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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by ouch!

  1. ouch!

    Dove's Heart

    Oh my gosh Lavender....backed up by a whole host of screeching flowers. This is headache inducing for me and I'm scared to wear it. I've put a bit on my hand and it's very very powerful. I think if I swiped some on my neck I'd be in trouble! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeavy floral is an understatement. Having said that, the name and concept of this oil is are absolutely gorgeous. Shame the scent itself is such a flowerbomb!
  2. ouch!


    This is somewhat disspointing. I don't really like mint in a perfume, especially when it dominates. (Lick It? big no no) Add to that the fact that this oil has practically zero throw on me. Makes me sad! First off it's a whoosh of fizzy mint, strong mint. Then after about 25 seconds the mint fades, but only slightly and this turns very floral on me, slightest hint of fruit, no bubblegummy lotus. Then it fades to a thin, weak scent within 5 minutes. The best part of this scent is for about 30 seconds during dry down, I get this really really clean, fresh burst. almost like laundry which I love. But it's gone in a flash!
  3. ouch!

    Lovers with Rutting Cats

    I am loving this one!! Vanilla amps on me so, it stays strong on me throughout. Creamy and very sweet at first with the Oud quite prominent. It's foody but not too foody. It's just gorgeously sweet and lickable! The other notes come through a bit when it's drying, and I can detect a slight drier note somewhere, almost like a light wood or something. This is so nice I want to slather. The sweetness of this reminds me of Love's Philosophy. It's along the same lines. When it's dry the vanilla is still strong and sweet, but there's a blend of something less sweet behind, but it doesn't take anything away from the blend at all. It stays gorgeous all the way. Brilliant!
  4. ouch!

    All about plum!

    If you can get your hands on some.... MIDWINTER'S EVE! Sugared plum yummyness!
  5. ouch!

    Tiki King

    This is kinda cool. It's dark coconut, which would make sense considering the description says "Black Coconut". When I say dark I mean it's not a sweet sweet fake suntan coconut. It's more like a shady black one. And it's the base of the scent from wet to dry. The lemon comes forward on drydown and it's Lemon Blossom for sure. It's not..lemon rind or lemon juice. I really really get a Van Van vibe from this...also..it reminds me of Hay Moon. Both of which I thought smelled very similar. It's that almost herbal dry lemony element that's in this blend! The wood is in the background adding to the dryness of this scent but it's not overtaking. It becomes more lemon herbaly when it's dry with a hint of coconut. It's really quite unusual to my nose, and I'm so glad I got to try it!
  6. ouch!


    YUMSVILLE! If you missed Midwinter's Eve?This could be your best substitute!! The desciption of this scent is so brilliant, but the scent is not true to it in my opinion. The scent is still right up my alley though! This doesn't make me think of bawdy strippers and corsets, it's not slutty enough. This is sweet berries with vanilla. The actual base of the scent doesn't change very much, it just get's sweeter on drydown. It's so so yummy, like sweets and ice cream and pinkness! Not red velvety corsets and things. This is an innocent soft playful scent that reminds me a hell of alot of Midwinter's Eve (As I said). I get no burgundy wine, meaning..there is no boozy element to this whatsoever. Which makes me happy because it could have relly really ruined it. The most prominent notes are the two fruits, but they are covered in a blanket of sweet sugar and vanilla! This is a slathering scent for me, I wanna bathe in it. But while I've got my bottle of Midwinter's Eve, I can hold off on buying this in bottle form. Least I know it's there.
  7. ouch!


    This smells basically of wood and the powderyness of patchouli. There's a teensy bit of orange there too. It's ok but it's nothing to shout about in my opinion... (Sorry). It fades extremely quickly on me too which adds to my not so amazing review of this scent. Won't be getting a bottle of this.
  8. ouch!


    This is a beautiful spicy orange when it's wet and I really really like it. Unfortunately..when it's drying it smells like vinegar on me. Acidic nose burning vinegar..So strange. This will be donated to someone else.
  9. ouch!

    Red Devil

    When wet, this smells to me like a whole lotta jasmine! Jasmine and maybe a bit of wood..and possibly vetiver. It's not a terribly complex blend to my nose. And not that pleasant when wet because I'm not really too fond of Jasmine. It only changes slight when it's dry and the Jasmine fades a bit. Sometimes when it wafts in this dry stage it REALLY reminds me of Khajuraho. Really strange. It's in my top 10 LE's so..that was a nice surprise. It goes much sharper when it's dry and slightly more woody. But...overall this is a strong Jasmine blend on me.
  10. ouch!

