very well indeed. It's GORGEOUS! It kind of reminds me (As the previous reviewer said) of Snake Charmer. It's gorgeous, resiny...soft, no vanilla. It's like a grown up version of Snake Oil and Snake Charmer mixed together. I don't get any of the metallic note, I think that's dissapeared with age. And has left behind a rich incensey yumminess that is hard to describe. I should have definately got a bottle of this, and I think it's one of those oils that has slipped through the net. *kicks self*
  18. ouch!


    When I first smelled this the first time, I thought it had almond in it. It might have who knows.. but that changed after a while. Of course..it's the cherry blossom. So, first off it's a whoosh of Cherry blossom and the Anise right behind it. It's very pretty and without sounding like a weirdo, it's strong....but it's light. It's got alot of punch but it's a pretty butterfly punch hehe. There's no sign of the sandalwood anywhere. As soon as I think of cherry blossom I think of beatiful Japanese gardens with Geishas teetering around silently on their strange wooden shoes. And I imagine them wearing this perfume.. It's a nice smell/image moment. After a few minutes the Anise backs off and this blend is in danger of going full stam ahead powder...but thankfully it holds on for dear life!! It's all about the blossom now, with a hint of Anise. It's only as it dries more that the Sandalwood comes though a little bit, the Cherry blossom is holding on though and it goes slightly sweeter.
  19. ouch!


    The Jasmine in this is very prominent, I'm not a hater of Jasmine, but I ain't a lover either... I can smell the tuberose too..it's that kind of powdery innocent smelling rose. I'm not really sure what Frangipani smells like to be honest...but..if it's gonna add another floral element to this then, I don't really need it. I don't think I'd ever wear this outside. It's just one of those florals that I dread smelling. I think the Jasmine may be ruining this for me a little bit.
  20. ouch!


    Once again, I'm glad that I'm getting to review probably one of THE most coveted BPAL oils. And I'm going to put it exactly as I think it. First impressions...Another foodie, not anything amazingly special.... to decribe it quickly I would say caramel/musk with quite a stong wood. I've recently developed a soft spot for foody scents, I disliked them when I first started collecting them a while back. Then??? I probably would have marked this as about a 2 out of 10. Since I've found the foodie love I would probably say this is about a 5 out of 10. Honestly. Yes...it's nice, there is a kind of buttery popcorn element to it, but my chemistry is amping this wood and making me smell like a caramel covered tree trunk (In a good way of course). Dryer still, there's a very faint cocoa smell added in, almost like hot choclate powder. (I can see how this would be heaven for some people) I think there are other scents that are similar to this if you're dying to try it, like...Freak Show possibly? to me it has the same vibe. (Although it's very rare also) There's no doubt I'll be holding on to my imp for a while, I bet in a few months I'll be back here like a shot to edit this review, because I will have finally found what evryone else has found, but until then... this oil is nothing wowzer like I thought it was going to be. ETA: I can kinda see once this is dry that..there is a slight resemblance to Snake Oil, and the vanilla in here is very much like Tombstone when it's dry. It's much sweeter though. No Spice like SO... it's cool. But I'm still happy I haven't fallen in love with this rarity.
  21. ouch!

    Snake Charmer

    Ok....so I'm finally getting to try one of the coveted "Gucci" of BPAL perfumes...SNAKE CHARMER!!! And this is the original version that I got in a swap a month or so ago. So here we go..... At first sniff i'm thinking...is this Snake Oil?? Yup...pretty much on the same vibe as snake oil After 10 minutes or so, I'm still thinking Snake Oil...but it's a lighter less vanillary version of it's popular desired sister. I reckon this would be the blend that all of the people who had a dissapointing Snake Oil experinece would prefer. Although I'm an SO lover, this would probably be the most popular blend if SO wasn't around. To my nose, there IS a difference but it's not a huge difference, it's just as musky, a little less spicy, a little less vanilla. It's less "Thick" less "Overbearing" as SO can be.... ever so slightly cleaner smelling and doesn't surround you in a cloud of serpentine yumminess as much!! Glad I got to try it, but..as long as SO is around, I won't be hoarding and I'm glad I never spent alot of money on a bottle because believe me, I was tempted to a couple of times!!!!
  22. ouch!

    Snow Moon

    Wet on my skin this is a blatant cold piney/eucalyptus smell, and there's a hint of mint too. This is such a morpher though so people that are scared of chilly slushy smells don't give up. My chemistry turns this so sweet on drydown, the cold side dissapears and I get slight floral with lots of sweet sweet berries. Almost the sweet berries of Bewitched or Midwinters Eve. It's such a contrast from the wet stage. The only thing is, it has absolutely no throw and is very very very faint. Not a scent I would say is gawjusss, but it's the second slushy scent I've tried (Snow Bunny was the other) and they've both been morphers in the same way, slushy to sweet!
  23. ouch!


    NICE!!! I'm not usually one for liking masculine smells even though I am of the boy variety! This however is making me go oooh! It's a bit on the lighter side of masculine, and the wet stage is a zesty fresh explosion, with a very slight generic feel to it. I'm not getting carnation at all. I love carnation too so I'll see how it dries. Quite a nice throw too. The drier stage stage says goodbye to the generic "Aftershave" element and it turns a bit more musky. I'm finsing this hard to describe but I'm sure this will smell lovely on most males. It's very clean smelling but not soapy or drier sheetesque!! It's not as nice as Casanova in my opinion but it's still a good one!
  24. ouch!

    Frumious Bandersnatch

    A spicy red scent that does unfortunatley remind me of a candle. A lovely smelling candle but a candle nonetheless! It's like a winter warmer that makes me think of holly and berries and spice. It's a nice carnation wrapped in red fruit. I' don't get the musk so much. It doesn't morph that much really apart from getting slightly sweeter when it's dry.
  25. ouch!

    I Died For Beauty

    This is such a morpher, for the first minute or two this is a sharp sort of smell and I can smell mainly Ylang Ylang and Frankincense. But when it dries it does a complete 180 and goes into this incredibly feminine, ultra soft powdery floral that's like violet, but not normal violet, this is like vanilla dusted violet. It reminds me of my mums powder puff from when I was a child. The smell of that was the softest light powder with a vanillary floral. THIS IS IT!! Which makes me think cool, such a good coincidence of the beauty/make up/perfume thing-a-ma-jig. I was expecting something very different from this due to there being grave loam in it and frankincense. It's really really pretty but there will be no 5ml for me, this is more suited to an elegant older lady, or someone who wants to feel very girly and feminine...