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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by ouch!

  1. ouch!

    Pink Phoenix

    Silliness in the extreme. Vanilla bean, honeycomb, sugared pear, sweet pea and a dribble of strawberry. This is it!!! This is by far my favourite LE blend ever. It smells like dolls! Those sweet dolls that have a scent. YUM YUM it's stunning. I can really smell the honeycomb and strawberry in it at the wet stage. I never really get the pear...and the sweet pea only comes out when it's super dry. It's a sugary vanillary pink fluffy blend and I adore it!!! I want to bathe in it (But I won't hehe) I have to thank Naughteblonde & Enui for coming to my rescue in the swaplifting crisis otherwise I never would have recieved this. You are both shining stars!!!
  2. ouch!


    I've never had the pleasure of tasting a funnel cake unfortunately. And the carnivals & fun fairs in London smell to me like generator fuel, Burgers, hotdogs & sometimes sweets & candy floss. This does not!! This smells like a hint of chocolate and some apple but very lightly. It smells of a pale flavoure cake and a very delicate vanilla. It's delicious!! It doesn't smell very strong on me though, my chemistry is kind of eating the notes. I think I'm going to have to slather. I really really like it because it's not overpowering as a foody smells. LOVE IT!! There is another blend that has this sort of light vanilla in it but I'm not sure. I'll have to come back once I've found it to mention it! Ah hah!! It smells similar to Egg Nog on me once it's dry. That's the one! Midway =
  3. ouch!

    Drink Me

    Oooh interesting. I'm getting a bit of the cherry at first...but mainly this smells like hot butter popcorn and biscuits. It's so realistic. Mmm. I was reallyintruiged about the Turkey lol. This is so edible it's unbeleivable, I like it. But not one I would wear all the time...
  4. ouch!

    Voyeurs Among the Cherry Blossoms

    On my skin this is mainly clean crips cherry blossom and a bit of the vanilla musk. I think if the vanilla musk wasn;t sweetening this somewhat, it could end up being a bit too soapy but as it stands it's really pretty. Where is the moss I ask? I was excpecting a green side to this but nope! It's more of a "Nuzzle your neck" scent, very feminine a cute. It's gone before you can say supercalifragilisticexpeaidosious though. So faint and delicate, and hardly any throw. I have to put quite alot on to get the effect.
  5. ouch!

    The Hanging Gardens

    Wowzers! So much stuff going on here. It's mainly smooth fruit to me. I'm thinking the fig is the main player, but it's backed up by a floral element. Soooo many notes my nose doesn't know where to look! After it's had a couple of minutes to settle on the skin, I can smell a kind of...brown sugary element mixed in with all the fruit and stuff. This is a very complex perfume and way beyond my guessing! I don't get the fresh fizziness of pomegraninte..this blend on me is all about a smooth fruit and floral. Sorry I couldn't review better!
  6. ouch!


    When I smelled this I thought....hmm. Weird. White musk and foodiness! That's pretty much how this goes on me. It's white musk and the caramel when it's wet...then the caramel takes over as the white musk fades and it's straight up caramel. The same sort of caramel vibe found in..Sugar Skull, Triesas, Sticky Pillowcase. I never would have thought of putting caramel with white musk, but it makes for an interesting combination. Not really gonna be a favourite of mine though this one!
  7. ouch!

    L'Heure Verte

    Hmm not what I was expecting. This is a soft delicate light scent. All Im getting from this is the sugar, the lilac and the rose. Mainly the rose though. The sugar is not scorched like I thought it was going to be, you know..like..that kinda burnt brown sugar smell you get in Sugar Skull or Sticky Pillowcase. It's just sweeet sweet dusky rose and some lilac. None of the other notes make an appearance for me, and the oil dooesn't morph either. Where is the opium smoke and the Absinthe?? Ah well..not all things work do they?
  8. ouch!


    ... The Master of Lightning's ofrenda contains red apples, banana, chili pepper, coconut, pineapple, pomegranate and sugar cane. Wow this is the first time I've REALLY smelled pinepapple in a perfume. So, for me..in the wet stage this perfume is all about the apples and the pineapple. There's also a tinge of coconut, this smells like a cocktail. An extra special Pina Colada if you like. Very quickly this changes and goes a bit more nose tingling, like...a bit tooo much. All of the notes blend together and it smells much smoother. It's harder to pick anything out of it now..I think the notes are just hiding. After this it just fades, not changing anymore. This blend is all about the top notes, that's where the magic happens. I never smelled chilli pepper or pomegranate.
  9. ouch!

    Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge

    Oh god Im in trouble. Why did someone have to send me a sniffie of this? (Not that I'm being ungrarteful ) Wow this is gorgeus, and powerful. It's almost like it's an offspring of a less spicy Snake Oil & Storyville. It's musky, and the teak is such an interesting note, to have a wood in amongst all this foodyness. The cream accord in this is stunning, it's like a vanillary thick gloopy smell that's rich and sugary. This is divine! So sad I missed this one. It's seriously gorgeous. The throw is massive, and I don't think you'd really need alot on. This will sound strange, but the musky woodyness of this as it dries makes me think of a more feminine version of Tristran. Dunno why, sometimes the nose does funny things. It's like Tristrans sister. The point where this oil is properly dry is effing bootiful also, the thick cream has backed off and I can smell the wood and something else. Truly truly gorgeous! I seriously can't stop sniffing. *Goes on the hunt in order to be able to slather!*
  10. ouch!