    White Chocolate, Marshmallow, and Coconut

    Hmmm White Chocolate? I dunno about that. It's definately chocolate though, but it's not a sweet chocolate at first. It smells a teensy bit like fake chocolate to me, like..a chocolate flavoured lip balm or...a chocolate body cream with lots of coconut. I like...but I expected something different. I expected to smell like a Milkybar with some coconut and Marshmallow. Anyway...wet stage..Chocolate and Coconut...not very sweet. Dry stage, the marshmallow comes out more YIPEEE!!! I've basically been dying to try Marshmallow Poof and a forumite told me the drydown of this oil is slightly similar. It does appear a bit more but the chocolate holds on. When it's dry is when is gets sweeter and I'm liking it much more, the marshmallow has made this a mush more yummy blend. But still I'm thinking this is definately not white chocolate. Once it's compleyley dry it just smells like a faint sweetness on my skin. Overall I think it's coo but glad I didn't splash out on a bottle...I'll stick to Sticky Pillowcase for my Marshmallow fix!
  11. Ooooh what an awewsome frimp from the lab! Thank you! Yup...this is rootbeer at first, but a more sweet...yummy rootbeer. This is goooood stuff and one I wanted to try but never expected to like so much. The Sassafras calms down after about 20 mins and the vanilla goes POW! This is Tombstone Vanilla, this is..thick, yummy, make-you-want-to-eat-yourself vanilla. The throw is really good, and the sweetness of it is gooooood! I'm not really sure what Ochnya (or however you spell it) is. But I like this blend muchly!!! I want to slather lots. Must get a bottle.
  12. ouch!

    Dragon Moon 2006

    This is yum! I've had my imp of this for such a long time and never used it. I only just pulled it out today to use for a couple of days. I must have hunted this down when I went on a Dragon's Blood Resin rampage! This smells nothing like Dragon's Blood on me..? Why? hehe. It's still gorgeous though. It's quite a powerful scent and does smell like an Asian/Oriental mix. This is bright, very strong...I don't get sandalwood. this is more like a fruity floral. Lovely! I think this is being dominated by the Tea Leaf, Bamboo and Cherry Blossom. With maybe a tinge of Dragon's Blood Resin. The wet stage is bright, wonder what the dry stage will be like? It calms down a bit..goes less floral and turns more soft & sweet, the dragon's blood has vnished and the cherry blossom has come forward. This really is a beautiful blend.
  13. ouch!

    Hollywood Babylon

    On paper this scent sent me doolally! I was thinking oh my gosh vanilla, red musk, amber and cherry together? Sounds like my dream blend. I was worried a bit about the Heliotrope. Unfortunatley the vanilla gets lost in this, so so strange as I amp it times a gazillion usually! It's still wicked nice though! The main notes are the Heliotrope *groans* and the red musk *rejoices*. The cherry is there too and the stawberry is not the sweet plasticy kinda strawberry usually in BPAL blends because it's being dragged to the darker side by the red musk. Maybe the vanilla will come through later.. Yep it does. Not too much there but it's enough to add to the blend slightly. I really thought I would like this more. I'm happy with the imp though.
  14. ouch!

    Bearded Lady

    Pretty pretty pretty. This lady certianly isn't bearded, she's wafting soft delicateness and vanilla. There's alot goinG on at once in here so it's hard to pick out a stand out note. The vanilla is the base though and keeping everything together.. This is the same type of floral as, white phoenix or The Unicorn. It almost doesn't smell floral at all sometimes. It's just very feminine and innocent and sweet. It's very hard to describe except I can say it's YUMMY! Bit of a bad review sorry, some things really are hard to describe though..
  15. ouch!


    This blend turns very quickly from boozy strong wine, to clove on my skin. I'm not sure I like it very much, the wine is very heady for the short time that it's actually there, then it's gone and I'm just left with a faint trace of clove.
  16. ouch!

    Loup Garou

    Not really a fan of this... I'm quickly discovering that that anything I use that has pine in just smells like Pine. So..this on me smells like single note Pine. Off to swaps.
  17. ouch!