    God I am in LOVE! This is really really hrd for me to pick notes out of, only because there are so many. But..it's defiantely a zesty floral. Rather than describe the notes of this I'm gonna describe the whole thig as best I can. This smells EXPENSIVE!!! This smells like something Chanel or EsteƩ Lauder would do. It's effing beautiful. If I wanted to dress up in a posh dress in drag or soemthing and feel exquisite, Angeronalia would be what I would want to wear. It reminds me of sophisticated women, in posh wine bars. I adore this, I'm a boy...but I have days of wanting to wear something as gorgeous as this and now I'm on the hunt for a bottle. The throw is very intense and I only have to use one swipe and it's POW! This is a winner. WANT!!!!!
  11. ouch!

    Candy Phoenix

    LOVE IT! This is right up my alley. This does have a similarity to Rockstar Soap from Lush! It's very very similar. But the main not that jumos out first is Blackcurrant candies. The same gorgeous ones that burst out of Lunar Eclipse. It's that Blackcurranty gummy sweet smell, but this has fizz! I lurrrve this sort of blend. It's bursting with pink and purpleness, fruit and jolly fizziness! This is such a fun scent to wear and people's noses at work have been following me all day saying I smell like a sweet shop! It's almost like you could drink it! *refrains*
  12. ouch!

    Serpent's Kiss

    God I'm LOVING this!! This is the nicest Vetiver blend I've tried (usually I hate them), and it's because of the Dragon's Blood. Also..I'm not a fan of cinnamon in perfume but this? Ooooh..likey like!!! It's a big burst of all components, Vetiver (But not crazy vetiver), Dragon's Blood & and sharp spice that could be cinnamon or cassia. There are other spices too I think but I don't know what. The dragon's blood dies down after about 10 minutes, and the vetiver takes the lead. The Vetiver is in front of the spice element now too. But it's a vetiver that I like. It's not that horrible massive circumference vetiver. I can smell a green element somewhere luriking in the back at this stage too and possibly some anise. I think this is turning into a bottle want! It's sexy and seductive and I think this will prbably smell really good on men more than women. Don't know why..it's just got that masculine sexy vibe. The vetiver turns EVEN nicer when it's completley dry, the spices and it and have come together to form a gorgeous blend that I want more of!
  13. ouch!


    The wet stage of this is delicious, it's a lovely fresh mango the smells fizzy to me, very quickly I can star to smell the earthyness of the patchouli but the mango is making it bright/earthy. he green tea is very faint at this stage. It turns a bit drier smelling as it dries and the tea is more prominent, now I can smell the fig too. The mango has faded quite a bit, but it's still there. Unfortunately this fades really fast and get's kinda weak, Such a beautiful wet stage but then..it get's a bit ruined by the wearlength.
  14. ouch!


    This a bright fizzy peach when it's first wet, it's lovely and it's the first time I'm really getting to smell the labs peach note. I LIKE!!! The drydown changes though, it's still peach but it's now much more of a dry scent. It's very similar to Peach Pot Pourri like, kinda when you get the wooded bits in Pot Pourri. In a good way of course. I am getting absolutely no amber from this whatsoever, it's basically just a dry woody peach scent that's pleasant. I'm not really sure what Myrtle smells like to be honest, but..this deosn't smell floral..or green in any way. It smells peachy and woody. I much prefer the wet stage, it's much brighter and fun!
  15. ouch!

    Dark Chocolate and Pepper-Smoked Caramel

    Oh gosh... This smells a hell of alot like curry on me, like...slightly of dark chocolate and curry powder. Not good...not good at all.
  16. ouch!

    Poisson d'Avril

    Wow so many florals yet not overpowering and headachy. This blend makes me feel clean and fresh and I really really like it! Not one I would ever go for straight away for the amount of floral but this works. Not really able to pick things out individually, but this is a sweet, fresh...not too overpowering floral, I think this would be perfect for a hot day. Makes me think of summer dresses and picnics and summer straw hats with bown on. Hehe.
  17. ouch!


    This is so strange and hard to describe. There's a sweetness to it, bu it also smells dry...and a bit perfumey/soapy. There's something about it that's turning my stomach a bit..so weird. I do get the whole hay sort of thing and the hotness. But..there's just something really odd about this. I can't tell if it's more masculine or feminine. As it dries it becomes more grassy and even more dry. Almost like there's nettle in it or something. There's a similarity to Hay Moon for me, except Hay Moon had an overwhelming lemony feel to it. I've never smelled a BPAL like this.
  18. ouch!

    Giant Vulva

    First impressions...ay? this is citrussy? What the hell is that? Kind of a creamy citrus. I need to give this a minute on the skin. Ok still getting a strong fruity vibe from this. Almost like when you've eaten an orange and you can smell it on your fingers afterwards. Then...whoa this thing erupts into a blend of beatuy once it's had 5 minutes on the skin. It's got a hell of a throw on it too. There's still that orange peel/fruity element but now it's joined by honey & beeswax amongst other things. it's really feminine and fresh and LOUD! I can't smell vanilla flower yet but I'll give it more time. At the moment though this is gorgeous and very different from alot of other blends. At times, the honey in this reminds me of the honey in Crawdad Dream. But only at certain wafts. Drier still, the orange peel vibe just won't back down. I'd really like to know what's doing this? When it's dry it's get's slightly creamier and vanilla makes an appearance, but still orangey mostly. Such a beautiful blend but not what I was expecting at all.
  19. ouch!

    Philosopher in Meditation

    Hmm. This one to me is nothing special unfortunately. It smells slightly woodsy and resinous. Alot like other resinous blends. It fades very quickly and the best part of it is is the fact that it becomes sweeter when it's dry...but other than that? Sorry..I'm not feeling this one.
  20. ouch!

    The Chapel 2008

    Oh dear this smells like disinfectant on me. Yep..I can detect a sort of wine note but it smells like TCP which is a medicinal anticeptic liquid that you gargle with when you get a sore throat. Yuk!
  21. ouch!

    Penny Dreadful

    After reading the reviews of this one I thought hmm what is this gonna be all about. I''ve smelled the dirt note in Singing Moon and didn't think it was THAT strange. This has that same similar note at first..it smells like earth...but this is like sweet earth. It's bearable but it is definately unusual. It fades after about 10 mins and this goes much sweeter and slightly powdery which makes me think there are resins in here somewhere (Some turn funny me) I think there may be some flowers in here too and there's alot of musk. Not really my cup of tea..
  22. ouch!

    Egg Nog

    You know what?? I've never had Egg Nog before haha! I know..shock horror. But after this I think I'm gonna have to try it. This is so lovely. It's somewhat light. but still yum! The wet stage is a burst of vanillary spice, and a tiny bit of booze. It kind of reminded me of burnt sugar but much lighter. This lasts for about 10 mins and then all the spize and booze dissapears and I now smell like vanilla custard. It's a bit plasticy...but I really really like it. It's such a shame the throw is not so good. This i a close to the skin scent. I deffo feel like I wanna slather this it big quantities on myself. I don't have a bottle though and my imp is now gone for the day because I had to re-apply so much. The dry stage is a soft, sweet, eggy custard sort of vanilla that smells almost edible. I want more of this so I can bathe in it. YUM!
  23. ouch!


    This was a frimp from the lab and looking at the notes listed I thought...*intakes breath through teeth* "Not gonna like this". There are just too many killer notes in it for me. Not too fond of Almond OR Pine OR Vetiver..and a little bit iffy with patchcouli. The vanilla is gonna save this hopefully! Hmm, this is strong on my skin...very very dominated by the resins. I almost get that Cola sort of feel that you get with Schwarzer Mond. Exept there's a tinge of lime & pine there too.. Very strange and not my cup of tea. They're giving the blend a strange green feel that's odd. It's got a hell of alot of throw so..I need to apply carefully. (Which I hate doing hehe). The Patchouli, Myrrh & Vetiver are the main players of this blend and it smells like many other blends with my chemistry that have these notes in. Let's see what happens on drydown. The vanilla does make an appearance after a while and makes the throw of this scent even thicker!! Now it's a slightly vanillary resinous smell. It's the same kind of vanilla I've been coming across in BPAL blends recently like Tombstone. It's the very thick rich vanilla. This oil is so strong it's crazy, one of the strongest I think I've smelled. The lime has gone...but the pine is coming forward a bit too. This is quite a bizzare blend. Drier still the vetiver is starting to drown out the Myrrh & Patchouli, but the vanilla is still there. The pine is going. This finally turns a bit more pleasant and a bit less headache inducing when it's almost dry. The vanilla starts to sweeten things alot more but it's still a strange blend. I deffo wouldn't get a bottle of this. It's giving me a headache.
  24. ouch!

    White Moon

    The chill winds and dark skies of November mark a time of reflection and release, and though the sting of grief is oft-times most painful during this portion of the year, the icy air brings clarity and eases the burden of suffering. These are the blossoms of loss and liberation, soothed by the calm, comforting scent of sandalwood : lilac, calla lily, wisteria, white sandalwood, moonflower, night musk, phlox, and violet. This is very pretty and light. Lots of white flowers...not really a scent I would go for usually but glad I've got to try it. It's very feminine..makes me think of brides, white weddings and floral boquets. I'm not too good at flowers but this is nice. White Phoenix was much nicer though. Sorry bit of crap review but I'm not going crazy over this blend.
  25. ouch!


    Stronnnnng vetiver and cedarwood. There's a slight minty tinge to this when it's wet but that fades and I'm lef twith just the vetiver and wood. Tangerine? No maam! This isn't for me...