    I was so excited about this one, Red Musk = yum! and Cherries = Yum2. This blend is a perfet mix of all 3. The cherry is the first whoosh of lovliness and it's dark. and sexy because of the red musk. It fades out quite quickly, cherry always does. And the red musk and anise are side by side, equal parts. This is gorgeous in the dry down. I'm totally biased though because I adore red musk. When I keep sniffing it's like the red musk and the anise are taking it in turns to show me who's boss! It's equal..but at different times.
  18. LXVII (67) (I think...some of it has rubbed off) Oh no I got one I'm not crazy over, this is heavy on florals, and O sits behind. The florals are lovely nonetheless..I'm trying to figure out what it is. There is a fresh element to this too. And a bit of powder. The wet stage is not really for me. The whole blend softens alot in the drydown stage, and it turns a whole lot prettier, still that floral/powder element..and the O is coming forward a bit more. This is much more to my liking but I can't see me grabbing this to wear often. The honey gets stronger still as more time passes and it's an even mix of honey, flowers and powder until it fades on me.
  19. ouch!

    Dana O'Shee

    You know one of those scents that makes you think, if this had a stronger throw I'd be all over purchasing it in an instant? Dana O'Shee is a perfect example. Such a pretty blend but gone before you can say MMMMMMM! First of this has an almond/cherry feel to it, but within minutes that's gone and it turns into a beautiful vanillary musk with honey. Such a soft, close to the skin smell. And like I said..the throw on this is just..hardly there. Really wish it was stronger. Such a shame. I might need to get a 5ml and just dump the whole lot over my head to get the right effect!
  20. ouch!


    Erm..what can I say reallly. It just smells like pine...I suppose it's more of a real pine. It's kinda fresh too. But that's all really. I get no berries, no wood...not much else. *is sad*
  21. ouch!

    Event Horizon

    Opium is the strongest note here which I'm not a fan of usually. It just makes me think of an older classic commercial perfume. However...the other notes give this a darker edge and a few people have mentioned the likeness to Schwarzer Mond and I can see the similarity, except Scwharzer Mond is more heavy on the Patchouli & Myrrh. This belnd also has this note I get sometimes with BPAL blends which I describe as...petals that have been stomped on in the rain. Kind of like wet petals. There's also a slight powder element to it and a sweetness. Which makes it alot softer but the opium drowns alot of this out. It's not really a scent for me but I think with the right chemistry this scent could be knock out!
  22. ouch!


    Vetiver...yep..there you are. Big and bold and dominating. I really hope this isn't the shape of things to come because there are so many other notes I want to have a chance to shine. The vetiver stays there. It does fade when the oil is dry but it's still the most dominant note. This blend smells very earthy and slightly incensey. I'm not getting any of the fig...or herbalness at all. I'm not loving this blend...I was hoping for a bit more but my chemistry is messing it up. I'm not having much luck recently with chemistry..grr!
  23. ouch!

    Frau Holle

    This smells like the Lab's classical snowy note with some pine. It's a very clear crisp pine though. This scent smells cold! There is no musk to speak of on my skin..and I'm waiting for the flowers to come out so I'll give it a while. The wet stage though is kinda alot like some of the other snowy scents. There's no real standout difference for me... The snowy side of things does fade slight when it's dry, there's a sweetness to this scent that's very slight. And the flowers are here now too. It's a nice floral for sure. It's not a crazy floral. Quite feminine and still holding onto the whole feel of it being a wintry scent. It's very crisp. Not a massive stand out scent for me, there are others like it. Still pleasant though..and I love the description and idea.
  24. ouch!


    This oil is very Meh on me unfortunaely, it smells very perfumey..a bit headache inducing with a bit of incense. Wish it would have worked though. I'm gonna send it off for swaps methinks. 5 Months later... Ok....different imp has come along and we all know how it can change your view of an oil. This is different. This is very predominantly Blackcurranty and resiny. Very different from the last imp I had. This smells like a more resinous and darker Purple Phoenix. This sort of thing scares me. Coz now I'm thinking...how many other oils have I just had a batch of that I didn't like? *groans* This imp is much more pleasant, still not a knock my socks off scent but..much better than the meh I had before.
  25. ouch!

    Fire Phoenix

    I'm SO disspointed in this oil, or more so...dissapointed in my chemistry. This smells like nothing special at all on my skin. It smells like a slightly foody lemon blend, slightly creamy. It has not much throw at all. Where's all the fire??? Where's all the power? The foodiness dies down after a while and it smells a little bit like lemons soaked in pond water. I get nothing else... This is the most dissapointing phoenix to date. *sniff sniff*